
It's Just Me Trying to Write Stories

Collection of unfinished stories rotting in my hard-drive, I wrote them.

amethystore · Anime & Comics
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112 Chs

Protagonist is Bewitched by the Auctioneer Lady

Chapter 19: Protagonist is Bewitched by the Auctioneer Lady

Yu Huiqin and Lin Wutang were waiting for their opportunity because many guests one after another also greeted Fang Tongxin. At that moment, Yu Huiqin suddenly said.

"If you're trying to rope in Fang clan using Fang Tongxin, I advise you to drop that thought out of your mind."

"Is she not availa--, I mean, is the Fang clan already joined other faction?" he changed his question as he felt disgusted glare from Yu Huiqin.

"Fang is pretty much similar with Tang. After the dissolution of Century-Goth Empire, they never cared about who'll be the king of Redragia. As long as they could conduct business inside the kingdom and other Four-chain, they'll support the king, whoever he or she might be. They won't ever support one candidate as there's no benefits they could gain from it. And there's nothing could move Fang family except for money and friendship." Yu Huiqin explained.

"Huh ..., money and friendship?"

"Yeah, money and friendship ..., you know the excerpt that Fang clan always use? 'Money could move you to the top of the world, but friendship could help you ascend the heaven.' I still unable to comprehend that though. How and why such ridiculous line popped out in a large clan such as them. I mean, many of us from the Great Clan know that 'there's no true friendship, there's only benefits.' And it's not like they have never experienced their share of betrayal. For ages, Fang clan has suffered time to time because of the greed of their friends. That's the price of these 'friendship'. It's full of contradiction, they would do anything in pursuit of wealth ..., but they also willing to let go of that wealth because of bitter friendship."

"So that's why ..., but what if the one who become Lordship candidate is their close friend. Or rather, what if someone from their own family is a candidate? What would they do?"

"I ..., don't know," Yu Huiqin shook her head after she said that. "There's nothing of such happened in all these years. Even though the throne changed to hand of the three of the Four Great Clan and the nobles ... Fang and Tang never participated in Dragon King Campaign."

'If I could become their 'friend', or better their in-law. Then maybe ...,' Lin Wutang wistfully thought in his mind. 

Hearing the Fang family financial power from Xiao Yun, it piqued his interested on them. After all, he himself has experienced the lowest rung of society, and know the importance of money. It could change, shape, and move the world.

And if he become an in-law with them ..., not only he could be with an exquisite beauty such as Fang Tongxin, but he could also gained their support. With that, his royal road would be without hindrance. 

He lingered his unhealthy gaze on Fang Tongxin's sexy body wrapped in that tight qipao. 

"I told you don't ever think of such thought. Fang clan would never participate in central politic. They never did. Moreover, you should restrain your thought. Fang Tongxin is betrothed to someone else already."

"Huh, with who? Oh no ..., I mean, really?"

"Yeah ..., and her fiancé is someone who you know better. It's that Young Master Yang."

"Yang ..., you mean that Yang Xian?"

"Un ...," Yu Huiqin nodded.

"How could a bastard son of a ..., I mean how could such elegant person such as her be betrothed into a that kind of young master?"

"It's actually the perfect example of Fang so-called friendship. In the past, the current patriarch of Yang family saved Fang Dongtian, Fang Tongxin's father. As a result, they become a bosom friend. Their engagement only come recently as Yang patriarch was quite troubled with how Yang Xian grow up into and hesitated to bring the matter up to Fang Dongtian. But in the end the one who pushed forward the marriage is Fang family because Fang Tongxin is not that young anymore."

Lin Wutang leaned his head and whispered slowly in her ear. "But, he's already dead ..., is he not?"

"I know what you mean, but as I said ..., Fang is an eccentric clan which valued money and relationship. Even if Yang Xian is dead, she probably would never marry for the rest of her life."

"That, isn't that just too extreme? Just because her fiancé got killed before they got married and she becomes a nun."

"For other, maybe ..., but it's not that unusual for the Fang." Yu Huiqin placed the cup on the table and said. "Let's go now ...,"

Both of them approached Fang Tongxin. The grey-haired woman in white qipao noticed them and cordially smiled as she sent her greeting.

"Miss Yu ..., I haven't seen you in a long time, I hope you're always in good health. And you must be Your Excellency Lin Wutang, the new Lordship candidate. It is such a pleasure to finally meet you. I welcome you to our humble house, it is not much but please make yourself comfortable."

"Miss Fang, you're the most courteous. We were thankful for the invitation." Yu Huiqin returned the greeting with similar smile.

"Oh, you don't have to ..., just make sure to bring back one of the item auctioned tonight. Huhu ...," Fang Tongxin revealed her pearly white teeth as she giggled.

"Then, it seems that we will have to emptied our treasury this time around." Lin Wutang said after momentarily stunned with her smiling face, "Ah, right before that ..., Ms. Fang, I've heard about it. I could only send my condolence."

Fang Tongxin revealed a puzzled look as she blinked her pretty eyes repeatedly. Same, Yu Huiqin almost didn't believe with what he just said. This Lin Wutang, he's the one who killed her man and he also said a condolence to her? What is exactly working on his mind right now?

"I'm sorry, but I don't quite informed about this. Who's deceased?" Fang Tongxin asked.

"It's ..., isn't your fia--"

"Ah, right ..., he must be drunken high, right now. So sorry, Miss Fang. I would bring him away, lest he shaming himself more than this."

Before Lin Wutang could finish what he wanted to say. Yu Huiqin shut his mouth with her hand and dragged him. She hurriedly said that word before leaving to her box. This leaves many curious guests, and Fang Tongxin dumbfounded. 

'I see now ..., so that's how it is.' 

But the grey-haired woman immediately understood what it was after connecting the dots. Even if he didn't finish that last word, he clearly said the word 'fia-' of the fiancé. And looking at Yu Huiqin's panicked and somewhat rushed cover, she could guessed what was happening. 

Her fiancé, Yang Xian was missing after he left without noticing his family. But before that, he has some conflict with Lin Wutang on some banquet party. A month ago, Yang Xian show up despite using different name. And now Lin Wutang said his condolence.

This mean only him and Yu Huiqin know about what happens with Yang Xian, and Lin Wutang was sure that he is already dead. But how could he possibly know that when there has been no news about him? Of course he would know about it, after all he's the one who done it!

Or at least Lin Wutang's the one who commanded his men to do it. Anyway, that's practically the same. In the end, her fiancé was assassinated by him. Though, she didn't know what method Yang Xian uses to survive the assassination attempt.

Fang Tongxin lingered her gaze on the Lin Wutang and Yu Huiqin who was about to step up to the second floor. A vicious glint flashed through her greyish irises. That dangerous glint vanished instantly and she greeted other guests. 

After sometimes, she entered the backstage and redo her makeup. She then poured one cup of that Laffite wine for tasting before drinking it. 

Her uncle who saw it called at her, no bellowed with heavy tone.

"Niece Tongxin, just what are you doing? That's for the auction!? How could you possibly drink it?!"

"Oh come on, Second Uncle ..., it's not like I don't know that you're also secretly took a sip of it before! Beside, this bottle is for tasting! And what's with you suddenly made me the auctioneer, I never heard of such thing ..., shouldn't I receive something as compensation?"

"So that one cup is your compensation, I see ..., that suffice. Alright that'll do, just don't overdrink it. How could we explain it to the guests if it's emptied?"

"Heh ..., it's just one or two cups, how could it be emptied with just that?" Fang Tongxin poured another cup as she drink the wine again.

"That's enough you naughty girl! Go and start preparing now, it's almost the time for the opening."

The Fang Auction House - Whitegold Headquarter was four-story pavilion which 3/4 of the building was for the auction venue. The hall like venue was huge, after all it must capable of accommodating guests from all over the continent. 

The auction venue was shaped into an open box, like this '⼐' character. With a stage and podium raised at the center of the first floor. The first floor was the one which could hold the most people, total seat of the first floor is 800.

The second floor was divided into six boxes-like room, with each box could accommodate twenty four seat. On the third floor, the room was divided into twelve boxes. There was no seat but rather a soft leather sofa, this was the VIP room.

As for the fourth floor ..., it was VVIP room, the floor was divided into six boxes like the second floor, but the decoration and furniture adorned these six room was more luxurious than the third floor.

For the matter of who is seating in which floor, it was decided with their financial power. The Fang family sent invitation but they never arranged their seat. After they entered the lobby, they would give a certain deposit before the receptionist picked the seat for them.

As tonight was the Whitegold Grand Auction, the standard was quite grand. On the first floor, they must be able to give proof that they have 1.000 gold in their pocket before getting a seat. The second 5.000 gold, the third 10.000 gold, and the fourth floor 50.000 gold. It was because the items which will be auctioned would at least, worth that much.

But that's just crazy, 50.000 gold is a great clan 10 years of income! And to think that there's someone who could just lavishly spend it as like that. 

Even with all of the crazy prerequisite, the VVIP and VIP room were all preoccupied. Showing how deep the pocket of the guests that Fang family has invited.

After everyone has seated, the curtain opened and Fang Tongxin who already changed her dress walked to the stage. It was white qipao with gold embroidery before ..., but now it was a crimson qipao with red fox fur adorned her shoulder. Her grey hair was tied into two-loop bun. There was orange shadow drawn on her eyelids, and her lipstick which lusciously red only add her charm even more.

The stark contrast between red and white brought her beauty into another level. Her qipao which wrapped around her body caused many audience's gaze to blaze with passion. 

"Ladies and gentlemen ..., welcome to our 144th Whitegold Grand Auction! First and foremost, let us give our heartfelt praises to gods above for giving us the chance and opportunity to gather in this venue in great health and without any difficulties whatsoever. My name is Fang Tongxin, and tonight I will be conducting the first half of the auction." she officially opened the auction with that.

The guest applaud and cheered in excitement after that. As the male guests, young or old couldn't perfectly conceal their desire upon seeing her. 

Fang Tongxin was pleased with how her natural charm and beauty could attract numerous male guests. She was quite confident with her look and body, as she believe in herself that there is no straight men who could resist her charm. But remembering how her own fiancé was averting his gaze and never even once look at her with fierce animalistic desire, that confidence somehow went down instantly. 

Perhaps Yang Xian was the only man who could restraint his eyes when talking face to face with her. But that was not what she wanted. As she was his future woman, she wanted him to not feel reserved and just ravage her with those ink-black eyes.

The applause quietened as Fang Tongxin returned to her sense. She then glanced at the card on her hand and called the first item to be auctioned tonight. 

"The first thing on our list to be auctioned and our main article this year is this precious wine ...," 

If other auction house usually reserved the best goods for the later, the Fang and Whitegold Grand Auction actually put the most prized goods right at the start of the auction. But even with that, there has been no such case of their auctioned item returned as unsold goods.

Fang Tongxin opened the cloth cover revealing two brown glass bottle of different volume. Upon seeing the bottle, the venue was filled with gasps and shocked scream.

"It truly is a crystal glass! They really auctioning a crystal glass!?"

"I thought it was only a hoax ...,"

"A crystal glass ..., and to be in such perfect condition."

Crystal glass, the common term for everything that is made from glass. It was a rare bottle container or utensils that was commonly found in dungeon or ancient ruin. Because the method to refine it was lost to the ages, it become a rare antique and expensive luxury. 

If an adventurer ventured the dungeon and found even the smallest bottle from inside the said dungeon, then he could instantly be a richman on the next day.

"Gentlemen ..., please don't be blinded with the beautiful container and ignore the true gem stored inside. Our client has agreed to let us open the smaller bottle and taste the wine inside. Dearest guest, as you might know ..., this bottle couldn't possibly be shared to all of you. Because of that, I will be auctioning ten cup of such wine. This is our first time auctioning a wine which was found inside a crystal glass and so we were unable to think of a way to make you know the wine true worth aside from letting you taste it."

The audiences let out a small discussion after that. It was true, most of the case liquid that is stored inside crystal glass bottle was spoiled alchemical potions of the ancient age. But inside this huge bottle was a wine ..., from who know how many ages ago. 

"I have the luck to personally taste such wine, and it was the best wine I ever taste in my life. Now, let us first start the bid. This cup of wine for a hundred gold. Who want to be the first to taste one of the ten cup?"

There was an awkward silence after she said that. Though they were curious with the wine, they were not foolish enough to indulge themselves in unnecessary luxury. A hundred gold for a small cup of wine, that just too unreasonable price even for them. It was basically a shakedown.

Someone on the second floor raised their number sign.

"Gentlemen over there, 100 gold."

But none raised another bid.

"100 gold going twice ..., thrice. Sold to the gentlemen number 45. Please come up to the stage and taste your very ancient wine." Fang Tongxin sweetly said.

The one who walked down was white-bearded man. Some of the guests thought it was someone who was planted by Fang clan to advertise the wine, but they shut of such thought because this elderly man was rather famous and someone with identity.

"It's the Thousand Brew Master!"

"Oh god, so it's the Thousand Brew Master ...,"

"Let us wait for his tasting review."

It was actually the one who come up with the recipe for the Thousand Brew Wine, the Thousand Brew Master! The elderly man went to the stage and he smugly exclaimed.

"Everyone, I bought this wine because I don't believe in this Fang girl nonsensical advertisement! So she think that a wine found inside a crystal glass from who know how many ages ago can best my Thousand Brew? I say bullshit, I don't buy it!?"

"Who do you think you are, old man!?" from the third floor, there's a young man interrupted Thousand Brew Master's speech. 

It was actually the hot-blooded Lin Wutang. He held back and not bid on it because he know he's poor and rely on Yu Huiqin for finance. But deep inside he wanted to buy it to make Fang Tongxin feel better because no one willing to put a bid on it. But when there's someone finally place a bid, he refrained from doing so.

However, after hearing the old man condescending speech, he couldn't hold himself back from shouting out loud.

"Hmph, youngster ..., from which hole did you crawl out? I am the Thousand Brew Master, a renowned brewmaster! There's no one knowledgeable about wine than me in this place! I know my stuff?! I should ask the same to you, who do you think you are!? Girl, pour me a cup and let's get this over with!"

Fang Tongxin shook her head as she never in the least bit care about the Thousand Brew Master's speech. She has compared both of the wine and was pretty sure that the Thousand Brew taste like shit compared to this ancient wine her fiancé brought.

She twisted the bottle cover and pleasant fragrant of the wine spread throughout the room intoxicating the audiences. She poured the clear spring water-like wine on a small liquor cup before closing the bottle.

The old man Thousand Brew gulped as he let out a raged breath like an excited teenager seeing woman naked body for the first time. With shaking hand he held the small wine cup, taking a slow whiff on it ..., the shaking was stopped, he then sipped it.

"Ahh ...," he let out a comfortable moan. 

He closed his eyes trying to indulge in the aftertaste. But the craving for more slowly bud up. He then pointed at Fang Tongxin and yelled.

"Girl, I haven't enough, another cup!"