
It Came At Night

Could it all be a dream? What if she couldn't save her in time? What if she couldn't control her powers? Would this be the end to the life she worked so hard to accomplish? So many questions with very few answers. But now, she needs to run!

Shaleea_Carsten · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Dream

The sweat dripped down my face. The knot in my stomach was building becoming too much to handle. I glanced over my shoulder there was nothing there. I slowed down to take a deep breath. Holding my stomach, I vomited all over the grass. I fell to my knees and rolled over. Laying dangerously close to my pile of sick I closed my eyes. Before I could feel relief there were footsteps. Multiple pairs of them running on gravel. I panicked again and quickly rose from the ground. I could feel the muscles in my legs cramping. I took another deep breath and began to run again. I had to get away! If I'm caught, they will burn me!

The scenery blurred as I ran faster...faster. It started to transform. The trees fading and everything becoming black. I heard the voices of a crowd screaming!

"Burn! Burn the Witch!" they yelled in unison.

Suddenly the crowd was visible. I could see their angry faces. They scowled and grimaced. Some smiling some laughing. The trees were faded completely and had morphed into the people. They stood all around me and I tried to twist my head before I realized I was tied down.

I couldn't move my hands or my arms. I could barely move my neck. I was so tired every part of my body hurt. I looked down and saw the piles of wood at my feet.

"No." I whispered. I have been caught!? But how?

"Oh Yes." a male voice said with a hint of humor.

I blinked a couple times the salty liquid dripped in my eyes, and I had no way to wipe it away. I felt the braided rope pinching my wrists.

Then I saw his face. He had short cropped black hair and a large toothy grin on his face. His bright green eyes filled with hate glared into my soul. I knew him. I couldn't figure out how. But I knew him.

I raised my head to the sky and saw the moon. "Please! No. NOOOOO!" I felt the heat from the flames immediately.

"NOOOOO!" I sat up in bed screaming aloud, soaking wet from sweat.