
Here he comes

When we separated, I saw that the paintings were absolutely stunning! I said," Why are there paintings here?"

he replied," Because,this was the art room!"

" it WAS?"

"Yes, it isn't anymore because this side of the school once had a fire so this part was shut down" okay!!

He suddenly asked," Do you want to go somewhere in the evening, today?" I hated the fact that I had to say no!!

"Sorry, Ed! My dad's friend, Uncle John and his son, Mike are coming to my place in the evening!"

" Okay no problem!"

"Let's go home, now! I am sure my mom has a list of jobs for me to do because guests are coming over!"

" Believe me! Every mom does!"

As usual, I started walking towards my house but suddenly Ed asked me where I was going.

I replied," home"

he laughed and said," Let me drop you off. I have my car today."

And then we were speeding home in his Porsche.

When we reached my street, I told him to stop( I could walk a little!) because today my parents were at home ( both had taken a leave from work, thanks to Uncle John and Mike). He understood so he parked his car and walked with me...

" I can go alone, you know! You don't have to worry about me so much"

" oh I know, super woman! it's just that I don't want to waste even a single moment that I can have with you"

my cheeks turned a bright crimson and I replied," That's why I love you so much! Also, I am so close to just pulling you to me and kissing you!"

Now, he was the one who blushed and then he murmured" I so wish I could that, scaredy cat"

Then came the moment I dreaded, I had to say goodbye to him! Just as I was about to go, I kissed him on the cheek and said," Miss me!"

he replied with," Oh I most definitely will!"

I could have heard my dad's voice from a mile ago! When I opened the door, all of a sudden my mom came rushing towards me and so did my sister! They told me to go and change into a nice dress.. I knew there was no point in arguing so I just went to my room. I changed into my sunshine yellow dress and went to do something I hated, FORMAL INTRODUCTION!"

Just as I entered the living room, I saw Uncle John come up to me. He had become old, of course but he was recognisable... on the other hand, Mike was very, very different! He looked very sweet and handsome.. ( Not as handsome as Ed!) but he was a good looking guy! Uncle John greeted me with a hug while Mike just said "hi"... Then came the quiz up round.. Uncle John asked me about how I was doing, what I wanted to do next, what college I was studying in and so many more questions! It was only the last question which embarrassed me too much. It was the typical question 'Do you have a boyfriend?' I couldn't say the truth so I just laughed through it.

I just wanted the night to be over but then again luck has never supported me so just as my mother suggested that we eat some food, Uncle John said this," What's the rush? let's binge watch some movie together! We don't meet everyday after all!" and of course my dad agreed! So while they sat and watched some old movie, I went to my room hoping for some privacy so that I could atleast text Ed! but that was not what God wanted cause just as I reached my room, Mike entered as well.

" Sorry, I don't mean to bother you but my dad believes I need to make some "friends" so can't help it."

"It's okay! you can sit here if you want"


He sat there silently while I read a book and then texted Ed. After sometime, Uncle John called me and Mike out to tell us something IMPORTANT.. but of course what he said was so not expected!!

After some eye- twingling and excitement, Uncle John said that," Mike and I have decided to move to your city!!" on my god!! who takes such a decision without any consideration?