
It's official kid

The golden angel who swooped in to save me from a nightmare first date turns out to be a billionaire vulture circling the company I work for.Carter Kingsley: My savior and ruthless corporate raider hell bent on destroying the newspaper I love. Oh, and my new boss.His first order of business? Cut half the staff. I should hate him. Easy, right?Wrong.I met him two weeks ago, when he saved me from the most awkward first date of my life. I was looking for a way out when he strolled up in a ten-thousand dollar suit with a winning smile, and told a white lie that turned the date from hell into heavenly bliss.I left with his number in my phone, and spent the next two weeks staying up late to text him. He’s charming. Funny. Sincere.Completely unlike the ruthless villain who comes in and carves us up.My first order of business is to interview the new boss. But who is sitting on the other side of the desk? The man who saved and charmed me, or the one who’s threatening everything I hold dear?Carter insists that we can still be friends, but I know that the whole situation is a ticking time bomb.

Success_6301 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


I look up at Booker. She has her arms crossed over a peach blouse, the color accentuating her dark-brown skin. Brown eyes that regularly skewer seasoned reporters meet mine. "Right," I say. "I will, just as soon as I've typed up the transcript from my interviews." "Take a break now," she says, in a voice that brokers no dispute. "I need to talk to you." "Oh." I close the lid to my work laptop and turn in my chair. "Bad news," she says. "Your solo beat is put on hold." "I'm… sorry?" She inclines her head, and her voice sounds strained. "Wish I could say otherwise, but those are the new orders coming from management. The Globe has been bought. Seems like there's a different tune coming from the top." "I just read about that… but surely it's a quiet owner? Someone who sits on the board?" "No. They've changed management. As of two days ago, we have a new CEO." I sink back into my chair. My article, lost. To another Goliath. "Why would they cut my article?" "They don't know about you," Booker says. "But all solo-initiative reporting has been put on pause while management enacts some structural changes." She says the last two words like they're sour on her tongue. There's quiet panic in her eyes. "This is bad," I guess. "It might be," she agrees, and it's her candor more than anything that makes me worry. Booker has always seemed like a queen on her throne, ahead of the curve, doling out the story beats in the newsroom like a commander with her legions. She sighs. "Anyway, we won't know more for a while. There's talk of whole departments being cut, major buyouts, but nothing confirmed yet." "Whole departments," I repeat. "Surely they can't do that?" "Acture Capital has bought the majority stake," she says. "They can do anything with the Globe they feel like." I open my mouth to say something, but her gaze has locked on a spot beyond my shoulder. I turn to see, and watch a man walk through the hallway with a box. A picture frame sticks up over the edge.

"Oh my god," I whisper. He's been fired. "Shit," Booker says. "That's Phil, our music correspondent." "They're already firing people?" "Seems like it. He worked here for decades." Her voice sounds like it's coming from far away, and she stares at the door where Phil disappeared. "I have another job for you, Audrey." "You do?" "It's not fancy, and I won't pretend to you that it is," she says. Nononsense, just as always. "Someone needs to interview the new CEO for the corporate newsletter." "The person responsible for all of this," I say. "Right?" Her tone is hard. "Yes. The interview order is coming from management itself. Something about introducing the CEO to the staff. No doubt it'll be a puff piece, Audrey. You'll probably speak to an assistant. You might even get pre-recorded answers." I nod. It's grunt work, as opposed to my solo article, but I'm a junior reporter. I'll do it. I'll do anything, any journalistic writing they'll allow me. But I don't have to enjoy it. "I'll get on it right away," I say. "Good. I've been told they're expecting you up on the fifteenth floor." "Now?" "Now," she repeats grimly. She shakes her head and strides off, and I get the feeling she has a lot more thoughts about the new management than she's letting on. They'd let Phil go. They'd cut my article, and so many others, without even knowing what they were about. Just a halt on all employee-driven initiative. Departments might get slashed. Whole groups of people, just like Phil. I grab my notepad and head toward the elevators. They might want a puff piece, but I'll be damned if I don't ask the new CEO at least one question about what's going on. I make it up to the fifteenth floor with my heart hammering in my chest. This is what I like doing. Asking tough questions, getting real answers. But I'll also come face-to-face with someone who now owns the company I work for. The reality of that sets in. One wrong word, and I might be the one to collect my things from my desk and leave. Not that I have many things to collect yet. And if they'replanning on gutting the newsroom, slashing the Globe, junior reporters won't be high on the list. This whole thing, my dream job, the beginning of my career, could all be over before it's even started. I'm greeted by a soft-spoken assistant in an atrium. His name is Timothy, according to the name tag on his desk, and he's an executive receptionist. "My name is Audrey Ford," I say. "I'm here for an interview with the new CEO for the company's newsletter?" "Ah, yes. Thanks for coming so quickly," Timothy says. "Mr. Kingsley is waiting for you just inside here." It takes me a moment to process his words. I really will come face-to-face with the CEO. No fast-talking assistant, no pre-recorded answers. I clutch my notepad like a shield and walk toward the closed door. Knocking twice, I announce myself. "Audrey Ford here, from Investigative, for an interview!" "Come in," a voice calls. I push the heavy door open and step into an office flooded with light. The CEO has the best office, I think. How typical. Then I register who's sitting behind the glass desk. Auburn hair pushed back over a square forehead. A mouth that looks like it's always quick to charm, a smile hiding in the corner. And familiar tawny eyes that lock on mine. "Carter?" I ask.