
It Happened On The Cruise (Complete)

Singles cruises are meant to help heal the broken hearted….not cause more problems…right? That’s what one would think anyway. “Go on a cruise they say….be with like people who just had their heart broken….the best part….all the free fuckin’ booze…” What could happen…right?

Theresa_Lambe · Urban
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39 Chs

Chapter 7

"Are you awake?" I peeked at him over my glasses and shook my head. He followed me as we walked off the boat and down to our very little group. "How are you?" I rubbed my face, took my glasses off and looked him in the eye.

"This might seem shocking, but I am okay. I also want to thank you for being there. You, oddly enough, helped ease that little bit of lingering pain."

"Was it the strip tease?" I smacked him in the stomach and he laughed. "I'm glad I was there too, even if that sounds odd. Now, are you ready to do this?" I took a deep breath as the guy in charge of the group walked over and nodded. This had always been a bucket list item and yet every vacation I had gone on, someone who shall remain nameless, told me I never would do it because I was so scared. Not that I was doing this to show him, after all, I wasn't even talking to him, even if he was on my roster. This was for me and me alone.

We got on the bus that would be taking us through the gorgeous island and to the destination. What was also nice about this little trip, a lunch was included, where most other excursions, lunch was not added. I was looking out the window, lost in thought, when I felt Howie shift. I started to turn to look at him to see what was wrong but he shook his head, telling me not to move; although I was curious as to why.

"Don't move. Just keep looking out the window." I did what I was told and heard the click on the camera. "Ah, got it."

"Well, how was the picture?" Howie grinned as he showed me it and I had to smile as well. "That came out really good. Looks quite natural!"

"You looked beautiful and figured you might want a reminder at some point."

"I would." And without thinking about it, the next words just slipped out of my mouth. "I'd also like that photo; can you send it to me?" He cocked an eyebrow but smiled at me.

"Oh, are we at the exchanging phone numbers part of our friendship?" I blushed slightly and ducked my head. I had felt like I had known him forever, like a friendship was already there, so why not already have his number?

"I'm comfortable with that, if you are?" I smiled and quickly rattled of my phone number which he saved. I felt the vibration in my pocket and pulled out my phone to check the message he had sent.

"I really like that photo." I saved his number and then forwarded the photo on to the girls with nothing more than 'checking out the gorgeous scenery!'. I shoved my phone back in my pocket, knowing there would be messages soon enough about who had taken the photo, but I was going to be mean and let them guess. All they needed to know was that I was having fun, and that really was the most important thing.

"Have you been zip lining before?" he asked and I glanced back at him.

"No, actually, I haven't. But it's been on my bucket list for a while. Along with sky diving."

"That's a trip! And such a rush!"

"You've done that? Have you been zip lining?

"No, but it's on my list too. But yes to the sky diving, was about four years ago. I loved it and would tell anyone to try it."

"I will have to take you up on that suggestion." He smiled and we both turned our attention to the front of the bus as we reached our stop.

I would be a fool if I said I didn't have butterflies! I mean, how could you not? Sure, it was safe, not nearly as many accidents, but that never stopped them from happening, right? I took a deep breath and climbed off the bus, Howie right behind me. We watched as they went over the instructions and when they asked who was first, I quickly shot my hand up.

"I do, I want to go." I walked over, got strapped in and gave Howie my phone, ready for the most freeing experience I could imagine. The guys counted down, gave me a shove and off I went, a little squeal escaping, but not of fear, of pure happiness.


We sat down at the table, still laughing over that crazy but oh so much fun adventure. You know, I came on this boat thinking I wouldn't get out of my shell, but once I sat my foot down on the deck, I had every intention of doing things I hadn't before, even if I bitched about them. And even talking to Howie was out of my norm; trust me, getting into personal issues with a stranger was not something I ever did!

We both looked up as the waitress walked over and asked what we wanted.

"Oh!" We both had been laughing way too much to have even looked at the menu. "Um, I'll have the coconut shrimp please," I said as it was pretty much the first thing that popped out at me.

"Yeah, that sounds good." I looked at Howie with a raised brow.

"Don't copy me." We both laughed some more and I slowly stopped as I looked at him.

"What?" he asked when he noticed the look.

"Come here." I pulled my phone out and snapped a selfie of us and sent it to the girls with the simple message 'my zip lining buddy,' then I did something I never ever did; I muted my phone and shoved it in my pocket. I saw the questions they were asking and right now, that was all the tease they were getting. I had sent a couple photos of my zip lining and they were questioning who was taken the photos. But now the biggest question they would be asking would be who was the hottie I was not just talking to, but hanging with?