
It's Not The Hero Story

What would you do if you regressed in a novel? take all the wealth? get lots of OP skills? collecting harem as pok■mon? or trying so hard to stay low until the main character brag open your front door and start dragging you around?. No right? the story its already set on motion! The fate of main character is like a tornado pulling everyone and creating chaos wherever they go. So, tell me one good reason why you need to stay close with them? Cowards? It’s okay to run if you going to die, it’s okay to hide if you feel in danger, and it’s also okay to ask help if you not strong enough. Wait till when you ready, then give them what they deserve. ■■■■■■■ wasn't built in a day. Why bother to get in the way from main character growth. Remember it’s not your job to save the world anyway! As a side character we just need to enjoy the ride! Minding your own business and maybe make a new story as main character! There still lots of world to discover, lots of op treasure to be found, lots of friend to make and maybe find a sweetheart somewhere! As that is your purpose as a ■■■■ ■■■■■■ -■■■■■

BlueJelly · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Entrance (2)

Soon I finished the task I walked towards the water pump near the post. I took a bucket and wipe the place until it no longer smells. after that I returned the bucket and clean my hand.

"Well done! here your milk" he gave me the bottle

"Thank you, sir!"

Then he opens the door near the gate. The gate only open if there are wagon transporting the goods and normally people pass through the iron door next to the gate.

Walking past the gate I continue my journey. unlike in the city. the outside looks so much different. I decided to stop to eat my breakfast at in the bench under a maple tree. opening the red bundle and take the big hard bread inside I split in two parts. the later I keep for afternoon or as a dinner.

I tried to eat it just like that. I'm curious how it would taste. I already know how it would taste because the memory of this body. But to experience it directly, it will surely be different, right? They said experience is the best teacher after all.

I bite the hard bread with my teeth. It's hard, and when it touches my tongue, it tastes like nothing. My mouth feels the bread third texture slowly become soft after I chew it several times. My mouth got dry because the bread absorbs my saliva like sponge. I can't swallow the bread because it's so dry. I took a gulp of milk to help me swallow.


In the memory this body always did the bread in the water before eat it, now I understand why.

"it's fun!" I tore the bread to smaller piece and slowly pouring the milk carefully so I don't spill it everywhere.

I take a bite. the bread become more delicious. The milk adds more flavor to the bread. it became smooth, creamy, and slightly sweet taste.


I let small moan escape from my mouth. I don't know food can be this good. I never able to eat food in my past life. I got a muscular dystrophy. it's a genetic disorder that weaken and damage the muscles over time. I can't walk, and it so difficult to move my body.

I ate food from a tube that connect to my throat. because I cannot chew and swallow the food. laying all day in my bed with help of my mother to do all basic thing that ordinary people can.

I continue to eat all the bread. then I drink all the milk left. I put the bottle in the box near the bench. there are lots of the same milk bottle there. I guess this is the place people eat their breakfast before going to work at farm.

After finished my meal. I sat in the bench foe another minute. Feel the sun light past the maple leaf to my body. Warm. It's a good feeling. Then I stretch my arm high to the sky and wait another minute. It's still 1 hours before the work starts.

After 30 minutes enjoying the sight. I started to walk again. I found the cow barn that this body used to work at after walking for 20 minutes.

The place is not that big compared to the barn I see in the road before. It as is old barn with wood frame that has been corroded by the time.

"Fuuh-" I took a deep breath. The air was filled with the earthy scent of hay and cow. Soon I walk inside.

The dim light streamed through the small windows and some small hole in he roof, casting a soft glow on the worn wooden beams. The barn echoed with the rustle of animals and the occasional creak of the structure. it has only 12 cows and one donkey for pulling the carriage inside.

Usually, one person is enough to run the farm at this size. But the owner is man that used to be adventure, before he took an arrow on his knee. So, he needs a little help.

"Why he's situation feels so familiar'" I muttered as I remember my past the memories.

The man is in his forties. He has a beautiful wife. She pregnant with his first child so he told her to rest at home. That why I help him at his barn right now. My work is quite simple, feed the cows and clean their poop. When I finished, I can go home early after I receive my cut. That's I do or this body do for the past years.

Soon as I'm inside my body automatically move to the haystack. Then put them in the small carriage and starts to feed the cows.

On the afternoon when I finished my work he come to me to give me my pay.

"Here boy, thanks for your works for the past year." he give my pay 5 copper coin.

"Thank you, sir," I received the money. before I go back to town he says

"Wait boy, I forget to tell you yesterday, this is your last day to work. my wife is healthy enough to help me again. He said awkwardly.

"I see..." I answered.

"But don't be sad boy. I have a friend that has an inn in west gate it called Blue Mountain Inn. He's name is Orik and he needs someone to tend the stable, his old worker is injured at the moment. I already tell him about you, so you better check it out tomorrow." he patted my shoulder.

"Thank you, sir!" I bowed to him.

"Nah it should be me who thanked you, you've been great help for the last year. This much is nothing" As he said that he son back to the barn while waving his hand.

I then walked towards the city gate. There are lots of carriage carrying corps to enter the gate. Not long walking I met the guard that I met in the morning. It's quiet in the side door unlike in the gate, the guard busy 'inspecting' the item from the farm and it's not the time yet to the farm worker going home either.

"Good afternoon Mr. Brown!" I great him.

"Boy, going home already?" he answered while checking the list.

"Yeah, this is my last day working with Mr. Smith, he say his wife is healthy enough you help him again"

"See, well miss you boy. It's rare to find a hardworking kids like you now day." He added.

"Hahaha" I laughs

"it's not like I having any choice, doesn't I?" I responded jokingly

"True, may Auros bless you with his warmth boy, Good work!" he agreed

"You too, bye Mr. Brown"

I left the old guard behind me as I walked past the door.