


Together, curled up on the couch, all five of us watch one of the many horror movies brought by Taylor. Hush, is the first of many, and I don't find it frightening at all, but I still enjoy it. The main character gives me some confidence. If she can survive that with her struggles, then I sure as hell can conquer mine.

Throughout the movie I find myself glancing over at Daniel, who happens to be sat at the opposite end of the couch. Is he trying to avoid me? Did he finally find out what everyone is whispering about? He sat up front, I was in the way back, I sit on one end of the couch, he sits on the other. Maybe I am thinking too far into it. Maybe he is trying to avoid me. Maybe—

/"Hailey?/" Jana pulls me back to reality and my eyes fall upon the rolling credits. /"Taylor and Jordan are going on a walk, Daniel is going to bed, so what do you want to do?/"