
Stop Being A Player?!?


Jeffery Black was furious. So he had to give up his playboy life for what?!? A girl that's lame compared to the hotter ones he's been dating. He even tried to use the excuse of a girlfriend, which he was probably going to break up with the next day, but that excuse was a no-no. He was frustrated. He's grandpa and parents were giving him a deadline, if not, he will not inherit the company and the CEO would soon be vacant.

"Honey, come back to bed" The bitch whose name he didn't even remember said with a bit of sultriness.

"No, thank you. Get out!!" He just woke up and normally he didn't date girls or should he say, he didn't sleep with girls twice.

"Baby, come on, you know you want me" She said again, reaching out to grab him.

He hated the desperate ones the most. The ones who wanted to go up the social ladder. He grabbed her clothes that was at the foot of the bed, with the thing that he had thrown away last night. He dumped it one the bed.

"Get out now!!!" He shouted.

She jumped and then she probably realized he was angry. Got up and wore her clothes.

"You would regret this!" She said and then pranced out of the room.

'No darling, I won't' He said in his mouth.

Ugh!!! Back to his urgent matters that need desperate attention. He paced the room. Why couldn't they ask any one of his two brothers. He was the eldest but that didn't mean. If he got married, he would inherit the company and be the CEO, which he really wants. But on the other hand, he had to give up his 'wayward' lifestyle. He had to stop the women. And who even knew if his new wife would be dressing like a nun. His life is somehow turning to a joke. His first younger brother, Jason, a lawyer. And the second, Damon, is a surfer. They both enjoy women so why does he have to give it up. His phone rang. Jason a was calling.


"Hey man, where are you at?!?" Jason asked.

"Dude, do you even have to ask?!? He's been banging some hot chick" He overheard Damon at the background.

"You guys should shut up!!" He barked over the phone.

"Whoa, someone got their panties up in a twist" Damon laughed.

"Shut the fuck up Damon!!" He raised his voice.

"Okay, whatever man" Damon shut his mouth because he knew when his brother gets angry, it's not really a pretty sight. He sighed, if only his brother could loosen up a little.

"We're at your house Jeff, where are you at?!?" Jason said

"I'm at our hotel at the capital! I'm in my way back home. You guys stay in there. I'll be there in 30 minutes" Jeffery replied.

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