
Meeting the Worst

So, I waited outside for the bus as usual... soon, the bus came and I got in... everyone were doing their stuff s I just walked down to the back seat, where I usually sit just to find this wierd guy sitting and reading a book...

"huh!!... excuse me but you are on my seat" I said frantically and then he removed the book from his face and stared at him....not that I care😒...

"well I didn't see your name on it" he said and continued with reading his book...Okay that was rude 😡... I was about to talk when I the bus pulled a brake and I was about to fall then this rude guy quickly catches me...he was really close to my face so I just stood back properly and pushed him aside so I can seat..and I did... I didn't want to here anything else so I just plugged my earphones on and was reading a comic book... I looked up to see the guy looking pissed...I just ignored and continued with the comic... I've never met him before... maybe he's new in the school...

when the bus stopped...I waited for everyone to get off so I don't have to squeeze my self through them.... when they all came down, I stood up and walked out of the bus....then all the girls were staring at me like I was a star....Well!!!... that was what I thought till the girls shouted a guy's name....

"Min ho!!... Min ho!!!" the girls screamed and the guy pushed me when I was about to come out...

I turned to him angrily and realize that it was the same guy from the back seat.... Hnmmmmm!!😈...so his name is min ho.... "what the hell is wrong with you" I yelled at him...

then he walked pass me and all the girls were following him like some zombies.... he didn't even say sorry😡😡....

Ugh!!...I had the chance to punch him but I didn't 👿...

when I got to the hallway.... I heard some girls talking about that jerk ..

"min ho is so cute...I can't believe he is going to be schooling here ..With Us!!😍" the girls said ....

"but you know he's the mare's son...he can't ever notice you!!..you are skinny...and not meant for him🙄"...the other girl said.... what a bad friend

Hnmmmm so he's the son of the mare.... how does that even concern me.... I just left where I was and went to class...

when I got in....I saw the last person I wanted to see....it was min ho..ugh why... and he's sitting on my my seat....AGAIN!!....

"do you have a problem with seating on people's seat .... cause it's kinda feel you do.." I said angrily...

"ugh jeez!!.. you again.... I know u r one of those stalker and you want an autograph...but get this straight!!.. I don't like you" he said and continue with the book😡...

"First!!.. I'm not a stalker, 2.... I do not want your stupid autograph and No I don't like you... so just ... Get Off My Seat!!😤😠" I said and threw the book on the ground ..

he stood up and stared at me "well aren't you not aggressive" he said and picked the book up.."I'm going to leave your seat cause you begged and I can't stand you" he said and tapped on my head....

I just ignored and sat down... I can't believe I will seat next to him literally everyday...

During the class... the teacher left and everyone gathered Min ho.... the girls were so dramatic.... they complemented him about everything.... like his accent .. his clothes... his hair... and almost everything on him.....

"so do you speak Korean language" a guy asked...

"uh... yeah, but not much..." he said

"can you teach me".. a girl said..ugh..Girls.... I know he's gonna say yes ..

" uh no?!.. but i can send you the app it's faster and easier... trust me" he said and I scoffed .. wow!!... that was unexpected....

later, in the cafeteria... I was starving to death... so after getting my pasta and sauce... I went to my favorite seat were nobody likes staying...they say people who eats there for a week lives an unlucky life.... but I don't believe it... when I got there... I saw him (you should know who I meant by him)...

I was to hungry to care so I just sat and ignored him...

"so you couldn't find anywhere to seat but here" he said while sipping his juice...

"well because this is where I always stay since I started schooling here... and I don't want to argue with you so just leave me" I said while eating my pasta...

I said and he just looked away..... weird but okay.... and then Tiana (the owner of the school's daughter and my number 1 enemy) came over to my table..

"hey there.. so I heard you're new here and your name is min ho☺️" she said sweetly "what's someone as special as you doing on this unlucky seat with this unlucky thing" she said and I rolled my eyes..

"what do you mean by unlucky 😒🤔" he asked..

"long story... but you shouldn't be with someone like her if not your life would be miserable just like hers... anyway... my name is Tiana 😊... you can call me Tina"she blabbed and I felt like hitting her on the face but I stayed calm because I didn't want to get kicked out of the school because I know Tiana really well..

"what do you mean her life is miserable" he asked and I got angry..

"can you please stop talking about me right in front of me...you can do that at my back... Okay!!😡" I yelled, stood up and left...

when school was over .. I took my phone from the locker and was on my way home...

"HEY!!" someone yelled and I didn't bother turning because that's not my name and I don't care... then the guy which I mean by min ho came to me...

"what do you want?!😠" I said in a hurry..

"uh.. I wanted to know if this bracelet is yours... I saw it on the table" he asked and I was shocked... that bracelet was the last birthday gift my dad gave me...

"oh.. thanks so much🙄🥺..." I said and he gave me the bracelet...

"no biggy😊" he said and I was about to leave until he said something...

"i didn't mean to ask that kind of question right in front of you.. I was just curious.." he said...

"well I don't want you to be curious about my life😒.." I said..

"okay but can I know your name.. so next time I don't call you HEY" he said

"no I can't tell you my name and if you see me next time.. don't even think about talking to me" I said and walked away....

"damn!!... this girl is really rude... even when I'm trying to be nice" thought min ho.....