
The test

It isn't a bad thing that they have decided to shift here, it's just I was a little surprised! Anyways, after the announcement ( which was too grand) we had an awesome dinner. Then, finally the 2 of them left and so I went to my bedroom. I was so tired! So I changed quickly and just as I was shutting the phone down, Ed video called! I picked it up without thinking for a second.

When he saw me, he smiled and then said," You look gorgeous, honey" that is when I saw that my hair was all messed up and I looked damn tired! All I could do was blush and say,"I was about to sleep and so this terrible look is justified."

"Who says you look terrible? You look awesomely sexy!" replied Ed

"Please! Drop the sarcasm"

"I am so not kidding! I am so close to grabbing you from your house and taking you to some nice, romantic place like Paris!"

"I would love that! I so wish I had met you a bit earlier.. I went to Paris for my 18th birthday and I loved it there, but I think it would have been much better if you had been there!"

"I will make your dream come true, don't you worry. Anyways I think you should sleep now cause we have to study tomorrow"

"Ya that's true! Also I am so tired"

"Goodbye, love. Sleep well. Dream about me"

"I always dream about you. Good night. I love you" and with that I cut the call and sunk into my bed, going to sleep in an instant!

Next morning, I got up and dressed in a white tank top and classic blue jeans . Just as I was leaving, mom called me and said," Millie, clear your schedule for the day after because we have to help Uncle John in shifting and arranging their new house."

"okay Mom. can I go now? please?"

"ya ya. Bye, sweetie"

"bye mom!" and then I left quickly. My walk to my school is never a boring one, although I prefer to use my car!(it's faster!) My poor car had gone to a garage. I was waiting for it's return. Then, before I could realise that I was about to reach school, a hand came on my waist and pulled me suddenly. I turned around abruptly and saw that it was Ed! I got scared when I felt the hand but then when I saw that it was him, I no longer objected. Instead I myself put my arms on his shoulders and said," You scared me! how come you are here today? where is your car?"

he laughed and said," I just felt like walking today! As for your other question, I am also going to school!" That is when I realised that I didn't know where he stayed. I made a mental note of asking him that later. Then we just walked to school together, holding hands. It felt nice even though it felt like a typical high school romance. When we reached school, Jessica came running towards us or more clearly towards Ed. She saw that we were holding hands but she just seemed to ignore it and me as well. She said," Hey, handsome!" and then tried to hug Ed but he just moved away so she continued," You look so hot today! I love your black shirt." Ed just replied with," Thanks Jessica! I will see you later"

with that he just pulled me and himself away from Jessica and towards the old school corridor. I said," God! I hate Jessica!"

he replied with," So do I now!"

"Ed , we have got just 10 mins before the first lecture starts!"

"I know, scaredy cat. Don't you worry! I will take you back in some time." and then he just kissed me deeply. His hands went into and hair and my hands were on his shirt, pulling him. Then, I had to pull away. it took a lot of will power but I did it.

he asked," What's wrong?"

I said," I have a test in the first lecture of history so I gotta revise once" on hearing this, he took his hands off me and said," okay! let's study then.. We can revise together"

Since we had only five minutes before the test, we walked and talked. he asked me questions and then I answered.

We stopped outside my history classroom, Ed muttered," All the best,love. I know u don't need luck to ace this test but still keep it! hahahah" and then he was gone with a smile so dazzling that my heart skipped a beat.

Then the test was done. It was a very simple one. I was in a good and Happy mood but I wanted to see Ed! Soon, the bell rang for the last lecture and I ran out of the classroom to meet Ed. He saw me coming and laughed. Then he said," Calm down, calm down, honey! What is happening?"

My face turned red, I couldn't help but blush! I finally replied," I wanted to see you! I couldn't wait!" He laughed and said," Someone is just as eager as I am! Finally!" I laughed and so did he. Since I am not as tall as him, he kissed me on my forehead without a worry!