
another day

The next morning, I was in my own dream world because I had had a dream. The dream was no surprise to me cause whenever I thought about someone too much, I saw him. I dreamt about Ed! I did!.. I lo--love him!

I knew that I would see him today, I knew that I could be with him today. I combed my hair careless, lost in his thoughts. I was brought back to earth by my mom's shouting! She was telling me about how my dad's friend and his son were coming to meet us!!! Why God!!! why??!! I hated the son!! Even though Uncle John is a very intelligent and sensible man, his son was a selfish and mean person! Then I remembered that it had been 5 years since I met them! so maybe I could bear them! Who cares!?? I have to go to college!

I started the walking and reached the college with the speed of light! I couldn't wait to meet (and talk to) Ed! I think he read my mind cause he was standing near the entrance, waiting for me! I ran to Ed!

He stretched his arms out and I hugged him ( also half fell). I love how he pulled me towards him even though there was no space between us anymore. Unfortunately, I couldn't kiss him cause we were surrounded by people. He bent towards me and murmured in my ear," I know what you are thinking! I want to kiss you too!" and then he started laughing. I couldn't help but smile. He tucked my hair behind my ear and brushed his hand on my shoulder. Then, we had to separate as we had classes to attend. I was focused on studying cause I knew they would end soon and I would then be able to see him again. So, I submitted my notes and paid attention to learning about English literature and Maths.

The day was over, I loved this day. I got excellent marks in the tests and I had Ed by my side! Now, it was time to dance! I didn't want to go home. Just as everyone left and the rest of the group was heading towards the auditorium for the dance class, Ed pulled me in a circle of his arms and said let's go, I have something to show you! Before I could ask anything, he was running and so was I! We reached the abandoned corridor that everyone talked about! It was the corridor that we weren't allowed to enter. Just as I saw Ed going in the corridor, I stopped him!

"We aren't allowed to enter the corridor, it leads to the old classrooms!"

"Come on, scaredy cat! it has some beautiful painting in the back!" As tempting as that was, I still didn't want to break rules.

" No, thanks. I believe in following the rules."

For a moment he stood still, then all of a sudden he swooped me off the ground and carried me into the corridor! All I said was "Hey!!! Put me down"

He smiled( stunning me)," No way! You don't break rules so I am making you, sweetheart!"

the word sent chills through my body!

Then, we entered a classroom and it was a little Dusty but Beautiful!! it did have a lot of paintings! Suddenly, I felt him put his arms around me and say," And you didn't want to come!"

" I am so happy that I was brought here!

"Anytime! That's why you should trust me!"

"I do trust you! Otherwise, I wouldn't be here!"

"Oh ya"

Then, his lips were on mine and my hands were in his hair! His hands explored my waist while I just had my hands on his cheeks.

The kiss was an all-consuming one! I could feel his tongue on my lips. He broke the kiss and muttered," You do remember we have dance class right? "

" I didn't remember that! I just got distracted because of you!"

" Do you want to go then?"

"Not really! I'd much rather stay here with you!"

" Someone's got a little crush on me!"

" I think it's a little more than that"

He laughed and then there was so space between us. In that moment, I pulled him and loved him. I kissed him with all my heart!