
It's Not The Hero Story

What would you do if you regressed in a novel? take all the wealth? get lots of OP skills? collecting harem as pok■mon? or trying so hard to stay low until the main character brag open your front door and start dragging you around?. No right? the story its already set on motion! The fate of main character is like a tornado pulling everyone and creating chaos wherever they go. So, tell me one good reason why you need to stay close with them? Cowards? It’s okay to run if you going to die, it’s okay to hide if you feel in danger, and it’s also okay to ask help if you not strong enough. Wait till when you ready, then give them what they deserve. ■■■■■■■ wasn't built in a day. Why bother to get in the way from main character growth. Remember it’s not your job to save the world anyway! As a side character we just need to enjoy the ride! Minding your own business and maybe make a new story as main character! There still lots of world to discover, lots of op treasure to be found, lots of friend to make and maybe find a sweetheart somewhere! As that is your purpose as a ■■■■ ■■■■■■ -■■■■■

BlueJelly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Entrance (1)

Three days before.

I woke up seeing the sky full of stars rather than hospital white ceiling. the smell of dirt replaced the smell of alcohol that I used to. the sound of whispering leaf's shoots me rather than beeping sound of ventilator.

"Fuck..." I groaned from the back of my head.

'I can talk?' I surprised, while trying to sit on the grass.

'The tube are gone' as I looking at my hand and touching my throat.

"What happen? the last think I remember is I got to an operation room, and then..." I murmured, still trying to figure up what happen to me.

A wave of memory come like torrent of water slamming my brain. Like watching a tv I feel the memory familiar yet so freeing. Clutching my body inward. Trying so hard to not puke.

Not long after that, I realize.

"Am I dead?" I asked to myself.

"If I'm dead then this must be heaven" throwing my body back to the soft grass in behind me.

"It's so beautiful" as I put my hand towards the sky trying to grab the million stars in front of me. Taking my time I enjoyed the starry night and gentle breeze of the wind.

Slowly I try to stand. It was easier than I remember. My body feels lighter. Then I start to walk. Its feels so easy, so natural.

The wind blows past me. Make my hair and clothes dancing in the dark. Taking a deep breath, I filled my lungs with the cold air. It does feels good.

As I walk, I see the sun slowly ascend. The black sky slowly became blue, the stars hide from the sun. Morning has come.

It's a brand-new day.

It seems the place where I wake up is in the park behind the market. There are also people that sleeps here just like me.

Based on this body memory I have a job to do. A job as a heper at the cow barn. I feel 2 small coppers in my pants pocket. I need to buy some bread to eat first.

Not walking for long I see the bread store that this body always buy form. The place is small with the wall made by stacking gray rock. The roof made by the pieces of tree bark that stacked each other. The chimney in top of the building is smoking, releasing bread smell across the street.

"Good morning mam. One hard bread please" I said as I stop in small window in front of her store. I put my 2 small copper coin.

"Wait a minute, here your bread." she give me the bread that have size as my head, I warp the bread with a red cloth inside my pocket. Knot the end and carry it with my shoulder.

before I going to the work place, she asks me.

"Wait boy... you came at right time, help me to clean this mess and I will give you some butter finger" while pointing at broken bottle and a puke in front of the store. It seems there are drunk fight last night.

"Sure" I reply to her.

She quickly grabs the broom and a small bucket of water.

"Here, tell me when you're done, I still have work to do" it's still early morning so the baking just about to finish.

Without a delay I start to sweeping the broken glass bottle that scattering in the streets. Then splashing the puke with the water in the bucket. Slowly watching it flow to the drain. It's not taking a long time. I felt it just taking me thirty minutes.

With the water left in the bucket I wash my face and hair. Feeling more refreshed I come again to the store window.

"Mam I'm done!" I speak to the window loudly. impatient waiting for y butter finger.

Soon she came from the door. looking at the clean street.

"Great job, here your butter finger" she smiles while give me package wrapped in yellow paper.

"Thank you, ma'am!" I answer her looking at my hand there are small package of Butterfinger, I can smell the sweet faint smell of the butter from it before putting it on the cloth in my shoulder with my big hard bead.

As I take my time to the cow barn, I slowly walking while enjoying the view of the city. there are few people in the streets in this early morning. They bringing the goods with their solder or in the cart. Entering or exit from many buildings.

I saw a big window with a steel armor on display and the next store have smaller display window, lots of potion with many colors stacked neatly there.

A moment later I arrive in front of a big structure in muddle of city The city hall. With cream granite and dark oak door, it stands in the middle of the streets. it has used floor and a 2-pillar holding the roof next the door.

A moment later I arrive at the cross section. I can't read the sign. if I remember the cow barn should be in the right way.

Enjoyed the fresh air I walked to the barn in the outside of city wall.

Soon I arrive in runt of the city gate. The city has three gates in north, south, and east. The biggest gate was the south as the wagon containing goods enter and exit the city. the west gate is mainly used for transporting ore from the mine and the north is mainly used for the farm and cattle.

I great the soldier guarding the gate. there are only 4 people guarding. it's because accident rarely happen in the north gate. As this one used is farmer try to sell the goods inside the most disaster that could possibly happen is the wheeled of the cart suddenly broken by the weight of the goods. So, no pint put lots of guarding there.

"Good morning, sir" I greeted the guard.

He wore old armor that make squeaking sound when he moves.

"Morning" he answer with a yawn.

"Boy, you sure early this day. why?"

"No, I just wakes up early and I have nothing to do"

"Then can you help me with that" he points his index finger to at the trash in the corner of the post.

"It has been three days since the people usually clean this place is sick. So could you get rid of it. It starts to smell. I don't want to get trouble abandoning my post to get rid of it. I'll give you that milk after you done." he nodded towards a bottle of milk in the table.

"Don't worry, it just come before you. the farmer gives it to me because I did give him some favor" he laughs.


He then gives me an empty grain sack and a broom.

The smell is so bad. Thank God I haven eating anything or else ill puke from that smell alone.

"For the milk!" I lift the broom like a sword in the air.