
It's u

Stephanie_Bonsu · Urban
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13 Chs

The three best friends. Hailee's pov

I woke up the next morning stretching on my bed to see what time it was.

"Shit! I'm late" I cursed as I rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.

Diner at Jay's place was actually really nice. And Chris too, he's a really nice guy. I like him.

And Josh had texted yesterday that he wanted to spend the weekend with me and I was already late to pick Vicky up.

I literally run when I got off the cab. Fortunately she hasn't arrived yet.

"Phew! That was close" I heaved a sigh of relief as I bent down to catch my breath.

As soon as I raised my head I saw someone that looks exactly like Vicky.

"Vicky?" I said more to myself than calling out to her.

The person turned to my direction and I saw my best friend.


"Hailee!!" We said simultaneously as we run to hug each other noisily. All eyes were on us, some probably thinking we were crazy or something but we could care less.

I mean mind your own goddanm business people.

"God, I miss you so much" she said with a huge smile on her face

"I miss you more"

From the airport, we headed straight to my apartment.

"Okay, okay, I see you girl, nice place you got here huh?" She said making me roll my eyes.

My old apartment was way too far from my work place and I didn't have a car so I decided that since I don't have a car yet why not get an apartment that's near the bus stop.

I know I'm a genius.

"Take any room you want and get some water on your body I have someone coming over"

"Ooh who?"

"Is it Jay?" She added giving me a side look

"No, it's Josh, a guy from work"

" And just so you know he's gay"

"Oh okay"

"Yeah" I said heading to my room.

I laid on my bed with my eyes closed. Just trying to relax and clear my head a little bit.

"Hailee, Hailee wake up" I heard Vicky's voice in my dream.

Oh my God, did I just fall asleep?

"Mmh mmh"

"Wake up Josh is here" she said shaking me one last time.

"What?" I said in between yawning. Wow I guess I'm really tired.

"Josh? He's in the leaving room"

"He's in the leaving room? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Dude did you hit your head? He just got here and I just woke you up"

"Anyway I think I finished some things in the fridge" she added

"Don't worry, I'll go get some groceries tomorrow" I said getting of the bed. I know this was going to happen. Vicky loves food and I don't know how she manage to keep that body fit.

"Hey Josh" I said hugging him

"Hey sleeping beauty"

"Well since you're here why don't we just hang out here instead, maybe watch a movie or something" I suggested

" That's fine by me"

"Great. I guess you've already met Vicky"

"Yeah and I like her already. We could be like the three best friends" he said with a big smile and holding us my the shoulder.

" I like that" Vicky agreed

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