As I heard someone calling my name, I stood up walked over to the phone. I tried to call 911 but something was holding me back. As I thought to myself," What if there is a hidden door that needs to be found? If I find it, will it get rid of this little girl?" Maybe I was crazy, I really thought I was crazy. Not because something was holding me back, but it was because I had moved into this place recently and ghosts started to mess with me at night. I knew then that I had to move away and never look back to get a fresh start. Make new friends, meet someone, have a few kids, and NO HAUNTED HOUSES! I had remembered there was a key in a drawer that I found and a small doorway by the basement door. I ran for the key but it felt like I ran into an invisible wall because I was getting pulled back again. Why would they want to keep me away from it? Just the I felt a slap on my face, then again, and again. Then I finally woke up. I immediately ran towards the drawer I was getting held away from and grabbed the key. Started keying around the doorframe. I finally opened the door, I saw a little room. A few hours after I found it, I locked it and I went to bed. At about 3:06 am, the door was wide open.