
It's just a dream... right?

A boy who gets transported to another world everytime he sleeps please don't judge my work I'm a beginner

KazuYume · Urban
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Eldoria Forest



As I found myself in the forest

--- again

I stood up and looked around.

I'm a whole lot calmer than earlier.

It's the same, but the wolf isn't here. The forest is silent. The wind and leaves were still the only sounds.

I walked slowly and silently, trying to find a way out.

I walked and walked for what felt like an hour. Now I'm a bit tired and hungry.

I walked again, trying to find something or someone. I'm covered in sweat from exhaustion but still feel cold.

I saw a light that looked like a fire from afar through the gaps of the trees and bushes.

I ran towards the fire, but it was farther than I thought. I stepped on branches, trees, and mud until I had trouble breathing.

"Hah, hah, hah, it's so far," I said, wiping sweat from my brow.

My stomach growled, but it seemed like I wasn't the only one who was hungry.

I looked around. Behind the darkness and the trees, I saw red eyes. Not just one pair, but a pack.

--- What the hell?! Again? And there are many more of them now.

Wolves surrounded me, looking at me as their prey. They seemed to be examining me.

The wolves howled, but it made no sound. The wind blew, but nothing could be heard.

I stepped back and stepped on a branch. It was silent.

Not a single sound was made.

The area was so silent.

I tried to talk.

" "

---! I had no voice. I'm sure I did say something. I'm sure a voice came out, but it wasn't audible.

But right now... my voice being inaudible isn't the case here.

The wolves were starting to get ready for their charge.

One in front of me jumped.

--- I-I'm dead!

As the wolf charged at me, something pierced through its head.

Bloodstains could be seen on its head.

I looked at what hit it and saw a dagger.

I looked around, and the other wolves also started to fall dead.

My body couldn't move. The wolves were dead, but I wasn't sure if I was really safe.

A man walked from the shadows of the trees.

He extended his hand to me.

"Are you okay?"


--- Who is he?

"Ahh, no need to be scared. I'm not a bad guy. Here, take my hand."

"Uh-uhm, wh-who are you?" I asked, still not feeling safe.

The man was wearing a robe. He had daggers and a mask.

"Hmm, me? I'm Hiiro. This is my first time seeing you here. Are you from the other village?" he said.

I reached for his hand to stand up.

--- I see, he looks like an assassin. He's really cool.

"Uhm, thank you. I'm Haruki. Can I ask where I am?"

"Ohh, Haruki, huh? You're in the forest of Eldoria."

--- Eldoria? Never heard of it.

As I thought about it, my stomach growled.

I got a bit embarrassed.

"Uh-uhm, so-sorry."

"Haha, it's okay, it's okay. Don't worry. By the way, you're hungry, right? Then follow me to the village. They'll feed you there."

--- Is he really this friendly with anyone he sees?

Hiiro started walking.

"Oi, you gonna stay there?"

"Uh-uhm, sorry."

I ran to him, matching his speed.

I have so many things on my mind, but right now, I just want to eat.

Maybe I'll ask him about it after I eat.
