
The Beginning.....




"Diane!!!" Elsa Jefferson shouted.

"Mom!!!" Diane shouted back.

"Ugh! I told you to go on a date with Jeffery Black, you told me you'd go but you were nowhere to be found, do you know how angry the Blacks are now?!?" Elsa shouted in frustration.

"I had something to do mom" Diane said.

"What's more important than the Blacks?!?" Elsa questioned.

"Me mom!" Diane said loudly.

"Honey, you know I love you so much, nothing is more important than you" Elsa softened her voice.

"Mom, I don't want to talk to Jeffery or anybody else!" Diane said.

"But..." Elsa was interrupted.

"But, nothing mom, I have my own money, my own mansion and I have the largest fashion empire in the country. So what else mom?!?" Diane was frustrated at this point.

"Think about the benefits Diane, think about what it would do for you and your siblings, even me and your dad" Elsa tried to convince her.

"Mommmm!!!" Diane shouted.

"Think about it!!! You know mother loves you!!!" Elsa, who was done with the conversation, turned around and left, closing the door with a click.

'Mother loves you' Diane mimicked in her mind and laughed and sobbed at the same time.

Why didn't her happiness matter? Why didn't they think to ask whether she wanted this or not? Why didn't they just consider her? She rested on the door and slipped to the floor on her butt. After a few minutes, she stood up and went to look for her phone, picked up her phone and searched for her best friend number.


On the phone.


"Hey D, what's up?!?" Chelsea picked up the phone and closed her laptop, while sitting up on the bed.

"Hey Chels, you busy?!?" Diane asked.

"Not for you my baby" Chelsea laughed.

"Chels, they're forcing me again" Diane sobbed.

"D, what's going on?!? Is it the Black thing?!? Calm down and talk to me babe!" Chelsea asked.

"Okay, you know I was meant to have lunch with Jeffery Black, but I didn't go, I think I know what my parents are trying to do, they want us to click and you know form some kind of connection, get married and you know be connected to the Blacks and get richer!!!"

"Oh come on D, you know they can't sell you off, you know that!!"

"I'm telling you Chels, they can, you don't know how convincing my mom can be, she can force you to do anything at all, oops, I meant convince you to do anything at all"

A male voice shouted at the background and Chelsea shouted back.

"Sorry D, gotta go, I'll call back! Dad's calling!" She didn't wait for reply. And cut the call.



My life sucks!!!

With thought, she slept off.


Meanwhile, in the Blacks family home, Jeffery was frustrated and he was very, very angry.




Thank you guys for letting the first chapter go through.

Love you guys 💕❣️.

Thanks for being patient.