
it begins with a flower and it ends with war or the girls take over

'' How?!'' angry Naoto takes Takemichi by his collar and shook him '' What did you do for this to happen?!'' '' W-what,gh...'' Takemichi struggle to breath. His face is shoved in front of a map with Japan and all her cities '' What did you do? What did you change for this to happen Takemichi?'' Naoto said defeated letting Takemichi go On the wall was a map that before, on red was showing all Toman territory. Now on the same map on purple this time, was showing an entire new gang that was clearly warring with Toman. '' Tell me Takemichi, what happen for there to be an entire new gang made of even more vicious people? You repeated this Time Leap, what changed?'' Naoto asked looking more calm, his hands still trembling. '' Pah friend Girlfriend. The one that was in the hospital. Her name was Hyoma Tsubaki. Everything else I did the same, Naoto.'' or that time when Takemichi jumps two times the same day and messes up.

Michiko_B · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5

Takemichi knows that he wasn't the smartness. He does. Really does. So no Naoto is not his fault that he messed up this time after all how could he know that if he just comes back from a Time Leap and then accidentally does another Time Leap he would repeat the first Time Leap. All of this in a span of a minute where he sneezed, lost his balance and Naoto caught his hand.

If we think a little is actually your fault Naoto, couldn't you just push him, not caught him?

One moment he was with Naoto and the next he was back in the Karaoke booth with the same blonde girl. He runs.

Runs until he finds an empty spot, behind a shop, and curls there breathing heavily. Checking the date Takemichi realize that he is in the same Time Leap from before.

When did he touch Naoto hand? ... Does it matter?

It doesn't. He can't risk changing this Time Leap. Naoto will surely have his head if he does.

Ready to repeat it all, Takemichi gets up. But is interrupted by a door opening behind him. A younger man looks at him terrified.

'' Please let me help you..'' the man says quietly. Takemichi confused and a little more scared points at himself '' It's free..just..oh god.'' the man doesn't wait for his answer and pulls him in the shop. Dumps him on a chair in front of a mirror. It was a hair-salon.

'' Ah sir! It's, there's no need.'' Takemichi is pushed by his shoulders to stand down

'' It's free.'' the man hisses '' What was your color before.''

'' Black .'' Takemichi squeaks, the man griping him tightly

'' Wonderful!'' the man says happily

Six hours late, a scolding that Takemichi will never forget and a mop of new soft dark curls, Takemichi leaves hell.

He arrives in time for Toman meeting at last. If Mikey faces was little red every time he looked at him, Takemichi was too busy trying to not make more mistakes.

He follows Draken around the city acting as his bodyguard. He stops to pet and give water to a beaten dog behind a dumpsters. He follows Draken and Mikey-kun to the hospital.

At the hospital door the same dog he petted was at the door, staring with ears pointed. He pets him again. He catch a glimpse of two girls dressed weirdly, running towards him, one with two toned hair in a high braid, the other with brown hair and black tips catch in a ponytail. Maybe the dog owners.

Takemichi looks once more how Draken and Mikey bow to the screaming parent, mourning his daughter innocents. This time though there was no girl holding him back.

...What changed?...

It happened in a second. One moment the father was screaming and his friends bowing, the next moment a nurse was dragging the father away while two girls, the same ones from outside, were barging in the hospital room.

'' Tsubaki!'' two voice screamed before the door closed

'' Mister Hyoma! Please! We can't let you enter her room in this state.''

Ah...this girl name, this girl with bruises and cuts all over her body, this girl that was raped, ripped clothes and scattered mind. Her name, was Hyoma Tsubaki.

And Takemichi though I think this is the moment, when the Timeline broke, little pieces of puzzles left to be gathered once more.

Back in 2017, after Naoto finally let him go and stopped being hysterical, Takemichi took a careful look around the room. Papers scattered around, photos sticked on the walls and at least three computers open. The broken coffee machine was putt in a corner. No wonder Naoto was hysterical.

'' Here. Read this.'' Naoto shoves a paper in his face ''Then tell me everything, Takemichi.''

Fire in a abandoned building. Upon stopping the fire it was reveled that the building had numerous individuals tied up, alive or dead. All of them having a part of their body's cut or if the authorities are right bitten. The police reveled that they variate from ex-convicts, actual criminals that escaped from prisons, psychologist accused of gaslight, parents reported for domestic violence and teachers reported for humiliation, gaslight and sexual assault. The symbol of a Tibetan Mastiff, a breed that become illegal to own in Japan since 2014, was on painted on the walls. It's believed that rumored gang Ueta Inu was responsible, the leader Sora Danuja, know owner of Youth Center in Suginami, Recovery for All in all Japan prefectures and many more, deny's all accusation with an amused smile.

'' Who?'' Naoto shush him

'' Tell me what happened. All of the changes. I don't care if you saw a cat on a fence or a bird poop on someone, you tell me all.''

So Takemichi tells him all the difference from the first Jump to the second one.

'' Let me get this straight...you petted a dog-''

'' And give him water.''

''- and! This, somehow happened.'' Naoto shows towards the new papers and the map on the wall

'' Oh! And I learned the name of Pah friend girlfriend. Hyoma Tsubaki.''

'' Oh..'' Naoto faces suddenly cleared up and frantically begin to search on the laptop behind Takemichi '' Tsubaki Hyoma is the face of all Recovery for All Centers. She was a victim of rape and died at the hospital. And...'' an old article appears ''- A fight between a group of delinquents left behind the body of Osanai Nobutaka and Tadashi Junko, the latter will serve 20 years of prison for recognizing of killing Osanai and mutilating him.'' a gruesome picture appears and Takemichi almost throws up.''

'' I'm gonna call some people Takemichi, here-'' he shows him a bunch of papers and a laptop ''- read through those they are all about Toman and this new gang Inu.'' Naoto leaves. Behind him Takemichi wonders which one of those two girls was Junko.

Naoto plan was looking similar with the coffee machine. On short they are visiting Tadashi Junko, Takemichi doesn't know how Naoto did it and it's kind of scared to think too much of it.

At the beginning Tadashi Junko got seven years of prison, her temper and almost killing multiple guards made her stands before them in a restrain jacket, empty eyed, short hair and too old face.

'' Tadashi-san, I'm here with my partner for the case on 21 July 2005. Coul-'' Junko slams herself on the thin wall that separate them, she stares at the two until her eyes fixate on Takemichi.

'' What do you want to know, of that day?'' she stares at Takemichi eyes while he squirms uncomfortable.

'' Everything. How did you know where will Moebius and Toman of that time will fight. Why did you go alone. '' Naoto says, Junko gaze still on Takemichi. A hand on his knee stops Takemichi from moving.

'' A member of Toman, I don't know his name, he wore glasses though, told me that Osanai, Tsubaki ringleader will be there. I told Haruki, Pah, to get me time, he did. I arrived. Beat the shit out of him, make him hurt. He was already dead when the police arrived.'' she stares at nothing for some time until Naoto moves Takemichi and Junko gaze is on him again

'' If I let Danuja come instead of me..no.'' There's silence in the room, Takemichi feels ready to faint, or throw up.

'' What was your gang and Toman relationship later on.''

'' Mh..from what I know it was like cats and dogs. Though I suppose by this time it's worse...The visits from them are rarer and rarer..'' her empty gaze moves to the side but goes back to them quickly enough

'' Would you still do it? Kill Osanai. If you weren't alone.'' Junko doe like eyes sparkle for a moment before she says with a tiny smile

'' If I could go back in time...If things were different then..I would take my family and make sure Osanai would be alive to this day. Not alive, living, just there...in constant agony until natural death..'' her smiles widens ''-he and his friends that did it..bit by bit by bit.''

'' Thank you Tadashi-san.'' Naoto press a button and Junko is taken away

Outside Takemichi throws up. '' What was the true motive that you brought me, Naoto?'' he ask

'' ..Tadashi Junko doesn't talk with anyone beside the dark haired and azure eyed individuals.'' frantic Takemichi breaths and get's into the car '' You know exactly what this place is Takemichi. We have another stop, then you can rest and Leap once more.''

'' Who?''

'' Pah. He is manager at a Pet Shop. Don't worry, I have the perfect cover story for him.'' he throws a blue vest similar with his own at Takemichi '' Wear this.''

Pah Shop was lively, warm full of animal sounds. From puppy's, kitten's, birds and really all possible pets that could be kept. At the front was a plump woman that after showing their badge and wow Takemichi is a junior detective now. Naoto really thinks at everything.

'' Ah! Takemichi, who would have though that you will become a detective.'' Pah was well not old just more mature looking. Was Takemichi the only one with baby fat here?

'' Well what question do you have?''

'' What is or was one, of Ueta Inu Leader weakness, and one of their weirdest facts.'' Takemichi says and despise the fact that Pah-chin was warned that the question will be about gangs he still looked stunned for a moment

'' Beside the obvious...I suppose it was Draken. And their business with Thailand, I heard that P'Pakin or something like that is big friends with her.'' he claps Takemichi on his shoulder '' Hope your exam goes well.''

Later, when Takemichi was getting ready to sleep, Naoto was still at his desk, new coffee machine beside him he asked.

'' What's their deal with Thailand?'' it just didn't make sense

'' Just go to sleep or I made you Leap when the clock hits 12 Takemichi.''

2005, SETAGAYA, DANUJA HOME, first Time Leap

'' He said that he wouldn't mind whatever I wear, but I know from his ex, from his best friend and from his talk with his mother that truly I didn't eavesdropped, stop looking at me like that Junko, that he likes white.'' Tsubaki throws all white clothes on the bed. Turns to her two best friend, Junko staring resigned at the pile while Danuja has a pile of puppy's at her feet. They were so much better than clothes. They were Suzume first litter.

'' So skirt or pants?'' the azure eyed girl asked excited

'' Can't you just wear your uniform?'' Danuja ask making both of them sigh, even Junko

'' If we weren't pestered and warned for two years I would say the same but still, uniform at first date Danuja?''Junko says making Tsubaki giggle

'' What?'' Danuja says offended '' We look badass in it.'' making her friends reluctantly approve

'' I don't want to be badass, I want to be pretty for him. It's our first date as boyfriend and girlfriend, not just a hang out. It needs to be good.''

Both Danuja and Junko used two years worth of excuses and now they know it was useless to try, even her father liked the guy. But that was more his obsessive behavior of making his daughter happy than anything.

When she left looking all dolled up Junko almost teared up.

'' I don't get what she sees in that guy..he is so..so..''

'' Painfully average.'' Danuja finish. She sighs and puts her hand on her shoulder '' Braid my hair Junko, we can wait for her inside. Anata is already after her.''

Anata was Tsubaki Belgian Malinois, fiercely protective and trained enough to kill if necessary. Maybe it was too much and maybe Tsubaki will be upset if she finds out but better than nothing.

They didn't find out about Tsubaki the next day. Couldn't reach her father and no Member of their gang saw her in Setagaya. Almost a week of frenzy and they find out she died at a hospital in Shibuya. Cause of dead. Suicide. Motive for being in the hospital. Rape.

When Tsubaki saw herself alone in that room she strangled herself with wire.

Later on, Anata body was found close to Minato, looking beaten up, without a ear. The water streaks at his eyes, making a line on his face were clear enough.

2005, SETAGAYA, DANUJA HOME, second Time Leap

It was next day when Danuja got a call from Mister Hyoma. Full of hysterics, sobbing and screaming. He told her the name of the hospital, how Anata come home all beaten and showed him the way, how Tsubaki was hurt.

Danuja called Junko and screamed at her to go to Shibuya Hospital. Then on the way there she called all her girls to go at her house, just so she knows they are all safe.

She finds Junko on her way '' How bad?'' Junko yells

'' Bad enough for a hospital to be involved and bad enough for Mister Hyoma to strangle a doctor.''

They run in the hospital, trading a glance at Anata that was standing in front of the hospital, his fur almost gone, an ear ripped in two and his leg on the wrong side. They found Mister Hyoma being taken away, two boys bowing. They didn't unacknowledged any of them, just burst in the room.

Their friend with wires and tubes on her, bruises and cuts all over. Junko got on her knees in shock while Danuja after reading the file at Tsubaki bed side burst in a mess of tears and screams.

2017, Takemichi Apartment , made Base

'' You goal is to make sure that, Junko doesn't kill Osanai, Tsubaki doesn't die. Make sure Toman doesn't part in two and Draken doesn't die on 3 August 2005. And find out about a Moebius member with glasses.'' Naoto trusts his hand forward '' Ready?''

'' Ready.'' Takemichi shakes his hands with Naoto and the Timeline makes way for him to go through

21 JULY 2005, warehouse

Takemichi looks at the empty, big warehouse. Mikey, Draken and the Third Division members. When Moebius enters Takemichi feels like he could cry on spot.

i'm so sorry Tsubaki-chan, Junko-san. i'm too late