
It All Started With Hatred

Born with a weak body and a deaf and dumb disability, Petal had dreams just like any girl. But unfortunately, she will have to suffer because of her father's dirty business. Two years ago she saved the sister of the most dangerous underworld man, Ethan Wilson, from her father's hands but unfortunately, she couldn't save his wife and his unborn child. For this, Petal will have to pay for her father's deeds and to add to her bad luck she will fall in love with this man. But will Ethan fall in love with her too?. Let's find out what life is hiding for Petal Santos. Follow me on Instagram Author_Cornflower

Cornflower · Urban
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220 Chs

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Not wanting to draw attention and ruin the family dinner. Petal changed her clothes and joined the family at the table. She tried to act normal. Luckily the wound on her head wasn't in a place that could be seen.

She ate her meal while listening to family's chatting with each other. When she came downstairs. The first thing that Lana did was introduce her to Pearl. Issac's girlfriend. The girl seemed nice and Issac seemed to care for her.

The news about Pearl's pregnancy was revealed on the dining table and everyone was happy. Including her. After congratulating the couple. Petal excused herself going upstairs saying that she is tired and to rest. 

Ethan watched as PetaI climbed the stairs as he sipped from the cup of wine in his hands. He could see that she was scared. She must be. Anyone will be in her situation. But he found out who did this. He already sent his man to investigate what happened and find out who is behind this.