
It chases me

On the occasion of her 18th birthday, Auden finds herself in an unfamiliar and daunting world where she is bestowed with the title of Crown Princess. Despite her initial reluctance to accept her fate, Auden is confronted with a dire situation wherein a monstrous creature threatens the safety and well-being of her people. Complicating matters further is the presence of her lover, Elias Zyper, who requires her assistance. Torn between her duty as a queen and her desire to save her beloved, Auden must make a difficult choice. In the face of great adversity, Auden must rise to the occasion and demonstrate her leadership abilities as she navigates the complexities of royalty and love.

Anna_07 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Auden found herself in a forest. She managed to stand against the support of a stick she found beside the tree. She walked toward the campfire and picked an apple from the ground to eat. She rubbed the apple on her cloak and took a bite.

"For someone who almost died, you're too relaxed," she heard a voice from behind. She turned to find herself facing the strange man who had previously carried her away from the Abyss. His voice was deep and rich, resonating through Auden's ear like a low rumble.

Auden became watchful of her surroundings. She stared at the man who stood in front and scanned him thoroughly. She stared at his white hair, fair skin, and red eyes. His eyes were so serene yet had peril lingering around them.

Auden contemplated whether to display her vulnerability or maintain an appearance of dominance. Nevertheless, she concealed her innermost feelings and maintained a facade of strength for the sake of her royal position.

Despite the tension and alertness, there was also a sense of calm and control about her, a confidence in her ability to handle whatever the situation threw at her. It was clear that she was not to be underestimated, a force to be reckoned with. Her posture was upright and assertive, her movements precise and calculated.

"Who are you?" she demanded, her voice so sharp it could cut through stones.

"That's not the question you should be worrying about. It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is when did you come back?" The man replied with a question as he sat down on a log beside Auden.

His composure was open and relaxed as if he had nothing to fear.

"Why did you go to the abyss?" he asked.

Auden remained silent as she observed the situation. After concluding that she was safe and this strange man appeared as no threat she sat down. "Abyss?" she asked.

He looked at her with affection and agony, as if he had known her for ages, "the gate that you went in was an abyss." He explained as he shifted his gaze to the fire.

"I didn't know. I followed a voice." Auden didn't change her gaze, she stared at the man who had appeared out of nowhere. "Do you know who I am?" She asked him.

The desperation in her voice to know her origin was vibrant. Somewhere in her backspace, she had pleaded to God, or whoever was out there, to help her reach her answers.

The man looked at her with the same affection he did before. He then reached out with a gentle touch, his fingers grazing the soft skin of her cheek. Auden didn't flinch. She felt confused about his sudden gesture yet somewhere familiar to his touch. Her eyes kept staring into the eyes of this unknown man.

It was as if she was looking at an old painting like she was trying to reach out to a warm memory that just wasn't there anymore. A tear found its way out of her eyes but her gaze didn't wander away from him. Her eyebrows furrowed and her heart felt like it was finally beating. His hand cradled her face with tenderness and wiped her tears away. He looked at her with comfort yet misery.

His touch was light, yet firm, as if he were trying to convey a message, a poem, through his fingertips. As he caressed her cheek, his eyes locked onto hers, a deep sense of affection and admiration evident in his gaze. The touch of his hand was warm against her skin, emanating a sense of safety. His fingertips moved slowly and deliberately, tracing the contours of her cheekbone as if he were committing every detail of her face to memory. It was a simple gesture, yet it brought much-needed comfort to Auden.

"For now… All you need to know is you were someone who saved me and held my admiration," he had finally answered.

There was a weight to his words, a gravity that suggested he was someone who knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to go after it. It was a voice that left a lasting impression, lingering in the air long after he had stopped speaking.

Listening to him was like being wrapped in a warm blanket, a comforting and reassuring presence that made you feel protected and secure. Despite its depth, his voice was not grim or stern, but rather soft and soothing, a voice that could calm the most troubled of souls.

"Who are you?" Auden had teared up. "Why am I crying?" She had asked, remaining obscure to the reason behind her sudden emotions.

"Pain finds our way to us. Although you haven't learned what is causing this yet, this belongs to you, Auden," he had caressed her face, still looking into her eyes. He had swallowed hard, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. His lips had trembled, and he had blinked rapidly, fighting the urge to let his emotions take over. His lips had quivered and formed a smile.

"It's time for me to go. Someone will come to save you," he had continued. Before Auden could express herself he had vanished. The breeze had blown from the East without a trace, yet was capable of bringing storms. This unknown man had come out of nothing and disappeared into nothing, yet he had left traces on Auden.

Auden had looked around. She had been surrounded by trees, and all she had been left with was a campfire and a few apples. She had looked at her hand, which had been nursed with bandages, and had stared into the fire.


Eve stands outside the forest. Behind her is a city lightened with crystals and in front of her is a forest that swallowed all. She looks behind to see a dozen soldiers, waiting for her command.

"We will halve into a group of two. Duke Edin will go to the lake, whereas I'll enter the abyss." Eve declares.

"Your Highness, the Abyss is dangerous." Duke Edin spoke with a sense of disapproval.

Eve looks at the Duke as she fastened her grip around the horse.

"Don't you think that's all the more reason I should go to save my sister, Duke Edin?" Although, she said it interrogatively, even a deaf would tell it was not a question.

The Duke doesn't utter a word, he bows and gallops toward the lake, followed by his soldiers. Eve turns her horseback as she heads towards the Abyss. As the horse begins its gallop, she sways gracefully with its every step, her body moving in perfect rhythm with the animal beneath her.

The wind whipped through her hair, carrying with it the sweet scent of wildflowers and fresh grass. The horse gallops across the fields, its hooves pounding against the earth, creating a rhythmic symphony. The princess holds on tight to the reins, her eyes closed in ecstasy as she felt the power and freedom of the ride.

Eve feels uneasy as she can sense something staring at her, something sinister and cunning. But, she doesn't look around. From the bushes, two eyes bore on Eve. The pupils were dilated, the whites of the eyes glowing in the dim light of the lair. Its gaze was unrelenting, unblinking, and seemed to pierce right through her.