
It's all connected

A poor Ivory gets a scholarship to study in the school for the rich. She soon finds herself in hot water when every student she managed to befriend winds up dead. Danger lurks everywhere leaving her unable to trust anyone even herself.

TESSIE_18 · Teen
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9 Chs



"You need a fucking therapist, little sis", I managed to let out.

Ivory didn't look away from me. She just continue to stare at my blood soaked shirt. She'd always been aloof, a bit clumsy but super nice. That is, until Jason brought up the idea to sell us to sex machines in exchange for money. That trauma ruined Ivory's childhood and she was starting to act s bit off.

The night I killed the man that was sexually assaulting me, I'd gone to Ivory, confessing everything I was going to do to the man. I'd thought she was asleep but I figured she wasn't when I heard news that she'd also killed her assaulter.

I blamed myself for the monster standing in front of me. I was here, dying, her only family was dying and she didn't move an inch. She did not look sad or worried. She was just keeping her eyes on me so the cops on their way would arrest me and she'd lie her way out of whatever predicament she was in.

I know she killed them, no one else would have any reason to kill them and besides, she had a mental issue.. She needed a hospital, she needed to be fixed. That was what I thought but I just want her to be happy, I want to put her out of her misery. I want her to live the rest of her life happy.

She still didn't take her eyes off me. I couldn't run anywhere anyways, I was feeling my consciousness slowly leaving me. Under normal circumstances, she was supposed to be shedding tears for me but my sister was looking at me like I was no better than a street dog.

She can't change. She would only continue to cause others harm. I blame the environment we grew up in. I blame the mother who gave birth to us despite knowing she wasn't ready to shoulder her responsibilities. I blame the father who slept with my mother without using protection. I blame the world for it's discrimination.

I decide that it's better to put an end to my sister's misery rather than having her live and ruin others and herself. I glanced at the gun I was shot with. It was on the couch with me. I look up at my sister and tears escape my eyes.

"I'm sorry", I said as I pulled the trigger and shot her.


I sensed something was off when I saw tears fall from his eyes. He apologized. Why was he apologizing? Then I saw him bring out a gun. Where the fuck did he get that. He fired at me but I managed to dodge the bullet. I used his injury to my advantage and threw the metal jar at him. It hit his face and he was bleeding. I quickly took a rag from the couch and snatched the gun from him.

"What are you doing?", he asked amidst pain.

I ignore him and look out for signs of the cops. I hear their siren from a distance. I remembered that there were two cops and search my brother for another gun. He was still writhing in pain. There was no gun on him, I eyed the gun I'd left on the table to search him. I picked it up, a rag prevent me from touching it directly. I did not want to leave any evidence that led to me.

I heard doors closing outside and I shot myself in the shoulders. I proceeded to put the gun in my dear brother's hand. As if to understand what I was trying to do, he Helo the gun tightly and I got out of his range of fire.

"I won't shoot you. Don't worry", he said, struggling to breathe. "I won't have my little sister's blood on my hands"

I took a gamble and walked into his sight of view I fell on the floor, holding my shot shoulder. I scream in pain as the doors flung open to reveal cops.

They rushed inside like ants. I was still screaming in pain, I'd already started to cry.

"Fucking bitch", I hear Brian say.

I knew my brother wouldn't say anything against me. He would take the blame for the cops and for my shot arm. So all I had to do was look for a reasonable argument as to why all the people associated with me were dying.

My brother and I were rushed to the hospital. I felt tired of this serenade so I proceeded to sleep.


I was worried about Ivory. I tried calling her again after she hung up on me but she didn't pick up. I knew she was innocent. She was so sweet, she would never do anything like kill a human being. She was the epitome of perfection and now she was in danger.

I wanted to help her but my hands were tied. I wasn't wealthy enough to hire a good lawyer to help her. All the wealthy people around her are also dead. I did not think this through.

Amelia's case was suicide. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that it was suicide. That is, until Cole came into the picture and somehow pinned the whole thing on Ivory.

I needed to do something. If I don't, Ivory will die.


I suspected something was wrong when I saw Amelia kissing Ivory in the park. I knew Amelia was lesbian but I wasn't so sure about Ivory.

I started my background research on her when Anna called me on the day of her death that she needed me to run a background check on Ivory. I got everything I needed that night, waiting for morning to rise so I'd tell Anna about my discoveries only to be delivered news of her death.

I'd found out some shocking things about Ivory. I didn't know what caught my attention the most. Maybe it was the fact that she had multiple personality disorders or the fact that she'd committed murder at the age of nine or maybe it was the fact that she was nothing like how she was in the past.

I didn't suspect her for Anna's murder. I just wanted to rile her up and maybe get her to slip up. She did slip up, it was only for a few minutes but she dripped her innocent girl act for a moment while addressing Thomas.

I was secretly watching all of this from the camera I left in the classroom. After seeing the tape, I concluded that I wanted to know more about her. Whether she'd really changed or whether she was putting up an act.

I became obsessed with her backstory and her. She intrigued me and I would go to any extent to see the darkness she hides deep in her heart