
It's weird.(BL Omegaverse)

Xuexi_xiao · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Nine: Maybe meet up.

Biyeol then dialed a number and luckily someone on the other side picked it up.

(In the call)

" Hello, who is it? "

" Fcking dipshit its me. Yamato Biyeol."

" What the fuck? Aye bro you still living?"

" This 시발 색기(Fucking bitch), die."

" Gahh. You are still frustrating."

" That's not important. I just wanna meet you again."

" Alright. How about tomorrow?"

" When and where? Cause I don't trust you. "

" Fuck. I don't even like omega."

" Again. I. Am. Not. An. Omega. I am a freaking Alpha."

" Then why are you short?"

" I am now taller like any other alpha out there."

" Alright. Tomorrow at lunch time at the cat cafe."

" Cliché but ok."

(Call ends)

Biyeol then sighed in frustration as the call ends. I then sat on her lap and holded her hands and putted my head on her shoulder. Biyeol then wrapped her hands on my waist but suddenly Biyeori opened the door and looked at us with a grin.

End of Hikari's Pov.

I entered sister Biyeol's room to bring Hikari as I heard my sister talk to Kanouki-san. I was shocked and happy at the same time as I saw them being lovey dovey. They cough and got up. I then grinned and said, " I knew it! I'm happy for you tho."

Siter Biyeol then made me sit on the bed and said, " Oh my baby brother, don't mother about it now. I will say when its the time." I nodded.

She then continued, " I know Arashi for a very long time. I told him to meet me and I want you to go with me." I then replied, " You mean Kanouki-san? Wait something's not right." Sister Biyeol then said,M-meet me? NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. I ain't gonna meet him. At least not now."

Sister Biyeol then said, " listen here kiddo. This child is not only yours but also his. As the father, he should at least know about his littles exsistance. I know he is a brat and you don't have feelings for him but he should know about the person who is carrying his baby. "

I then said, " But sister-" Sister cut me off and said, " I told yo do ao and have to meet him. He gotta accept his doings and perform his responsibilities. So before lunch time, I want to to get ready. I will pick you up. And mom's coming after a while and you have to act like Arashi is your husband or boyfriend."

I sigh and accepted it. So guess that I am gonna have to meet him.

<to be continued >