
It's natural to be in love

Jenny- When are you going to realise that it's okay to love or be attached to someone? Me- Never in my life. ........ Kristabel has made the decision to never love or be loved or get someone to whom she will be attached to. But what happens when Kyle enrols at her high school? Will she be able to resist his charm and stick to her rule, or will she succemb to his charms

Anon_inspiration · Teen
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9 Chs

Dawn Harper

I woke up this morning and took a shower and went through my closet for something to wear. I finally decided on a white top with black leggings and tied my flannel on my waist. I put on my denim jacket, black converses and shades before leaving the room. I went to school without Jenny because she had a fever. I made a mental note to visit her after school.

When I got to school, I went to my locker to grab my books and I saw Kyle flirting with a girl. She seemed new and was paying no attention to him after sometime she just turned and walked away. I went to her cause she seemed lost.

Me- hey. Do you need help?

Random Girl- yeah.

Me- sorry I did not introduce myself. I

am Kristabel Marissa Cooper but you can call me KC.

Random Girl- ok KC. I am Dawn

Abigail Harper.

Me- ok now can I see your schedule?She showed me her schedule and I saw she had all her classes with Jenny and I.

Me- I see you have all your classes with

me so just walk with me.

Dawn- thanks. And by the way who was the guy flirting with me. He is hot and all but can't he tell when a girl isn't interested? I mean come on.

I just laughed.

Me- just ignore him. That's Kyle and he is kind of those guys who think they can get any girl they like.

Dawn- oh.

Me- let's go to class.

We went to our classes and soon found

ourselves sitting at the cafeteria.

Dawn- so do you have a best friend?

Me- yeah but she won't be in school for at least a week and even if she does the three of us can still hang out.

Dawn- ok. What about a boyfriend?

Me- no and I don't want one.

Dawn- ok and who are your parents?

Me- Richard Cooper. And who are your


Dawn- Tom and Anne Harper but you did not say anything about your mother.

Me- she is no longer with my dad and I.

Dawn- okay.

Me- come on let's get to class.

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