
It's not over yet Married in secret

After her mother's disappearance, Olivia's plight began. Her father re-married to her best friend's mom and they both turned her father against her, causing him to send her away. Olivia thought she'd still survive it all with the help of her boyfriend, but her best friend who was now her sister took him away. Left with nothing and no one but an unborn child, Olivia disappeared for four years, only to reappear as an extremely beautiful actress. Olivia's mission were mainly to take revenge on the people who took everything away from her, become a popular actress, and find the father of her unborn child. But, another thing sets in when she met with the Boss of the entertainment Industry. "Marry me," he said. "Cough!Cough!" Olivia choked on water. "Me?" she asked. "Is there anyone else around?..."

ReginaOmoboye · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 2: She came back??


The lady sat elegantly in the dressing room as the make-up artists did her make-over. Her legs were crossed under the jade green dress she was wearing and she gave off a haughty aura.

"I mustn't find any flaw in my make-over or you consider yourself fired," the lady said glaring at the artist.

"Yes Miss." The artist said.

The artist and those who worked for the lady knew her true behaviour, but she pretended to be humble in front of others.

When the artist was done, the lady stood up, adjusted her braids and checked herself in the full lenghth mirror.

"Oh my, I'm so beautiful," she said.

She stood in front of the mirror making poses when her assistant came in.

"I've got big news," Lola said immediately she entered.

"What is it this time?" The lady asked nonchalantly and continued making poses infront of the mirror.

"The new actress is here," Lola said.

"So?" She asked, stuck her hips out and blew a kiss still looking in the mirror.

"She's very beautiful and humble...OMG, you have to see her, I'm sure you'll like her. Her name is Olivia Dan," Lola said.

Immediately Lola finished her statement, the lady stopped. Her heart skipped a beat and a wave of guilt ran through her. The lady was no other than Amelia Quine, Olivia's step-sister.

"What do you say her name is again?" Amelia asked.

Lola closed her powder compact with a snap.

"You are finally interested in my story?" Lola asked. "Her name is Olivia Dan."

Bang! Bang!!

Olivia came back? She came back??

Amelia was so shocked. She and her mother had made sure Olivia was left with nothing four years ago. How then did she manage to come back as an actress after four years? No! It couldn't be. She was thinking too much. It must be another Olivia Dan.

"There's a meeting now, the CEO wants a proper introduction. The lady is super stunning." Lola said.

"Enough!" Amelia snapped and turned to Lola. "If you say one more word about the lady, consider your job here done." She said, anger written all over her face.

Lola was taken aback by her boss' action. She couldn't understand why her boss got so upset. Maybe she had praised the new actress too much. Amelia didn't like people complimenting others beauty.

"The meeting would have started, I think it's best if we leave now," Lola said.


It was the same Olivia, the one she knew.

During the meeting, Olivia and Amelia had locked eyes. While Amelia felt guilty and was trying to find a way to get Olivia to leave the company as soon as possible, Olivia only smiled at her, and the smile only made Amelia furious.

After the introduction, everyone went back to work. Amelia made sure everyone was out of sight before she grabbed Olivia by the arm and dragged her out of the meeting room.

When they got to the front of a female restroom, Olivia released herself from Amelia's grip.

"What do you think you are doin'?" Olivia asked looking surprised by Amelia's attitude.

"What's the meaning of this?" Amelia wasn't going to hide her feelings in front of Olivia, she was aggravated and only Olivia gets to see this side of her.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are talking about," Olivia said looking really innocent.

"Oh, don't play dumb with me, why are you here?" Amelia asked.

"What sorta question is that? Why else would I be here? Also is that the right way to welcome someone you haven't seen in a while?" Olivia asked blowing on her nails.

"Cut the crap, I'm not an idiot." Amelia said.

"Oh really?" Olivia asked sarcastically. "Then stop yelling...I'm here to further my career." She said, brushing strands of hair away from her face.

"Just to let you know, I'll be watching you," Amelia said.

Olivia smirked. "I can't believe there was actually a time we used to be bestfriends," she said and walked away.

'Geez, how did she get so bold?' Amelia thought.


"This is Alice, your assistant, I'll find you a manager soon. The managers in our company all have actors and actresses they're working for. I just have to find you a manager who's willing to take two actresses." CEO Dale said.

"Okay, nice meeting you Alice," Olivia said and shook hands with Alice.

Alice appeared shy when she shook hands with Olivia. "Nice meeting you too." She said.

Alice could be described as cute. Even though her braids were not properly tied, and her geek glasses were almost falling off her face, she still had a pretty face.

"Since there's no work available, you two can leave now and get to know each other better." CEO Dale said.
