
It All Started With a Spark

Sara, a young sorceress in training tends a normal school just like everyone else but she is forbidden to use her magic in school, it's only when she's at home in her cabin that she can train her powers. A dark power has taken over the portal to her place of birth, which is not on earth but another dimension. She has to find a way of breaking the dark power by using her own against it.

RavenValentino12 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

I lay on my bed with my boots hanging off the foot of my bed, one arm behind my head and resting on the pillow and my book floating in front of me. I heard a knock on the door and it was my goblin. "Your food has been cooked and is now on that table downstairs," it told me.

"Okay," I said swinging my boots off the bed and catching the goblin and pushed it to floor, it let out a tiny squeal and it thought I didn't hear I just sighed and skipped down the stairs and in front of me were floating candles and a jug pouring my drink into my mug for me, with a click of my fingers the chair pulled itself out and I sat down. I was starving and began to scoop up food onto my folk and lifted it to my lips.

My kerrang magazine floating and turning pages with the power of my mind, I yawned it was the same old bands and nothing new was happening, when I finished dinner I went upstairs and continued reading my book, a goblin stood outside my door ringing a bell. "Miss it's time for bed, it's midnight," it said over and over, even when I was in the bathroom trying to clean my teeth or use the toilet.

"I heard you the first four hundred times!" I yelled as it went on and on till I finally was in bed with the sheets pulled over me. They locked my door but I was so used to it no longer bothered me, they were effectively also my body guards, making sure the darkness couldn't reach me. But it didn't stop the darkness plaguing my dreams. I woke up in a dark forest, my hands and feet bound by black vines, even the rain was black. I could just about make out a grey ram-like skull floating in front of me, a cloud of black smoking behind it.

It seemed to growl and hiss as it continued snaking its black smoke towards me, a talon skeleton hand reached out from the ebony fog and wrapped it around my chin and forced my head to look at its burning crimson eyes. "You will never escape me!" It hissed, a snake-like tongue dancing over its serrated teeth, it then licked my neck. "I can taste your fear," it continued.

Even though I panicked I managed to steady myself. "You will never take me, I will find a way to defeat you," I replied and spat in its face, it coiled back and screeched in a high pitch manner. I turned my head away and squeezed my eyes shut as it was unbearable but I couldn't escape. It then floated back towards me.

"You will pay for that!" It exclaimed and squeezed my throat with its talons, it caused me to gasp and squirm under its grip, and that was when I woke up and the black sprinted out of my window as I caught the tail end of it.