
It's Supposed to be a Secret

Emma has been heartbroken after her engagement with Zack Reyes has broke off. She also get pregnant after a one-night stand incident with a stranger. Emma fled the country and build her new life. Upon returning to her home country after six years, Emma as a single parent tries to live a simple life and low profile while focusing on raising her sons. She has no intention of being involved with her past acquaintances, however, life is unpredictable. Emma tried to keep all her secrets hidden and chose to stay out of the drama.

HinataLove · Fantasy
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33 Chs

It Will Be Alright


Her heart raced like crazy. She can't believe what happened to her when Ashton suddenly appeared at her office to confront her about the triplet.

'Oh my God! How come I agreed to him so easily just now? Did I get intimated by him? It's all happened so fast.' She can't believe she agreed to his request to see the children.

'How am I going to tell the kids about their father? I never expected this to happen as soon as we came back to this country. This really makes me crazy.'

Now, she even regrets her decision to come back to Darby. 

'And that crazy man wanted to see the triplet tonight? I never mentioned their father all this time; this is so sudden. I should discuss this matter with them first, right? I shouldn't make a decision for them without their consent. This is not right.'

'After he meets up with the triplet, what will be his next move? This man is crazy. Is this really the right decision to let him see the kids? No?'

Emma talks to herself and walks back and forth inside her office. She cannot calm herself down anymore.

After awhile, she noticed the file on her table. She didn't really focus on reading all the reports about herself inside that file earlier. The pictures of her and the triplet are the only things that really caught her eye. She quickly took the file and put it in her laptop bag. 

"I don't have time to read this file now. Maybe I will go through it all later. And I think I have to take a half-day leave today, fetch the kids, and... ugh, this is crazy!" She began to pack up her laptop.

She went out of her office to see her team and let them know that she was going to take a half-day leave today. Her team was not saying much; they all gave a nod of understanding to their boss.

In fact, after they saw that their CEO suddenly appeared at their office this morning and got out of their manager's office with a frown face, they did not dare to ask their manager on what happened during the meeting.

It's already a lunch break; Emma went to her son's kindergarten. She slowly walks towards her son's classroom. When the triplets saw her suddenly appear at their classroom door, they ran to her with a smile.

"Mommy, why are you here? School has not ended yet." Eric, her younger son, asked her without hesitation.

"Mommy's here to take you guys home. I'm taking a half-day leave from the office today." Emma smiled, looking at them.

"Let me talk to your teacher first, but you guys go and pack up your bag." Emma told her sons to get their bags and looked for the teacher in charge inside the classroom.

After she settles with the teacher, she holds Ean and Eric's hands while Earl walks in front of them, going out of the school together.

"Mommy, what happened? Why do we suddenly have to go back home early today? Is something happening at home?" Earl blurted out his curiosity as soon as they were inside the car.

"I will explain when we get home, okay?" Emma is trying to calm herself. She doesn't know how to explain the situation that she gets into with her sons. It's an adult problem; the kids shouldn't get involved. But she doesn't want the kids to misunderstand her and destroy their feelings. The triplets are five years old now, and they are outstandingly bright. It's not easy for Emma to tell a white lie to them anymore.

Upon their arrival at home, Rose, who is doing some gardening in their house's front yard, is looking at them with a questioning face.

"Emma, what happened? Why do you and the kids come home at this hour? It's only 2 p.m." Rose asked her daughter as soon as Emma got out of her car.

"Mom, we need to talk. Let's go inside the house for a moment." Emma needs to let her mother know the situation too.

After the triplet finished organizing their school bags, they were running around in their living room.

"My babies, sit down, please." Emma called them to sit down properly.

Obediently, the triplet listened to their mother's request.

"Mom, Earl, Ean, Eric, I met with the man two days ago." Emma looked at her and her son's faces one by one while saying those words. Due to her panic, her choice of words suddenly became stiff and limited.

"What man?" Rose asked her.

"The father of my son."

"What? How come? Don't you tell me before that you don't even know who the kids fathers are?" Rose stood up, looking at her daughter. He was surprised by the news.

"Mom...I'm screwed."

"Mommy, do we have a father?" Eric smiled while asking her mother.

"My babies, I'm sorry. I never thought that I would ever see him again. His name is Ashton Greene, and he wants to meet you." Emma looked down at her feet.

"Mommy, are you going to let us see him?" She leaned chin up to see her mother.

"Yes. But if anyone of you chooses not to see him, I'm not going to force you guys, okay?" Emma showed her concern for her sons.

"How come you came across him? Are you sure you are okay with letting the kids meet him?" Rose was also curious what happened to Emma. 

"I met him at my office, Mom. I never thought that the father of my son's was him too. Ashton Greene is the current CEO of Greene Group. My current employer."

"What? He's from the Greene family." Rose is now really concerned for her daughter. 

"Yes, Mom. I never knew his name before, but how can I forget his face when my son's faces are all 100% his? I was also so shocked when I first met him during our management meeting on Monday. He is my employer, and he remembered my face. I can't run away." Emma closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Mommy, if you don't like us to meet him, we will also not be going to see him." Earl looked at his mother.

"Earl, I never say that I don't like you guys to meet your father. It's not right for me to do that. He's been looking for me for quite some time now. He can't locate me all this time because I fled the country, and he also doesn't know what was my name back then. We both don't know each other. We are totally strangers." Emma tried to explain to her sons on what happened to her and Ashton six years ago.

"Are you sure you are okay with letting the kids to see their father? I just don't want you...." Before Rose could finish her words, Emma interrupted her.

"Mom, don't worry. He is Ashton Greene. He was not some random kind of man. I'm not worried about my son's safety. And I shouldn't deny his rights as their father too." Emma tried to reassure her mother about her decision to let the kids see their father. 


"Mom, it's not right for me to stop him from seeing his sons. Based on what he said to me, it's seems that he not going to stop until he get what he wants from me. Who am I to fight with him? I'm just a merely an employee at his company. It is also not good for the children growing up without their father's presence. Even how hard I tried to give them a loving home, it's not always the same without the presence of a father. You know it's better than me, Mom." Emma teared up while looking at her mother.

Rose gives a hug to her daughter. "I understand, Emma. I just don't want you to burden yourself with all of this drama."

"Thank you, Mom. But I will be okay." Emma smiled at her mother.

"Mommy?" Earl called his mother again.

"Yes, Earl?"

"When are we going to see our father?"

"Tonight over dinner." Emma stroked his son's hair softly.

The triplet is only looking at her without saying much anymore.

"My babies, come here." Emma sat down on the sofa and spread her arms to hug her three sons.

"Everything will be fine. It will be alright. We might be strangers to him, but he is my boss at work. Don't you guys think it's cool? I never thought for a million years that I would meet him again in this life. But it's so happened that he was just my new boss." Emma smiled honestly at her sons.

"Okay, Mommy." The triplet answer her in unison and smile happily.

Emma's know her son's are happy to hear the news of their father. They are been asking about their father for a years now. Their curiosity level-up along with their age.

It's just another twist of fate in Emma's life.

Life is a game. Play it. LOL.