
It's so Hard to Say Goodbye

Aaliyah is an orphan living in an orphanage since she was two months old and has been raised by Madea who takes her as her own daughter. By her side is her childhood friend, Savannah who lives a luxurious life with her divorced father however,she has no idea where or who her mother is. After receiving a scholarship award from the government, Aaliyah and Savannah are enrolled in one of the best and most expensive colleges in town. There,they meet Quan who becomes Aaliyah's boyfriend and CJ his best friend who becomes Savannah's talkative buddy. During their college romance, Aaliyah faces persecution from Cassandra who likes Quan and she keeps taunting Aaliyah about her financial situation but Savannah stands up for her best friend. Quan handles Cassandra in a way that she will never mock Aaliyah again. During the college prom, Quan masters the courage to tell Aaliyah how he feels about her. Two months later, Quan requests that his girlfriend shows him her home but Aaliyah refuses because she worries that Quan might be embarrassed. 5 years after graduating from college, Aaliyah and Quan are still together with their best friends. Quan and CJ are living in their own apartment, haven't found stable jobs yet but are working as hotel attends. Aaliyah has a stable job as an actor's personal assistant while Savannah is working in her father's big firm. Through thick and thin, the four friends stay by each other's side. Seeing how much Quan's parents call him lazy, Aaliyah decides to write multiple application letters to different hospitals without Quan's knowledge and for sure,Quan gets a job as a doctor but his boss Stella falls for him. When she meets Aaliyah, Stella is filled with hatred for her and she tries her best to make Quan hate dump Aaliyah. Aaliyah starts falling ill and she finds out she has an illness which she hides from everyone. Quan later gets to know of the illness and he sets out to fulfill Aaliyah's biggest wish.

Zedhustler · Urban
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21 Chs

I'll take you back

Quan is trying to figure out a way to win Aaliyah back after he acted foolishly. CJ comes up with a brilliant idea on how he can help his best friend get his girl back again. Quan books a table for two in a simple restaurant. He then calls Aaliyah over the phone and managed to persuade her into going to meet him, little does she know that he has a dinner surprise for her. After an hour,Aaliyah gets to the restaurant and Quan receives her. They seat at a table and Quan Aaliyah an apology card but when she reads it,she doesn't consider it so she gets up to leave. Quan stops her and gets on his knees apologizing,

"Look Aaliyah,I was wrong and I admit it so please forgive me. I shouldn't have said all those terrible things to you, I was just so upset because of the lie you told and that's why I reacted rudely. Truth be told I still love you,can we start over" He puts his hand out to Aaliyah.

When Aaliyah sees Quan kneeling down,she fears he might be embarrassed do she helps him up quickly and forgives him after which they hug and have dinner together. After dinner at the restaurant, Quan drives Aaliyah back to her home and then goes to his house. It's Three years later and graduation is in two days time. Quan and Aaliyah are still going strong together but someone is not happy about this. Cassandra, finds out that Aaliyah and Quan are still together despite all her efforts to separate them and this pisses her off. She tries to find a way of separating the two but her mind goes blank all of a sudden. Natalie gives her a very risky idea but to have what she wants, Cassandra is willing to go all the way. Nelly also volunteers to bring the substance that is needed for the plan to be executed. On their graduation day, The four guys are so happy that the college journey is now coming to an end. Quan's family attends it,so does CJ's mother, Savannah's dad and Aaliyah's caretaker, Madea. The four receive their certificates and gifts except Aaliyah. The graduating classes remain for an after party while everyone else and their parents leave. Before Madea leaves,she calls Aaliyah and gives her an expensive necklace.

" Where did you get the money to buy this? It looks so expensive" Aaliyah worries.

Madea tells Aaliyah she has been saving money to buy her a graduation gift and this melts Aaliyah's heart she almost cries but to stop her emotions,she just hugs Madea so tightly. Savannah's dad gives Madea a lift and Aaliyah joins the party. As the party is in session, Cassandra and her friends decide to put their plan in motion. Nelly brings out some tablet sedatives and gives them to Natalie. After taking the tablets, Natalie pays the waiter and asks him to add them to Quan's juice. As instructed,the waiter adds the tablets to the juice and gives it to Quan who drinks it without any knowledge. Five minutes later,Quan starts feeling dizzy,he starts yawning and feeling sleepy. To distract his friends from ruining the plan. Cassandra pays yet another person to get Quan's friends out of the way. The boy manages to get Savannah, CJ and Aaliyah outside by telling each of them that their friends are in trouble.

" Savannah? You're here and okay!" Aaliyah hugs her friend" Someone told me that you were in trouble so that is why I came here but you're actually alright" She hugs Savannah again.

CJ and Savannah are equally surprised because they where told the same thing except... except Quan who currently not there with them. CJ and Savannah assume he's fine but Aaliyah sense something may he wrong. The three quickly go back inside and they see Cassandra holding Quan by the hand taking him out of the party hall. They try to catch up but are blocked the students who are busy dancing like freaky. They keep going and they manage to push through but don't know where Quan and Cassy are. Suddenly, Aaliyah sees Cassandra pull Quan into a room despite his refusal. Aaliyah goes after them while Savannah and CJ keep watch just in case Nelly and Natalie try to do something as well. Cassandra forgets to close the door as she pushes Quan on the bed,

" After tonight you will belong to none other than me Quan" Cassy smiles in delight.

Unfortunately for her, before she could do anything, Aaliyah walks in. Cassandra gets distracted and so she stops what she was doing. Aaliyah walks to her in anger and slaps Cassy on her cheek,

" How dare you even try to think you can get close to my man?" She slaps her once more.

Cassandra feels so ashamed she starts crying and,

" It was jealousy and envy that led me to do this, please... don't tell anyone about this because I'll be embarrassed" She pleads.

Aaliyah pardons Cassandra and helps a dizzy Quan get out of the bed. CJ sees Aaliyah coming out of the room with Quan and decides to help him. Question is,how will they make Quan sobber again and prevent him from sleeping before he gets home?

" We can't take him to his house! His parents will be so mad at him for being careless! If I take him to my house then my mom will accuse me of being a bad friend" CJ objects.

Savannah also can't take Quan to her house because her dad won't allow it so Aaliyah takes the risk and takes all her friends to her home,she explains everything to Madea and luckily enough,she allows the extra three. In the morning, Quan wakes up and finds himself in a different place but his friends tell him what happened and he couldn't thank them enough for reaching him just on time.