
It's hard to let go

"She loved him. Loved him with all she had. She loved him until her last breath him. She tried her best to forget him but couldn't. That's why she could never love back my....dad. I can't blame her for that cause I know it's hard to let go the person we love." .... June looked at Noah. She still can't believe that she completed her mother's love story by loving this man. Maybe destiny wants them together or it could be a miracle God made to tie these two souls together. {The story is based on Korean romantic movie "The Classic". }

YouAreMyVision · Teen
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20 Chs


I couldn't stop crying looking at Zach. His slender body laying on the bed lifeless, his eyes closed and he had a dark black mark on his throat. The thought of him wanting to end his life made me cry even harder. I sat beside him, holding his hand and started to cry non stop. Tears streaming down my eyes like waterfall.

After sometimes I realized Adam's presence in the room. I looked up at him. His eyes are dry like desert. He is out of tears. But pain was visible in his eyes. I felt like someone pinching my heart. I bit back the urge to cry like a baby and give him a small smile. I have to stay stronger for him. He needs me. He almost lost his best friend.

I couldn't look at him for long time. I felt like the pain in his eyes was increasing with every blink. It pierced my heart even more. I lowered my gaze and looked at Zach, hiding my tears. I always thought of Zach as a playful and bright person. I didn't know that depressed people have the brightest smile.

I looked back at Adam to make sure that he is okay. But I found none. He really needs sometime alone to fight with the situation. But then I noticed something that clenched my heart. The Necklace. It was hanging on the door knob. Did he give it back to me? Why? I picked the necklace and rushed outside. I looked for him every where but found none. A unknown fear was rushing through my body. I started feeling so scared. I was scared to lose him. But it was so late. I already lost him.

I never meet him after that day. He also didn't come to school. I wrote hundreds of letters and sent them but there was no reply. I went to his house several times but it was empty. It was like he got vanished after the day. I shed tears for him every night but there was no one to wipe away my sorrow. Tears would dry up in my eyes and made marks of gloominess. I already lost the brightness of my face. My despair was noticed by my dad and that's why he called off my marriage with Zach.


(4 years later)

"This is illegal demonstration! Eliminate corruption and establish a new state! A new state! Down with dictatorship and the military regime! Down with the regime! Down with dictatorship!"

At the moment the police started firing at the crowd and spreading tearing gas. The crowd fell apart and started running backwards. I also started running. What do they think of them? Slaves of governments!

I feel my eyes burning. It must be red by now. They are all itchy. Soon I felt exhausted for running too much. I looked back and saw they are still behind us, I have to hide. I can't see clear. All I can see is blur. I entered an alley and hide behind a wall. I hold my knees while panting hard. I started rubbing my eyes, feeling like to take them off. After some time I felt a hand on my shoulder which startled me.

'If you wipe on toothpaste your eyes will hurt less. J..Jessica?'

I can't see his face due to my blury eyes. But the voice....it sound so familiar. I tried to look clearly and saw Zach with toothpaste under his eyes. He became more tall and handsome. He looks sweet and decent. The playboy look on his face vanished. He is those kind of boy with whom girls will fall in love at first sight. He smiled looking at my face.


'Put on toothpaste.'

He said put toothpaste under my eyes. The burning sensation on my eyes lessen a bit. I smiled and thanked him. He didn't replied to me but rubbed the place between his lips and nose with his index finger playfully. His behavior didn't changed at all. I smiled looking at him. He looked away shyly.

'I...It's been a long time.'

'It has. H..have you heard of Adam?'

'He ...he joined the military.'

He said while looking down. I widened my eyes not knowing how to react. I felt heavy on my chest and a lump in my throat.

'When he is leaving?'


'Take me there.'


We immediately reached the station. My heart started beating uneasy. I gonna meet him after whole 4 years but he is going away from me. Why? The whole station is crowded with peoples. They are crying while hugging their loved ones. I wish I could hug Adam like this. I want to scold him very bad for leaving me struggling that time. I want tell him how much I missed him all these years.

Zach hold my hands in the crowd and guided me. I started looking for him in every compartment restlessly. I have to meet him. I don't want to loose him again. I want to hug him so bad and never let go. But I started feeling frustrated when I couldn't find him anywhere. I loose all my hopes when I heard a whistle indicating that the train is going to leave soon. I facepalmed myself and started crying. He is too close to me but I am unable to find him.

'Jessica? Adam!'

A glimpse of hope grew inside me hearing that. I looked back and saw Adam sitting near the window seat like a statue. He is looking straight emotionlessly. He loosed a lot of weight. I went towards the window and started tapping the window glass. My vision is getting blury.

'Adam! Adam!'

He looked at me and became shocked. He bite his lips and looked away hiding his tears.

'Adam! Adam! Talk to me! Please come back alive. You have to come back alive! Adam! Answer me. Adam!'

I broke down at the place. Why he is not answering me back? I became more frustrated when the train started moving. I saw Adam got up from his sit running and came at door. I also ran towards the door. His eyes are red due to crying to much.



I started running with the train. I placed my hand behind my neck and take out the necklace. The memory of our love. I look at the necklace whenever I miss him. I give him the necklace while crying hard.

'Take care. Remember you have to come alive! Got it?'

'Adam come back alive!'

'Adam you have to come back. For me. P..please come b..ba..back.'

*Sometimes crying is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth just can't explain how broken you heart is.*

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