
we can have another one?

"Ya kids do you think your mum is going to forgive me when she gets back?" Asking the twins who were busy watching tv while i lay on the couch spacing out.

Noticing someone walk towards me, i turned to my right side.

"Ahh about forgiveness we all know mum is very head strong and finds it hard to forgive, and i think that's where mingi got it from"Cute mina said.

"Ya mina-ya!!" Mingi screamed.

Falling to the ground i took both of them in my arms.

"Uhhhh my cute little babies" saying while rubbing my cheek in between theirs.

"Uh small mommy naeun what did you do that you are asking for forgiveness" mingi asked out if nowhere.

Feeling sad again i let them down and went to sit back on the couch.

"Mommy naeun here made a big mistake and she said something so hurting to mum yerin" i explained as much as i could.

Rushing up to me the twins took both my hands.

"Don't worry mummy naeun if mum doesn't forgive you we would play cute for her on your behalf" they said in unison.

Looking at how sweet they are and their tender warm hands around mine, i suddenly thought about the growing life in me and for once i really wanted to be a real mum.

"Uh are you crying mum naeun" mina asked.

"Ani(no) i just got something stucked in my eyes" trying to clean my tears.

"How about i get it out from you?"A very masculine voice came from the door way.

Turning around i saw the person i least expected to see and yerin hiding behind him.

"Ch..chi..chio jisung" i grasped.

"Look at that you remember my face and found out my last name, seems i wasn't so bad as someone thought right miss naeun"

Pulling me to his side making our face so close to the point of kissing.

"Yaaaa!!! You can't come into our house and bully our mummy like that" mina said coming between us and driving us apart.

I must say mina might not be clear headed like mingi and smart to know when to stay out of somethings, but she's sure knows her timing well.

"I didn't know you where already a mum miss naeun, but it's bad that i can't let my child share his mother's love with anyone" the devil sarcastically said as he sat on one of the couch like it was his.

"Noo they are not my children" after saying that i regretted explaining anything to him.

Come to think of it i was wondering how jisung would show up here and with yerin.

"How did you find your way here?"


1hr ago

"Hello is this Mr choi's secretary?"

"May i know which company you calling from?"


"Mr choi is off work now, so tell your company to reschedule"

"Aish shiba nom a!!! Did i tell you i from a company..put your boss on the line now"

"Aii you bitc..

"Give me the phone" jisung said to zack as he collected it.

"Choi speaking, speak fast and what you say better have sense or I'd trace this number down and chop you flesh off"

Yerin p.o.v.

Hearing his threat i felt sorry for the kind of man that's going to the father of my bestfriend child.

Shaking my head i summoned courage and spoke out knowing this was for the best for every one.

"Hmn seems like Mr choi is a good striker? Scoring a goal in one attempt huh?" I said.

"Speak up woman or I'd definitely rip your tongue out first and feed it to a liger" he screamed over the phone.

Shivering his loud and dominating voice seemed to be like he was right infront of me. Well i av no time to play games again.

"I'd bring you and you empire down if my friend dies while trying to abort your child" screaming into the phone speaker.

"Where are you know?"

I could hear the panic In his voice , but to be honest i don't know where i am. Shit

"Emn i have no idea" i said faintly.

"Stay right there. Zack trace the location this number is calling from"

"Yes sir"

Zack that's the name of the dense secretary. I hung up.

Jisung p.o.v.

Sigh so deeply as i lean my back more into the chair.

This night started of ok i wanted to know who my mum set a blind date for and especially when my mum said she was still a virgin, i intended to take it slow and not hurt her feeling, and if she was a nice girl i might consider courting her. But…

At the restaurant,

Looking up and down at the girl i pondered how this person was still a virgin. Cleavage showing 95% out of 100, she could av put on a pant instead of wearing that short mini skirt, makeup so much i actually thought it was a different person than the one in the picture. Totally different from her, seeing her ln the streets dancing and singing to a song like she only goes where life takes her too. Natural face but her beauty could still outshine 50 types of the one in my front, dressing was simply cute but matured,her up messy bun was actually what turned me on most. With or without been drugged i'd have still fucked her.

Seeming to know i was examining her.

"Mr choi i heard you like sexy looking ladies and i can see it's a fact" moving closer to me.

Pulling my tie she said"i know my mom goes about saying i av never had a boyfriend before and still a virgin, but that's a lie i am very good at that and fuck like a pornstar"

Shaking off her filthy hands off me i called zack.

"Zack we are done here and make sure you send a clip of what happened today to my mum and minister lee"

"Mr ch..choi pls noo"

But it's over am gone.

Now hearing that wild cat was pregnant lifted my mood. I didn't know if i should be happy or not. But i know for sure this is the only way to tame her.


"Yerin-a you actually sold me out" i felt heart broken that she my bestfriend would sell me out and not anyone but to the pycopath.

"Naeun nae-agi it's for the best for you and the child and i don't want what happened before to repeat again."

I knew she was talking about her sister and was scared of losing someone dear to her again,but there is no hell way am compromising to this at all.

Coming up with an idea.

"Hahaha"laughing loud.

"What's this naeun" yerin asked.

"Please tell him to turn back and go cause… i av aborted the child and there's no need to keep on waiting" seriously.

"What did you say now?" Yerin asked.

"You heard right. The child is gone" turning to leave.

I turn to leave but was grabbed and pulled into a man body.

"It's good am still strong enough to make babies. You aborted my child no problem, but you would make another one right now"

Looking into his eyes i could see he was dead serious to sleep with me right now.

He's a beast i should'nt have pulled that trick now.