
Chapter 6

Roman and Virgil hung out at the park, looking at the scenery while talking.

"So, what's your favorite color?" Roman asked.

"Purple," Virgil answered.

"Hm, mine's red."

"I can tell."

"Can you tell me a bit about your family?"

"Well, I live with my mom and now my brother. I never knew my father but my mom says he's a bad person."

"Did your brother live somewhere else?"

"Yeah, but my mom couldn't afford to keep us apart, so he came to live with us."

"That must suck for you." Roman chuckled.

"It does." Virgil laughed.

As they kept talking, they saw Remy and Emile sitting down by the fountain.

"Shall we join them?" Roman asked and put his arm out.

"We shall," Virgil said and linked his arm with Roman's. They walked up to them. "Hey, lovebirds."

They both blushed.

"What about you two?" Remy asked gesturing to their arms.

"We're just hanging out." Virgil blushed.

"Right..." They both said.

Roman and Virgil sat down and talked to Remy and Emile for a little while. Eventually, the sun was about to go down.

"I'll take Emile home," Remy said and got up with Emile. They both walked away arm-in-arm.

"And I'll take you back to your house," Roman said and got up. Virgil also got up and they both walked to Virgil's house.


They stopped on the front step.

"I had fun. We should do this again." Virgil said.

"Yeah, we should. I'll see you on Monday, okay?"

"Okay, see you on Monday."

"Bye, emo nightmare."

"Bye, Princey."

Roman's eyes widened at the nickname but then he smiled.

"Right..." He muttered and walked away.