
It's Not The Hero Story

What would you do if you regressed in a novel? take all the wealth? get lots of OP skills? collecting harem as pok■mon? or trying so hard to stay low until the main character brag open your front door and start dragging you around?. No right? the story its already set on motion! The fate of main character is like a tornado pulling everyone and creating chaos wherever they go. So, tell me one good reason why you need to stay close with them? Cowards? It’s okay to run if you going to die, it’s okay to hide if you feel in danger, and it’s also okay to ask help if you not strong enough. Wait till when you ready, then give them what they deserve. ■■■■■■■ wasn't built in a day. Why bother to get in the way from main character growth. Remember it’s not your job to save the world anyway! As a side character we just need to enjoy the ride! Minding your own business and maybe make a new story as main character! There still lots of world to discover, lots of op treasure to be found, lots of friend to make and maybe find a sweetheart somewhere! As that is your purpose as a ■■■■ ■■■■■■ -■■■■■

BlueJelly · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Entrance (3)

I this town the people worship the God of Sun Auros. He also called God of Order and Gods of Fire. In this world there are 4 gods. The other are Equinox Goddess of Change, Elysium God of Balance, And Moira Goddess of Fate. That's all what this body know of. There are Auros temple in the center of the city. I decided to pay a visit to the temple.

As I enter the residential zone the street become more and more lively. The house constructed from timber or stone with their thatched or tiled roofs. The warm glow of sunlight filtered through small windows, revealing a glimpse of the lives within.

"What a lovey sight" I murmured

Soon I arrive at the market. There are still a lot of people here even if it's already afternoon. Street vendor selling lots of thig such as vegetable, meat, to the weapon and armor.

Yes, the market also sells weapon and armor. I'm surprised at first. But after I look into this body memory I understand why. In this world there are monster and dungeon. It's like the fantasy book that I used to read. I see a glowing dagger, a bow that made by some kind of monster bone, some skin armor and boots, an 1,5m staff made by dark wood, wooden and iron shields, spears made from wood to metal, and lots of sword. All type of it from sabre to great sword.

"Why there are lots of shop that sell swords?" I asked to myself from walked passing the 10th sword store that I count.

Some of the store also selling colorful mana stone and mana core with variant size. The mana stone is a crystalize mana that the vendor place it on the barrel based on their color, meanwhile the mana core they place it in the jewelry box each one in display windows behind the glass. What the different? Thanks for asking!.

First. The mana stone is mined from the mine. While the mana cores are obtained from powerful monsters that inhabit dungeons and the wild. Only some of monster dropped mana core and that's why it cost 5 times than mana stone at the same rank.

Second. Principles. Mana stones can be compared to single-use batteries, as they provide a higher mana output than mana cores. On the other hand, mana cores possess superior mana quality but have a smaller mana capacity compared to mana stones. When a mana stone is depleted, it becomes unusable, meanwhile a mana core has the ability to regenerate its mana based on its rank. Higher-ranked mana cores have greater purity, capacity, and regeneration abilities.

Third. Usage. The use is also different. Mana stones are primarily utilized as fuel for simple magic tools, so that normal human can use it without them can use mana. But in the other hand the mana core is a delicate thing. It needs more maintenance and a proper configuration to use one. Due to their properties, mana cores are often used as a core in artifacts such as dimensional spaces and as compositions for enchantments weapon, armor, and many thing.

Why I know this information. The answer is this body used to be a corpse collector in the adventure party. You can say he was a porter before working in the barn with Mr. Smith. Rather using dimensional space, the adventure in this world prefer to pay someone to carry and dismantle the corpse in the spot because dimensional space is so expensive!.

This body already working as an assistant of a porter since he was 5. The porter was a normal lonely Oldman, because of pity he takes him under his wing. He teaches him all his knowledge in return he helps him doing chores in his house and at his work. We life at a small hut in the outskirt in north gate. Though he don't receive any payment, at least he has place to sleep and things to eat. Unfortunately, 3 year after I meet him, he died when he join a subjugation in a dungeon. The adventure party also got wiped out.

After that this body continue to work as a porter for small adventure party. The outskirts are where the adventure usually ask for the people there to be their porter. This body is quiet smart. He asks some guards to write for him 'Goblin porter 10 copper/day' in a wooden pallet -who the guard you ask? He is Mr. Brown, that's why he's so kind to me- and wait near the gate every day. The goblin subjugation is an easy mission for new adventurer as the test to apply the guild.

The goblin is small green creature that roam the forest as a group. So, the adventurer party need to constantly fighting killing one by one left and the corpses as they fight. The goblin subjugation is limited to 3-man parties and as new adventurer the task is verry tiresome for them. After they fight, they usually don't have more energy to do the dismantling task making them verry vulnerable to another monster to attack them because the blood smell from the fight. So, they need to quickly take the proof before anything bad happened.

His task is simple, he needs to bring their belonging to save their energy for the fight and take the goblin left ear as a proof as soon as they killed them. After the fight end, he gives them the potion in their belonging and tend their small injuries as a service.

For 4 years he doing this job. He became popular in new adventurer. So, they recruit him not only in goblin subjugation but also when they need more hand to collect herbs or just need company in that boring mission.

As I walk deeper to the market see lots of merchant that sell monster corpses. Like a blue wolf pelt, goblin eye, orc bones, and the things I don't know what is from such as a bowl of gray feather, red horn that looks like a ram horn, and many more.

There are also people that sell potion. Colorful red, blue, yellow flask being on display in the shelf behind the huge window. When I see the price of the potion there the cheaper one is 10 silvers.

"10 silvers! I could buy 500 breads with that!" I surprised with the price.

"I can live a year with that much bread!". I grumbled.

Not far from the potion vendor I saw an herb shop. The only thing that I know about the herbs there is a dry mandrake that hug in the near door. The other is as weird as the monster corpse that I walked pass them. Like a skull like green mushroom, small glowing blue flowers in a glass container, some blue spotted dried roots, and more and more bizarre looking fruits.

Soon I come to the end of the market. In the end there are transportation station. There are many wagons to transport people and goods to the other region of the city. In the north region commodity mainly made by farm and meat while the other region as the east near the mine is mainly blacksmith and refinery. The west is residential zone for the noble or high-class citizen, and the north is the commercial zone, because its location in where the main gate is. In the middle of the city there are city hall, adventure and merchant guild, academy, and Auros temple.