
It's all connected

A poor Ivory gets a scholarship to study in the school for the rich. She soon finds herself in hot water when every student she managed to befriend winds up dead. Danger lurks everywhere leaving her unable to trust anyone even herself.

TESSIE_18 · Teen
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9 Chs



I gasped at her last statement but my hands never left her back. She had been traumatized but I still couldn't get over the fact that she committed murder.

"You're a survivor, not a murderer", I told her.

She chuckled and a tear roll off her cheek. I helped her wipe it off. "Why haven't you left your parents yet?"

"They allowed us to avoid jail but they have proof that we killed and I don't want that getting to the police. I need to be clean for my safe future"

I hugged her and she hugged me back.

"It felt good to get that off my chest. Thank you, Amelia", she said.

I blushed slightly, happy to know I helped her in a way. I was not going to judge her because of her past. She's no longer a weak child. She's working towards her goal with such determination, it made me wonder about my life. I'd never worked hard for anything in my life. Everything was always handed down to me and now that I was thinking about it, it made me sick in the stomach.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt Ivory's hands in my cheek. She was a bit too close and my face was getting flushed. I could feel how hot my face was becoming.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, Amelia. I've never felt this way for anyone before", she started and I gulp. "I feel like I can't share my deepest darkest secrets with you. I feel like I am myself whenever I'm with you. I can't explain it but I feel an attraction toward you"

I blink twice, unsure of what I'd just heard.

"Amelia? I thought you liked me too"

I looked at her with my mouth opened. I don't know if she saw my parted lips as an invite but she kissed me, not giving me time to react. I didn't pull her away and I didn't kiss her back. I just stayed in one spot wondering if this was real life.

She pulled away and looked at me, "You don't want to?"

I'd not recovered from the shock so I didn't reply. I thought it was a one sided crush. I never expected it to blow up like this.

"Of course I want to", I yelped and I kissed her.

I wanted her to part her lips so I'd put my tongue in but I didn't want to force it. The kiss was gentle, just like her. I didn't want to chase her off by being forceful.

"Well, excuse you", a voice said from behind Ivory.

We pulled apart to see who interrupted our special moment and I scowl. I look to see if Ivory is offended by his presence but her reaction was neutral.

"What do you want, Cole?", I demanded.

"You don't own the park, Amelia. I can be here", he stops to look at Ivory and smiles, "I didn't think you were interested in girls, cupcake"

Ivory remains silent. She's probably too shy to tell him off.

"Get lost", I said, holding Ivory's hand and leading her out of the park.

"Watch out, Amelia, or she'll kill you next", he joked. At least I hope it was a joke.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit scared of Ivory. Anyone who has killed would not hesitate to do it a second time. I wanted to trust Ivory though, I'd only known her for a few days but I feel like I can trust her.

"Ivory, don't worry about Cole. I'll protect you. He won't touch you, I promise." I hugged her but she didn't return my hug.


Cole's unexpected arrival made me realize that I'd been stupid. I told Amelia about my horrible past which I'd kept shut in the darkest part of my memories. Now this girl could rat me out to the police anytime and I may not be able to get a decent job in the future.

My crime was justifiable, but only if I could afford a good lawyer- I can't- to plead my case. I could not allow such a matter to reach the police, I just couldn't. I did not want to forsake my future. Things were going so well too, I'd already had her believe I was attracted to her. So why did I have to open my huge mouth and let those horrible words come out of it.

If Cole gets even a hint about my past, it's over for me. He already believes I killed Anna and there's nothing I could say to change his mind.

Fear can make people do things and I saw that fear in Amelia's eyes. With her runny mouth, I was sure it wouldn't be long before the matter got to the police.

Amelia hugs me and tells me not to worry about Cole. She said she'd protect me. But I wasn't worried about Cole, I was worried about her and my horrible past which she now knows of. With her riches, she can easily make my parents hand over the evidence they have of me killing my assaulter and it'd be the end for me.

She said she'd protect me but I needed protection from her. She pulls back from the hug, trying to study my face. I don't have my innocent face on, I looked neutral. She couldn't figure out what I was thinking, she gave me a confused look and I continue to stare at her.

"Are you ok?", she asks me.

"Yh, just thinking about Anna", I say, still not changing my expression. She must've gotten uncomfortable with my staring because she touched my head and said I looked tired.

"You should go. I'll see you tomorrow", she was trying to chase me away. She was scared of me. That was not a good sign.