
Chapter 62

That Morning

It took another day for Danuja to tell Kana of her idea's and that's just because she skipped classes to look around the school building, memorizing where and what everything was. And to make a route to and from their classroom and the Gardening Club room so there won't be a lot of students around.

It was a much harder task than it sounded.

So it was already Thursday when she mentioned the Club to Danuja.

" What do you think about gardening?" Danuja asked while they were squatted at Dad assigned spot, the dog napping with his back at then while Danuja was feeding Kana those cheap colored candies that the girl took a liking to.

Strangely enough Kana looked more peaceful eating those candies than tanghulu.

" Mm." Kana hummed sucking on a strawberry flowered candy before poking her finger on the school gate. For a brief moment the beautiful girl looked unbelievable lonely.

" I don't know. I never really tried it out."

" You don't like flowers?" Danuja asked almost confused making the other girl laugh shortly

" I do like them. I just never did any gardening before." she said before pausing, adding after a few moments " Though I suppose it would be really beautiful with all those pretty flowers."

" Then how about joining the Gardening Club? There aren't any members so it would be just the two of us." Danuja said reassuring her before adding " It could be like our rooftop spot." she said watching Kana amethyst eyes sparkling before biting her lips

" But wouldn't there be problems if there it's just the two of us? It's that enough for a Club to work out?" Kana asked slightly worried despite her soft smile

" Don't worry about it." Danuja said smirking amused " We will make it work."

And even though Kana looked a little apprehensive she still smiled brightly at Danuja ideea.

Danuja will make it work if it's the last thing she do.


After Danuja talk with Sasaki-sensei

" Kana. " Danuja said startling the girl who was poorly hiding after the corner.

" Oh! Danuja-san!" Kana said surprised before huffing at her. Danuja smiled widely, more of a fanged grin than anything, showing off the signed permission with their names under.           " It's President Danuja." she said cockily making Kana laugh freely and Danuja smile pleasant

" Oh let's go and see the room. We still have enough break time." Kana said excited taking a hold of Danuja shoulder looking at her expectantly, making her smile down at Kana

" Sure.'' she said guiding Kana on the same route Danuja made the day before, making sure that she was always on her right side and there wouldn't be any changes of bumping into someone. 

The Gardening Club room or at last the door was making Danuja revive some memories, memories of shovels flying and blood spraying on the walls. The door opened easily when Danuja pushed it making her wonder how it didn't fall over in the first place before before she sneezed startled.

'' There's lots of dust.'' Kana said by her side, covering her face with Danuja cloth and looking ahead with teary eyes

'' The teacher said we need to clean it properly before doing anything else. '' Danuja said before catching Kana skin reddening, cursing to herself.

She closed the door gently despite her sudden restless feelings, looking Kana over.

'' Are you alright?'' she asked taking Kana arm, where her skin begin to catch color, not touching her anywhere else further

'' Ah.'' Kana said surprised before laughing it off '' It's alright Danuja-san, really. Sometimes, dust makes my skin itchy or like this.''  she said pointing at her arm, wincing when the skin pulled making Danuja tut at her

'' You should have told me. I would have done something in that room before showing you.'' Danuja scolded her like a fool really. Because it was Danuja fault that she didn't though of that part. That she forget for just the briefest moment that Kana has a skin condition no matter how much Danuja herself didn't see it.

Because it didn't act up around you  Danuja though while feeling the bubble of smugness in her chest even now

In response Kana pouted before saying.

'' We should clean up that room soon enough.'' Kana said before looking up when the bell rung again  '' We can try something next break right?'' she asked before looking at Danuja like an angry kitten  '' No more skipping.''


Next class, after asking the teacher if she could go to the bathroom not even five minutes in the hour, Danuja returned to the Gardening Club room while Kana was most probably scribbling away on her notebooks whatever the teacher was saying.

'' Here we go again.'' Danuja said quietly, opening the door once more grimacing at the waft of dust that come along. She gritted her teeth at the room outlook before snorting when spotting the ugly red spots on the walls.

'' Chemicals my ass.'' she said remembering her teacher words. How does blood even comes off the walls? Should she bleach it? But wouldn't the stench remain and make Kana feel even worse? Or should she cover it with something? It sounded more easier than getting the stains off the walls.

Danuja walked further in the room, closing the door behind her before inspecting the place further. Beside the heavy layer of dust, the desks and chairs that Danuja remembers were still there, the same with the rusted tools and broken cabinet.

'' Oh?'' she couldn't help but say when something like a door or a huge window was seen, making her tug on said clap till it opened with an awful rattle. She blinked startled at the 'garden' outside, a patch of earth that was nothing more than tall grass and wet soil from the cold weather in the mornings.

Danuja walked through it, stepping on the grass and messing her school shoes till she catch the fence, another rusted piece of wire that was slowly breaking. She was pretty sure if she pushed the damn thing it would break easily, hell if her dog was here it would break under him in a couple of seconds.

Blinking startled at the thought, Danuja smirked before crouching down and beginning to click her tongue loudly till the familiar sound of nails hitting the ground made her laugh.

Stray Kids [INTRO "樂-STAR"]

You all I can't wait for those guys album.

I eat past today with a spoon of rice. I'm not sure why it was that combination but my mom made it and I didn't want to make her upset if I didn't eat rice too.

It was pretty good.

Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts