
It's weird.(BL Omegaverse)

Xuexi_xiao · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter Eighteen: Distraction.

I was too mad as I would only eats apple from the past few weeks. I wonder if I eat so manny apples, i might become one!

Being restless, I tried reading a bl manga(japanese boy's love comic). It was okay in the beginning but then the next page got me shook. I thought not reading it now would be the best idea but I'm too curious to know what happens next. I deeply sighed before putting on my headphones and listen to some random ass podcast and took the book and started reading it with a straight face on.

One after one page had smut scenes with great details. At this point I can't stop thinking about Kanouki doing this to me. While reading and fantasizing, I felt a tap on my shoulders. I turned to see who it was.

To my surprise, it was Kanouki san. I got to embarrassed that I threw the book a across the room and stood on the bed and said, " I WAS JUST TOO CURIOUS TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. ITS NOT LIKE I AM ANY SORT OF PERVERT WHO GETS HARD AFTER READING A HEAVY DETAILED SMUT MANGA." Kanouki san crossed his arms on his broad chest and looked at me, in a flirtatious way and said, " Uh huh. I didn't even ask you any question and yet to answered me in such a manner. Intresting."

"I thought- shit. Ahhh-" I groaned in annoyance. Kanouki smiled as picked me up and sat on the bed as he put me on his lap. Before I could ask him something, I felt his hand brush over my dick. "Heyy- don't."

"You said that you are not a pervert who gets hard after reading a 'Heavy Detailed Smut' manga. So what about it now?"

"Well it's because you touched me"

"Just for brushing across it once can make u this horny? You look like you're gonna brust at any point."

"Guess I am a pervert then. And what do you think you are gonna do about it?"

"Baby you know you are carrying our child. So can't really help much. I can't put you two in danger."

"But a little exercise won't hurt you know."

With that I lost my sense and undressed myself while I kissed Kanouki san. His hands were on my waist and on the back of my head grabbing my hairs as he couldn't hold back anymore. We were getting into some sexual tension and was about do it until we felt the baby squirm in me.

This made us come back to our senses. Kanouki san put me on the bed gently and said that he got some work. I got frustrated and called Hikari(incase yall forgot who Hikari is, Hikari is Biyeori's bestfriend and his sister's girlfriend)


"Why are you acting like I destroyed your precious time? All I did is just call you."

" Bitch I ain't got no time for that. Tell me you something."

"Okay first of all why are you so mad at me?"

" I'm not mad. Its just you haven't shown up in months. No calls or text. "

" I did text you back-"

"don't you even dare to say that shit to me. You literally dry replied me and kept sending me reels and cat videos."

" Its not like you hate cats. Anyways as you know I'm pregnant and living with Kanouki san that's why i haven't called or texted you in years."

"I know but*sighs* I literally thought you died or something."

"Bruh fuck you. Okay leave it and listen to what I say. "

"Not this delulu shit again."

"What the fuck do you mean? Anyways. Listen. So I was reading this manga to distract myself from morning sickness, right? Alright so without knowing that this manga had smut scene, I started reading it. Real heavy ass smut. I can't even skip the part cause I wanna know what happens next. And I had my headphones on too."

" yeah so what?"

" I was caught by Kanouki while at it. ALSO THE FACT THAT I GOT HARD."

" Damn. Finally some good tea."

" We were about to do it, right? But our fucking baby squirms whenever it wants and ruin our moment."

" Wait. Its moving!! Bro I'm so happyy"

"I know I should be happy but I'm active right now. What am I suppose to do?"

"Masturbate or sleep."

"Bruh. You're no help."

" You know what. I have much important stuffs to do. I'll be meeting you soon.So bye."

With that she ends the call. Like what in the actual hell.

<to be continued>