
Chapter 2: Life

I felt a warm hand on my arm. The heat from it startled me enough to pull away.

"Are you alright? Was it the dream again?" Her sweet voice brought me back to reality.

I lowered my gaze as her head lifted from the pillow. Her hair was a mess and completely covered her face. I reached down and brushed the red hair out of her eyes. "Yes, but I'll be alright, I'm always alright once I realize I'm back and here with you."

Her rose colored lips stretched into the biggest smile while her eyes stayed shut and she blew me a raspberry and turned her head around quickly only to speak something that was muffled by pillow. "What was that?" I asked with a grin.

She lifted her head again and spoke more clearly. "I said I'm glad you're good but it's 4 a.m. I'm going back to sleep. Love you."

I giggled quietly and patted her on the bum and looked at the clock. Bright red numbers illuminated the entire room. Aj was right. It was definitely 4 a.m. But there was no way I was going back to sleep after that dream.

I leaned over and kissed her on the top of the head as I slid out from under the covers I whispered, "love you". I guess I could make some coffee and watch the sun rise. I slipped my feet into my bunny slippers and threw on a robe over my shorts and t shirt I wore as pajamas.

I made my way down our hallway and to the kitchen. The apartment was small but it worked for a couple of girls trying to make a life in the city. I felt something brush against my leg and I jumped.

"Edgar! Damnit! Every time!" I exclaimed.

"Meow. Prrrrft" was the only response I got. I leaned down and picked up the fat black cat and scratched him at the nap of the neck. He closed his eyes and his purring grew louder.

Yawning and still holding Edgar, I riffled through the cupboards looking for the coffee container and filters. "I suppose some light would help, huh boy." and flicked on the light switch. I spoke to the cat quite often when I was alone. Hell I spoke to the cat when people were over too. I placed him gently on the ground and he made a "meowft" sound as he landed and slinked away.

I turned on the coffee pot and walked over to our huge living room window. Our apartment was very modern and everything in it was new. Appliances and furniture all came with the apartment and it was bought and paid for. Being an art dealer in New York City definitely held its perks. The money was good and the hours were whatever I wanted them to be.

Aj was an artist. A successful one. She had her own art museum where she displayed her and other people's art. While it wasn't a guaranteed career choice because we never knew how long the success would last, we lived every moment to its fullest and made sure we were both happy.

The city was beautiful at this time. All the lights were still bright and colorful but in the horizon I could see the sun peaking up from under the buildings. The sky had a pretty purple hue to it as the black of night mixed with the light of day.

I smelled the coffee and walked slowly over to the pot and poured myself a cup. I reached into the fridge and pulled out some creamer and added it to the cup watching the swirls of cream mix with the brown liquid. I went back to the window and sat down.

My life at the moment was good. It may not be perfect, but it was my life and it belonged to me. Only I had control of it and I would try and make the best of it. Today was going to be a good day. Famous Last Words.