Alright, first things first. I apologize for the last chapter's errors because, there were a lot.
I was racing with time at that moment for a personal matter, sorry about that...
And as for why I was not able to fix it immediately, well... the bastards decided to weaken the internet connection in our area.... right, really hateful.
But anyways, I have already fixed the chap and also patched up the remaining possible "would be" plot holes in the future, and it's your choice if you want to re-read it again😆
And lastly, ENJOY THE CHAP!!! 😜
[With Kross...]
As soon as the light died down, I looked towards the egg and boy, I tell you, it's amazing.
The egg grew another half of its former size.
It continued on floating in the air as it gently rotated, all the while giving off a mesmerizing light of crimson and gold.
From time to time, golden lines will appear and run across its surface before it will dissappear again.
But one thing that I noted though, the lines followed a certain, how do I say this... the lines follows a certain route, like electricity... That's it! The lines looked like a circuit!
Man, why didn't I get it immediately~.
But that's not what captivated my eyes, no, our eyes.
It's the sillohuette inside that keeps on flashing, showing an illusion of a dragon as it soared through the skies and roars, and spreading out its three pairs of wings majestically.
After a while, it gently floated towards my direction and landed in the middle of my crossed legs.
Reah uttered as soon as she snapped out from the spectacle.
"Say, brother-in-law. That sillohuette, that wouldn't be... oh, it is, isn't it?"
He asked, but he immediately realized it himself as he chuckled.
"Yes, it is."
I answered in confirmation as I put on a smile and looked at the egg.
'Hm, this feels really warm... It feels like I'm close with it, in an intimate way... Like a family? Weird... kinda?'
"I see. Now I'm even more sure. Not only are you a dragonborn, it is even more possible that you're an [Apostle]."
Aultrec continued.
Hm, [Apostle]. Now that's a word I didn't hear for a long time.
"Hm, what do you mean exactly, big brother?"
Reah asked with curiousity visible in her eyes, as well with the others.
Welp, couldn't really blame them, I'm the same...
"Remember one of the old tomes left from the era of the Overdragon?"
Aultrec asked, his question directed at his two siblings.
The both nodded their heads, but were still confused.
"There's actually a second tome, an extension of it but was kept by the elders for some reasons unknown. But because I'm next in line for the throne, I have full access to any hidden informations, such as this one. We'll, let's get back on topic. As you have already known, dragonborns are people with a dragon's soul in a mortal's body, which gave them access to their own draconic bloodlines, thus making them able to use their abilities. But that doesn't mean they are able to take on a full dragon form, except..."
Aultrec said as he paused and looked at me directly.
Okay. Now this is kinda making me a little nervous.
Well, not just me, even the rest of the gang are looking a little worried.
"Except if you are directly blessed and was given divine protection of the Overdragon God."
He finished which made not only me, even including the others dumbstruck.
This info is really just too shocking.... For them at least.
Considering what I have gone through before reincarnating. Meeting the granddaughter of 'The Origin' herself, maybe this isn't too farfetched after all.
And thinking about it now, it does kinda make sense...
Maybe, without my knowing goddess Minerva gave me the Overdragon God's divine protection or 'He' himself gave it to me, I just don't know why... And for the record, is the Overdragon even a 'He'? The 'She' possibility can't really be ruled out at this point. Not like I've met them, anyway...
"I see. So, what now?"
I asked.
I really need to. Don't really know what my actions should be after this information came out to light.
As for how I'll confirm this, maybe it's time to check on my stats after a long time?
Yeah, I'll do just that.
"Well, nothing. *Chuckle*"
He said with a light chuckle as we all just looked at him in a deadpan stare.
Snapping out of my thoughts, I asked back immediately.
"Wait, you serious? No religious preechings and what not? Something like that, or some political shenanigans? No? As in nothing?"
"No, as in not a thing. Well, if it was five centuries ago, that would've been the case, but that system have already been taken down now. As for what you'll have to do, as I have stated, nothing. You just continue with your life and be happy. Besides, even if the elders from Dragonariah were to know of this, there isn't really a reason for them to complain anymore. After all, you and sister are basically engaged, albeit unofficially."
He said, which made me sigh in relief, but what he said in the last part still made me go red, but still relieved.
"Thank God that's the case."
I said as I let the tense feeling in my chest out of my system.
"Mhm. Now, everyone. I believe that it's already getting late, and we did have a pretty uhm... exciting day after all, so I'm guessing that all of us are exhausted?"
"Yeah. But what tired us most were just-"
Aia said but before he could even finish what he's about to say, Elen looked at him with a smile on her face with her eyes closed, definitely already gave him an idea what that look is promising.
He gulped as he rephrased his sentence.
" Uhm, yup! Let's go to bed now, everyone!"
"Oh, by the way! What are you guys gonna do tomorrow? Any plans?"
Clarret asked which made all of us think for a moment.
I thought for myself and suddenly remembered something.
I stood up after gently laying the egg on the ground, grabbed my shirt and hoodie from my Inventory, putting them on, and picking up the egg, I answered first.
"Well, I think I'll go on hunting for a while tomorrow. And there's also a place I wanted to visit."
"I see. Well, we also have to do something for tomorrow, so maybe next weekend?"
Stated Kai.
The others also said the same.
"Hey, Vivi. Do you also have something planned for tomorrow?"
Reah, suddenly asked Sylvia who have been quiet, as always.
"Mm. I have to help grandfather in some of his papers."
"I see. Well, that's a let down. Say Kross, can I go with you?"
She turned to me and asked with hopeful eyes.
I was about to answer but Aultrec interjected.
"Now, now, little sis. Did you forget about the task given by our father?"
"Oh! Right, we have to do a report on what happened during our time this past week."
Reah answered weakly.
Damn, that's just extreme. See, even Clarret wants to whine already, probably forgot about it.
"Well, then. Everyone, let's retire for the day. I need my beauty rest now."
Iris stated with a clap.
"You know it~."
Elen added as she giggled, and the rest of the girls followed.
Hais, girls will be girls no matter what world you are.
[The next day...]
Alright, let's see here. The plan for today is to go out to hunt and stock up on [Earth Essence]. Even though I didn't even use mine, it's still better to have more readily available the moment I needed it. And for that, I need to buy some empty potion vials, so let's settle that first.
I walked towards the biggest apothecary in the capital and bought five crates which contains twenty-four pieces of empty bottles.
Honestly, it was really cheap as it only cost me five silvers.
But meh, good thing for me then. It's cheap so it's cheap, no questions asked.
I did try looking for any useful potions, but didn't find any. As most of the potions available, the [Earth Essence] could already cover it, and even more so.
Getting out of the hospital-sized apothecary that looked similar to a pharmacy, I hailed a levitating carriage for a quick ride towards the gate.
You ask why? Well, why not? After all, not only was it comfortable to ride, it will even let me travel faster inside the capital, and it's less time consuming than walking towards there.
And besides. Hello~? Flying inside the capital have been banned, remember?
Anyway, fun facts that I got to know yesterday, even though levitating carriages are really comfortable to ride in, it isn't the same for normal carriages... Freakin' Fairy Tail reference, and even nerfed it? My God.
I really want to meet the as-*ehem* one who made the laws of this world and have a face to face conversation.
But anyway, I got out of the carriage that immediately sought another passenger after getting paid.
I walked towards the gate and met Agon, but not Olivia, seems that she's busy, exchanged some pleasantries and got permission for passage.
I don't even know how they were able to endure this. Inspection for everything, and every time.
But, can't really blame them, that's their job after all.
I walked away on a medium pace, once I was far enough from sight so that I wouldn't cause a commotion, I brought out my three pairs of wings and took of, breaking the sound barrier at the same time.
Huh, guess I did improve after all.
I'll fly at my full this time, can't really afford to go slow like last time, I still have class for tomorrow after all.
Oh! And if you are wondering what happened to my egg... Wait, that came out wrong. I mean, it's entirely wrong, it's just... it sounds a little off, so let me rephrase it.
The egg, my [Faux] incubator. Wait, that actually sounded a little better, okay then, let's settle with this.
Let's continue. Apparently, other dragons just keeps their [Faux] incubators in their storage rings, from there, they will set it so that their rings will automatically suck their mana which then will be absorbed by their incubators, but it's even more easier for me.
My Inventory is basically already a part of me, so even if I don't do anything and just keep my incubator inside, there's nothing fro me to worry about 'cause it will be autonomous.
And surprise surprise~!
It even have a setting for doubling the time of maturation!
Seriously, maybe I should really try to experiment with my Inventory. There's just so many hidden functions yet to be discovered.
Or is it added the moment a certain something happened, depends on my actions?
Well, that's where it gets complicated... So let's just leave it after all.
Flying with the speed of sound, it only took me an hour and a half what took me two and a half days last time.
Wow, the difference.
I was already in the vicinity of the waterfall where my cave is located, but the air seems a bit different than the last time I was here.
Too different, in fact.
The air is more concentrated, and the mana in the surrounding is denser by several folds!
How did this happen?
On second thought, what has happened?
I looked around whilst floating about fifty meters from the ground.
Different types of magic beasts began to make the area their home, and were a LOT of them.
Not only that, some are even close to the strength of the poison dragon I fought last time when it's on its full size.
Five of them, exactly.
Two dragons, like the poison dragon, but these two are both colored black, but in no way do they look beautiful.
Another one looks like a mix between a lion and an eagle, that's right, a gryphon.
And the last two were giant snakes, wait, let's call them pythons at least.
It seems that I'm not noticed yet, so I'll take this chance to appraise them. Who gave them permission to invade my territory?
"Alright [Appraisal], do your thing."
[Black Lesser Dragons]
Levels: 75 - 78
Level: 80
[Lake Pythons(Converting)]
Level: 78 - 80
Alright, I take it back. These guys are way more powerful than that one.
Maybe it's because of my own power up that I think they're weak? Meh, most probably.
But anyway, this may sound ridiculous 'cause it's actually is, what's a pair of Lake Pythons doing close to a waterfall?
And what's the meaning of this (Converting)? Does that mean that their changing to a pair "Waterfall Pythons", "Falls Snakes", Haha... That one actually sounded funny but anyway.
Better get rid of them first and deal with the other minor magic beasts. Most probably, they will just flee the moment the fight started so no need to worry about them.
It's still a little relief that there's no sign of my cave getting found out, and the fact that the the five beasts are in different directions, well, mostly.
Wouldn't want all five of it to go toe to toe with me. Sure, I'm confident with my strength, especially with all those 'training' I've been through this past week.
But sneak attacks are still worrying and could be fatal.
And besides, Murphy's Law is a b*tch that even in another world it's still haunting me.
I shook my head to get rid of the unnecessary thoughts and focus on what's in front of me.
A great way on venting my frustration that's what!
"Alright! Let's do this sh*t you b*tches!"
I shouted out loud with excitement clearly heard in my voice as I was encased in bright crimson light.
After the massa-*ehem*, the fights which took exactly two hours plus thirty minutes of driving out the rest of the minor magic beasts, I was finally done with repairing anything I could.
Well, just covering the craters and putting out fires mainly, and the rest will be up to the nature.
It's not like I have the capabilities to do it myself, so yeah. I'll leave for mother nature, Terra as a whole.
Besides, with the man's density here that increased for some reason, I'm sure it won't take long for this place to be back to its former beauty.
Speaking of which, the source of this sudden increase in mana density.
I already have a general location of the source, but definitely no idea of the direct source of the ''thing". No, nada.
But anyway, let's get up to my cave. After all, that's were the mana is densest, that not because of the 'something' that somehow managed to mask its location, could immediately be found.
I flew up, still in my dragon form and passed through the water curtain, washing away all the dirt and dust that have stuck to my body in the process.
After getting a little dry, I walked towards the interior and changed into my human form.
I didn't notice this when in my dragon form, but this place is massive!
Just looking at the whole space in my perspective, I say I can even fit three gigantic mansions in here!
Looking around more, it's as beautiful as I remembered. Oh, especially that chandelier.
Yep, definitely getting that when I have my own mansion.
But let's leave for later as I say, there's a more important matter right now.
"Let's see here. What are you to cause such an effect to the mana in this area~"
I mumbled to myself and looked around and something immediately caught my attention.
There, at one corner of the pool of [Earth Essence], a black looking bead keeps on shining and rotating while floating in mid-air, all the while sending out some kind of energy.
Tracing it, the said energy then is getting mixed with the surroundings... That's it!
So this bead is the source!
I walked closer, cautiously.
When I was just an arm's reach from the bead, I stopped on my tracks and stared at it, I was mesmerized by its unique beauty!
It's only as big as large sized marble, but it's interior looks like a cluster of stars!
And all those stars are forming multiple swirls, into galaxies and another one that's much bigger than the rest, enclosing all those star clusters into another big swirl!
But big swirl isn't alone, there were multiple of them!
Oh! I get it now!
These were not just some star clusters, these are universes!
And this whole bead is like a model of the multiverse!
I reached my conclusion, and as if to confirm all that,
[*Ding!* Dimensional energy detected...
Locating source...
Source located.
Multiverse Bead have been discovered.
Possibility of integration detected.
Permission to integrate the Multiverse Bead with the System, proceed?
"What... The... F*ck..."
[Author's rants: Booyah!
How'd you like that?! Gyahahaha~.
Anyways. Crossover will start in the next chap, so don't miss it! 😆😆😆
I hope you have enjoyed the chap!]