
2. I am Hilda

Hilda got to school with her cousins and she went to her class without saying a word to her aunt.

When she got to her class she dropped her bag and ran to Angel's seat, Angel was her friend and they both plan things together.


That same day during break, Hilda was going to the cafeteria to get snacks for Angel then Catherine stopped her and said " Hilda where do you think you're going to" Hilda replied to her rudely by saying "get out of way" then she pushed Catherine away.

While she continued walking from her class to the cafeteria she say her classmate Henry then Henry stopped her and said"Hilda I like you please be my girl" Hilda quickly gave a quick sigh and said "you know what Henry, you're not my type..... I am Hilda and why do you think a beautiful girl like me will accept to be your girl and moreover I'm the most finest girl in this school, and let me warn you, don't ever stop me to tell me nonsense" she left him speechless.

Hilda find all her age mate not to be in her class instead she likes young men, she was never like this until she started being friends with Angel.


Henry and his friends James and Eugene were in their class discussing then Angel and Hilda walked in nonchalantly and left Henry and his friends speechless.

Henry was bittered but couldn't share to his friends his problem.

"Hilda doesn't know what she's doing" said Catherine

Rejoicechiccocreators' thoughts