
It's so Hard to Say Goodbye

Aaliyah is an orphan living in an orphanage since she was two months old and has been raised by Madea who takes her as her own daughter. By her side is her childhood friend, Savannah who lives a luxurious life with her divorced father however,she has no idea where or who her mother is. After receiving a scholarship award from the government, Aaliyah and Savannah are enrolled in one of the best and most expensive colleges in town. There,they meet Quan who becomes Aaliyah's boyfriend and CJ his best friend who becomes Savannah's talkative buddy. During their college romance, Aaliyah faces persecution from Cassandra who likes Quan and she keeps taunting Aaliyah about her financial situation but Savannah stands up for her best friend. Quan handles Cassandra in a way that she will never mock Aaliyah again. During the college prom, Quan masters the courage to tell Aaliyah how he feels about her. Two months later, Quan requests that his girlfriend shows him her home but Aaliyah refuses because she worries that Quan might be embarrassed. 5 years after graduating from college, Aaliyah and Quan are still together with their best friends. Quan and CJ are living in their own apartment, haven't found stable jobs yet but are working as hotel attends. Aaliyah has a stable job as an actor's personal assistant while Savannah is working in her father's big firm. Through thick and thin, the four friends stay by each other's side. Seeing how much Quan's parents call him lazy, Aaliyah decides to write multiple application letters to different hospitals without Quan's knowledge and for sure,Quan gets a job as a doctor but his boss Stella falls for him. When she meets Aaliyah, Stella is filled with hatred for her and she tries her best to make Quan hate dump Aaliyah. Aaliyah starts falling ill and she finds out she has an illness which she hides from everyone. Quan later gets to know of the illness and he sets out to fulfill Aaliyah's biggest wish.

Zedhustler · Urban
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21 Chs

Am an orphan

A month later, Cassandra somehow finds out about Aaliyah and Quan's relationship and out of anger,she decides to tell Aaliyah's truth to Quan. During free time in their class, Cassy goes to Quan and CJ to blurt out the truth,

" You are so proud of your girlfriend aren't you? But what's love without truth Quan? I'll go straight to the point,your dearest Aaliyah lied about coming from a rich family...in fact she doesn't even have family at all and if you don't believe me then we can go to Savannah and ask her because Aaliyah won't admit it" She instigates.

CJ and Quan get upset as they think Cassy is jealous and is telling the truth. Quan grabs her hand and forcefully takes her to the janitors store room where CJ watches her while Quan goes to Aaliyah's class. As instructed by Cassandra, Quan asks Aaliyah's lecturer to call Savannah for him because he wants to talk to her for only five minutes. The lecturer being kind and understanding enough let's Savannah follow Quan. While going to the janitors store room, Savannah tries to find out why Quan asked her to step out of class and what it is he wants to tell her that couldn't wait till after Knocking off time but he doesn't answer her questions not even once. They get to the janitors store room and Savannah's heart starts to race when she finds Cassandra in there with CJ looking at her furiously. " Oh Lord...I hope Cassandra didn't tell the truth to Quan and CJ" She says a heart prayer.

Quan tells Savannah every single word Cassandra told him back in the classroom. He turns to Savannah and asks her to put Cassandra to shame because he knows she's lying. Savannah goes silent for a while and then claims Cassandra is lying. Cassandra isn't giving up just yet though, " Why are you lying when I can prove for a fact that my claims are true"

After been cornered by CJ and Quan for a long time, Savannah fails to take the stress so she tells the whole truth.

" Cassy is right, Aaliyah doesn't come from a rich family or have strict parents...we...we lied about it"

Quan gets so angry he and CJ just go back to class. Savannah also gets back to class but as she is going to her seat, Aaliyah notices that her friend is stressed and worried but she fails to ask because the lecturer is still teaching. After classes are over, Aaliyah asks Savannah why Quan called her out but because of nervousness Savannah excuses herself and leaves Aaliyah alone in the class. Soon,Quan walks in with his face turned pink in anger. Aaliyah gets scared with this side of him so she just stays silent. Quan asks Aaliyah if he can go to her house but she refuses and tells him her parents won't allow it.

" Why are you lying Aaliyah? I can't believe I fell in love with such a liar! I know the whole truth so you can stop lying. I know about your parents so just stop! I can't believe I fell for a cheap girl like you!" Quan unleashes his anger but Aaliyah refuses to take the insults.

Aaliyah gets upset with Quan for calling her a cheap woman hence she ends her relationship with him and leaves the class. In the hallway, Cassandra stops Aaliyah and tells her Savannah was the one who told the whole truth to Quan and this makes Aaliyah even more angry. She goes to Savannah in the parking lot and unleashes her anger on her, " why would you betray me like this Savannah? I thought we were best friends but you betrayed me! I wanted to tell Quan the truth but you lied and now am suffering for it so thanks a lot" She turns to leave.

Savannah stops Aaliyah to give her lift but she refuses and ends her friendship with Savannah. Nelly and Natalie ask Cassy if she's happy with what she just did. " This my friends is what we call killing two birds with one stone. I ended Quan and Aaliyah' relationship while ending her friendship with Savannah at the same time" Cassandra answers in a satisfied way.

Aaliyah's goes back to her home and cries all day until it catches Madea's attention so she intervenes. Aaliyah tells Madea everything that happened at college and she feels pity, " I don't think you should have blamed Savannah,what could she have done sweetheart? You are her best friend so she did it for you...she is a good person and you will find none like her" Madea advises Aaliyah.

Savannah goes to her father's office,enters his office without knocking despite the secretary telling her he's holding a meeting and hugs him while complaining, " I was so stressed dad and...and that's why I said the truth...but I didn't mean to say anything bad and had no... no bad intentions" She cries.

Mr Johnson stops the meeting for a moment and pays attention to his daughter whom he comforts. Savannah goes home and later her father comes back home to check on her. He tries to cheer her up a little but he fails. When Savannah falls asleep,Mr Johnson goes to the orphanage to see Aaliyah and talk to her personally. He apologizes on his daughter's behalf asking Aaliyah to take her back. When she hears,how sad Savannah is Aaliyah forgives her but refuses to become friends with her again.For over a month, Aaliyah doesn't go to college because of she wishes to change her college. Savannah is filled with sadness while Quan fails to concentrate with his lessons. CJ been the only stable person emotionally confronts Savannah and asks her why they lied about her status. Regretting every single thing, Savannah tells CJ the whole truth and in return he tells Quan who is left feeling ashamed of himself. Aaliyah is in the kitchen washing the dishes and she can't stop thinking about all the good memories she has had with Savannah. A little kid who lives in the orphanage goes into the kitchen and tells Aaliyah Savannah has just arrived. Out of excitement and eager to see her friend after so long, Aaliyah drops what she's doing and runs outside. Something stops her from going any further though, Savannah didn't come alone, she came with CJ and Quan. Quan goes to Aaliyah quickly before she can turn back to leave and apologizes to her while on his knees. Aaliyah recalls all the hurtful words Quan said to her and asks him to leave,

" Yes Quan am a cheap girl because I don't come from a rich family,I don't have a family except Savannah and Madea. Our status doesn't match so I don't deserve you. Am happy here so leave" Aaliyah takes Savannah by the hand and goes inside closing the door behind her. Quan and CJ have no other option than turn back and leave.