
It's Not Really My Game Anymore

When Flick decides to add three new characters to his small MMO game, the events which occurred after changed many things in his life. Can he still keep everything afloat before it becomes chaotic? -------- Hey, this is my first attempt at a novel here and this seemed like a good time to write something. I don't know how it will go in the end but please try reading it.

Fractolium · Games
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The Update

My game became reality. The people of Earth were able to travel easily between their homes and the world from my game. The players had atleast partially become one with their game characters and new discoveries were made. Looking back, if I did anything different, none of this would have happened the way it has. But before I show you what it's like now, we must go back in time to where this story begins.

"Let's finish this update off by adding those three deity characters I've been planning on adding for a while. It's also the last week for working on this update so I get to take a break after this."

I was thinking only of what my current task was. Creating these characters for my game so my players can get new content to explore and play around with.

My first and best thought for them was to have them represent combat, knowledge and creation as they were some aspects of the current state of the game. Exploration and adventure being represented through a character was already there in the game as the first thing they meet which guides them through character creation and a basic tutorial.

Oh, I forgot to Introduce myself.

I'm a small MMO developer named Flick. The game i've been working on called Aeterna has a small but tight-knit community of players that enjoy it so far. It's got a mix of a lot of things, if I'm being honest. It's a mess, but atleast it's the type of mess that is a good thing.

However, I'm preparing for a decently large update this time and I can't release updates on a weekly basis like I have before. I've already let my players know about the update and now, I'm ready to roll it out. It's a big update for the scale of the game right now and I hope they continue enjoying the game.

Back to the update, I made the characters have something about them before I named them and then officially added them to the update.

I was thinking of making the creation character a craftsman, the combat character a person who wielded many weapons and could use them at will and the character of knowledge have the abilities of an ancient wizard with every single type of magic available.

When it came to naming them, I thought of Balver for the craftsman, Ise for the combat-person and Linop for the wizard character. I then added them. The deity characters were used as a way to weave a connection between the classes and the game world so making the starter town have buildings to let new players choose their class. Now that I was finished with all the new additions to the update which were an update to the class system, new items and places for such items to drop, I was going to release it and let my players know that it had released.

"New Aeterna update has just dropped and it will probably make things better than before. New dungeons and fields to get the new items have been added as well as a slightly more interesting addition to the class system. Feel free to tell me about bugs and anything new you find in game. I'll be taking a short break for now."

But what happened after releasing the update can only be described as life-changing, not only for myself, but for everyone in the near future.

First chapter! Let's see how this goes.

Sidenote: The chapter would've been different if I hadn't deleted it accidentally and had to start over lol

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