They say love is fleeting. That’s especially true for Raijin. The love of his life has one year left to live. I’ll try to update new chapters/volumes when ever I can!
They say your last year in high school is the most magical, if not most bittersweet. We say goodbye to our youthful expressions giggling and laughing at each other, our crisps and bright eyes shining with prospects of college, jobs, weddings, friends. . . We wave goodbye fondly, moving onto the rest of our lives.
It was a bright mid morning in April,I found myself daydreaming as usual, wondering where I'd be next year. Would I be able to do all the things I planned? I just stared off into space as I thought.
But I remember it clear as day. The click of the door, the headsof the students turning like little chickens pecking up for their feed.
Heels clicking on the ground in their shimmering, prim and proper way, directing all attention to him. Like a lightning rod, absorbing all of our energy.
As he walked by, I stared at him, as his eyes were fixed on the floor, noticing the black circles under his eyes. I got flustered and atraightened my posture.
Seto Shunsuke, class president. Beautiful, kind, generous and gentle.
I always see him in the hall as he gently tells me to remove my earrings or, fix my tie. How long had it been since I fell in love with you, Seto? Two years? Even three?
The way you'd look up at me while you'd fix my tie, made me melt. I'd burn up so badly.
What even drew me to you? Your kind eyes, always so shinning and vibrant.
But on on that April day, I was reminded of a tidbit I heard in passing. Apparently in different countries that day is "April Fools Day". Did you know that, Seto?
That day is dedicated to playing pranks, teasing people, telling lies and shocking people.
I don't think you knew that, did you, Seto? Your big blue eyes looked so sad when I think about you that day.
That day, everything came crashing down with a gentle announcement. So calm, so casual, the announcement was as ifyou were telling us to have a good school year.
Seto stood at the fromt of the classroom and said, "We've come so far together, havent we? I'm so proud of us all. I was so excited to watch what colleges we would go to in the future together."
"But I must ask for your forgiveness , my dear classmates."
Yeah, with the casual nature of a reporter telling the news. You told the class you were going to die.
Seto said, "It seems in the next year, I'll be dead."
I felt it all shatter around me, like the world was crumbling, my fingers felt numb. It wasn't real. April, why is this your day? Why do they call it a fools day?
Seto stood there, smiling with with hands together in front of him. "It pains me to leave you all, but, I hope we can have a wonderful year together!"
They say the last year of highschool is magical and bittersweet. You say goodbye to many things. Friends, dreams, goals.
On my last year of highschool I said goodbye to the love of my life.