
Chapter VIII


Nite greet as he saw Aoi enter the room before going back to his sketch.

"Ah, good morning, Nuwamari-kun. I can see that you're early as usual, such a good student."

Aoi chuckle as she made her way into the arm chair beside in the corner of the room and beside the window after taking her shoes off.

"And I can also see that you're on your usual seat, president."

Aoi frown a little at the mention of her position in the Art Club.

"No one calls me that here, you know. Stop calling me that."

Nite stop in his sketch and turn to look at Aoi and saw her small but visible frown before she tore her sight away from him and went to take out her personal sketchpad from her bag and begin sketching.

"Why is that? Why is there no one calling you President despite being one?"

Nite ask and Aoi halted before her frown widen.

"Because it's uncomfortable. You can call me by either my last name or first name, it's your choice. But I prefer if I'm being called by my first name by the people who are close to me."

Aoi give Nite a smile before resume her sketching.

"Are we friends?"

Aoi could feel that she was shot by an invisible arrow on her heart the moment she heard his respond.

'What a cold person.'

"I-I'm s-sorry f-for rushing some things…"

Aoi apologize with an apologetic smile plaster on her face, yet she refuse to have an eye-contact with the black haired boy.

Nite got confused a little by her behavior before he realized why she's like that.

"Ah, I didn't mean it like that. I was asking because I'm not sure if we're really close or if I'm just an acquaintance of yours."

Nite explained, panicking a little.

"Oh, I see. I thought that was sarcastic."

Aoi breathe out a relief of sigh before letting out a sheepish chuckle.

'Sometimes I wonder if she's an airhead or just thinking too much.'

"Oh! I almost forgot!"

Aoi exclaimed before making her way into the shelves and take out a box from the top shelf before giving it to Nite who looks confused.

"This is a gift I prepare for the newcomers, and since you're a newcomer, I'll give you one."

Aoi smile and Nite look at it a moment in confusion causing the brown haired girl to feel a little nervous.

'Does he not like it? Does he like something else? Why is he not responding?'

Aoi starts to panic and she begin to tremble a little.

"U-Um… Y-Y-You c-c-can c-choose if y-you'd like, N-Nuwamari-kun."

Aoi stutter and Nite flinch a little before taking the box from her hands.

"This is fine. I'm sorry, I'm just surprised a little."

Nite said as he eyed the white box.

"Eh, surprised? Why? Doesn't this happens in other club as well?"

Aoi ask, tilting her head to the side.

'They even throw a small party for their newcomers.'

"I haven't join any club before."

Nite respond.

"Ah, I see. That's why you're a little surprise."

Aoi said.

'Now that you mention it, I also heard this from the other students as well. So it was true, huh.'

"Then, let's go to the café that we usually go before going home. We'll throw a little welcome party for you, and it's only us and the other newcomers as well, if there would be other else."

Nite's eyes widen a little and he couldn't help the happiness that's slowly filling him up.

'I'm… I'm feeling little bit happy for some reasons… I don't know if it's because of the gift or the welcome party, or it's just her kindness… But what I know is that I'm definitely happy and she's the cause.'

"Thank you, Aoi."

Nite thank and now it was Aoi's eyes widen as she was surprised by getting called by her first name by Nite.

Nite, who notice this, immediately apologize.

"I'm sorry for blurting that all of sudden, Akishira. I'm sorry for calling you by your first name like that."

The black haired boy apologize, bowing his head a little.

"No, it's okay. In fact, I feel more comfortable if you call me by my first name instead of my last name. You can call me by my first name, Nuwamari-kun, I don't mind."

Aoi smile brightly and Nite couldn't help but to also smile.


Nite mutter and Aoi feel happier the moment she saw his small yet visible smile.

'Ah, I feel like I accomplished something… The President before me also felt this happiness every time someone join the Art Club.'

"A couple bear?"

Aoi snap out of her thoughts at Nite's voice and look at him which she regretted because the moment her eyes landed on Nite, she saw the couple bear hugging each other while holding a heart sign that says, "I hope you'll be happy with me".


Aoi blink her eyes for a couple times before her face went completely flush.

"A-Ah, U-U-U-Umm… T-That's… U-Um…"

Aoi couldn't think straight as her face turns beet red and a steam coming out from her head.

'W-What s-s-s-s-should I-I-I-I-I-I d-do?! I-I d-didn't e-e-even k-knew t-t-t-t-t-there's s-s-s-something l-like t-that a-among t-the gifts! Ah! W-What s-should I do?! S-Someone, p-please help me!'

It's as if Aoi's prayers were heard, the door open and the Izunari twins went inside.

"Oh, Nuwamari, morning."

Keiji greet, waving his hand once.

"Yeah, morning to you two too."

Nite greet back and Keiji squint his eyes at the keychain that Nite's holding.

"What's that? A bear?"

Aoi flinch and turn to face the two and saw Keiji looking at the keychain intensely causing Aoi to let out a shriek before throwing the nearest object to her which is a thick book at Keiji.

The book landed on Keiji's face causing him to let out a grunt the moment the book hit his face and Aoi's flinch again.

"A-Ah, I-I'm s-s-sorry, Keiji-kun!"

Aoi apologize, her eyes starts to spin as her flushed face never disappearing.

"S-S-S-S-See y-you later, bye!"

Aoi bid and immediately leave the room before Keiji could stop her and get his revenge while Kiara only stood by the door-side, confused at the scene before her.

"You damn rabbit!"

Keiji shout before also leaving the room to chase Aoi.

"What did just happened, Nuwamari?"

Kiara ask as she stand beside Nite, her eyes not leaving the door that's wide open.

"Who knows, I'm not sure."

Nite respond before a smile made its way into his lips and look at the keychain on his hands.

'You're more fun to watch when you're embarrass than the twins who are fighting, Aoi. What an adorable girl.'
