
It's All Me

My name is Dylan Maxwell. I'm a freshman at West Valley High. My life practically revolves around the library, school and home, so it's pretty boring. Who knew that one fire accident which almost burnt down the school building and the murder of two students could turn me into the female version of Sherlock Holmes though I haven't read his books yet.

Starfall12234 · Teen
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7 Chs

I'm An Idiot

Though the Home Economic lab was a no go area, school was back to normal. As it turns out, there was a boy in the Home Ec lab when the fire happened, Josh Kavinsky, he is a junior. He is still in coma at the hospital but apparently he was pulling a prank which ended up going wrong and caused a fire. But either way at least no one else got injured."Dylan, you'll never believe this but Tanya Griffin whose best friends with Madison Dower who has a sister that's a senior and apparently her sister's boyfriend's twin brother who is on the soccer team said that he saw Jayden Flynn's locker, whom by the way is his close friend, and apparently someone spray painted it with the purple and wrote Play Nice on it and glued a nearly burnt rag doll to it," said Kenzie as she stood in front of my locker. Kenzie was outgoing and was kind of a huge gossip at times. "Are you sure it's true," I stated"Yes it's true, why would I lie to you about something like this," then I raised my eyebrow, well I tried to," I can't tell if you are raising your eyebrow or trying not to blink," she said. "Isn't the school concerned about it?," "I don't think they know about it cause they got some of their soccer star wannabes to clean it," she said. "Oh and are you still going to try out for the school dance team with me," she said pleadingly. I used to dance and do gymnastics before and was pretty good at it but haven't really danced in a while, I still do flexibility tricks and practice some tumbling passes in the backyard. I didn't really want to do it but the total simp I am said yes. "Yay!" she said excitedly. "I gotta go I have Geography next," I said as I waved at her and walked away, "Bye."As I turned towards the corridor to get to my class, I accidentally tripped over my shoe lace,"Why do you always seem to trip over something," said a deep voice, I removed my braids from my eyes to get a clear view of the person and I saw a pair of green eyes staring down at me, he was the same guy that stopped me from falling in the auditorium, I was able to study him better and I noticed he was really good looking and was kinda muscular, he was holding a soccer ball in his hand which meant he was probably on the soccer team. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," he said smirking a bit. I pushed myself up, not really know what to say, I nodded and walked away, mentally slapping myself. . . . ."Well well well, if it isn't Dylan Maxwell, auditions for the school's mascot is at the other side of the gym," said Mirabelle as she stretched beside me, I frowned at her and ignored her. "Sorry, I'm late," said Kenzie as she plopped right next time and started stretching in a pigeon pose. " Hey,Kenzie, goodluck on your audition maybe afterwards you could can come over to my house to hangout a bit by the pool, I could introduce you to my friends," said Mirabelle, "OK sure, Can Dylan come along?," asked Kenzie, "I'll think about it and give you my answer before the end of the audition,"she said and walked towards her friends who were seating on the bleachers. "You know can go, don't worry about me," I said,"Of course not, we are going together," said Kenzie,"She obviously doesn't really like me that's why I'm not going,""Oh please, I've talked to Mirabelle a few times and she seems nice," said Kenzie"To you but not to me, so I'm not going," "OK now gather around people," yelled the dance coach, Mr Simmons, we all rushed up and gather around him,"I bet you are all here to because you want to join the dance team right," we all nodded,"Well this team is for winners and I don't want losers, as you all know the dance team won last year's national dance competition, so this year I plan on doing the same and maybe help some of you have a chance on Broadway, that is if you are good enough, the previous members of this team started like this and now some them are at Julliard or Broadway shows," he said,"If you want to be like them, you all have to give it your A game, in fact scratch A, I want A+++,""So let's start the auditions," he said and went to seat down on the bleachers,"Do the dance routine that is required for the audition," We were about maybe sixty that showed up for the try outs, we all took our spots in the center of the gym, Me too by Meghan Trainor started playing and we all started performing the routine, I was behind everyone so it wasn't really easy to see me, so that made me not put much into it until when he called out a brown-haired girl that was next to me, which made quickly step up. By the time the music stopped, it was only Kenzie, I and a few other students, that were left. I was surprised that Mirabelle was eliminated before me, it was just her friend Addison that was left. "So those of you that are still standing are going to do a solo performance and I will pick the top eleven that will make the team and maybe the best two dancers today will get a solo in our upcoming competition," he said as he removed his glasses"You all have five minutes to get ready," he said."Oh my God, I can't believe we both made it this far," I said excitedly to Kenzie. "As in, what song are you going to dance to?" she asked, "Well, I don't really know yet, but I'm thinking of dancing to I Am from the Musical by Now United," "That's a good song choice, I'm thinking of dancing to ," she said. We both went to meet the kids that was in charge of the music to write down our number and the song we were to dance to. Immediately our five minutes was up the first dancer came up, he was a boy and he was pretty good, I went towards the locker rooms to calm my nerves before dancing when I came out I saw Mirabelle and Addison walking away from where Addison was to write down her song. "Number 35" yelled a senior whom looked like she was Mr Simmons assistant, quickly ran to the center of the gym, I calmed down and waited for my song to start playing when I heard a different song entirely, How the heck does I am turn to UP by Cardio B. I decided to freestyle a little bit but it wasn't really easy because I was more of a lyrical or contemporary kind of dancer, not Hip-Hop but I guess I was decent at it. I looked around and I saw that some of the soccer players had already finished practice and were sitting down, watching our auditions including Max, I saw Mirabelle smirking at me while the rest of the people there were trying not to laugh at me, it was really embarrassing so I just ran out of the gym. When I was sure there was no one around the entrance I his behind a table and started crying. "Dylan, where are you," said Kenzie as she looked around for me, I buried my face in my hands as if it would hide me,"There you are," she said, surprising me a bit, she then crawled under the table,"Sorry about what happened back there," she said patting me on the back.,"You know, Mr Simmons said that he thought you were okay before you know what happened and he thinks he should give you another chance," she said and I gave her a look,"OK so he may have not said that but he obviously thought you were good enough, that's why he chose you to be in the final round," I stood up from where I was sitting and stretched a little bit, I wiped my tears and made sure my face was okay,"I guess so but I bet it was Mirabelle that did it," I said,"Of course not Dylan, she even looked a little bit sympathetic when you ran out," she said,"Maybe you could come over to her house with me and get to know her