
It's all connected

A poor Ivory gets a scholarship to study in the school for the rich. She soon finds herself in hot water when every student she managed to befriend winds up dead. Danger lurks everywhere leaving her unable to trust anyone even herself.

TESSIE_18 · Teen
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9 Chs



I got home after a long day. That Thomas creature was constantly on my mind. Now that I think about it, I would be a suspect if they ever opened up a case. I'd just met Anna and people noticed there was some kind of awkwardness between us.

Even if I was suspected, they would get off my case easily. I had lots of witnesses to prove that I was nothing but a poor, helpless and innocent girl with a heart of gold. I dropped my bag on my bed and changed into more comfortable clothing. I certainly wasn't interested in whoever Anna had a grudge with that killed her but I was grateful to such person.

That reminded me of how Bella was smiling while people were giving her sympathetic wishes. I absolutely despise people who take advantage of disgusting things to make themselves feel better. In all honesty, I suspected Bella but then how was she able to kill Anna since they were all in the same room.

How did the killer do it?

I was intrigued by this case. I heard my mom yelling at my dad for spending her money on drugs. I heard a loud thud and it seemed like he hit her. I could hear her screaming and cursing at him, he was probably beating her up. I took my headphones, plugged myself in and proceeded to start studying.


It was the first time I would see Ivory say words without shying away or looking at her feet. She looked dead serious and I agree with her. Even if he was the class clown, Thomas' joke went too far. How could he accuse her of murder?

And then there was Cole, the one who started it. I searched my bag frantically for my phone and dialed his number.

It range but he didn't pick up so I dialed it again.

"What", I heard his voice on the other line

"Where are you? We need to talk", I demanded.

"Sweetheart, fuck off"

He hung up on me.

Well that's no problem. I know the way to his house.


I wanted to call Ivory, she didn't speak to me or anyone after that incident, she just up and left when it was closing hours. I went to the Cafe she works in hope to talk to her but I was disappointed when they said she didn't check in.

She wasn't picking up my calls so I figured she wanted to be alone.

I was worried about her though. I love her so much I could lose my mind. I wanted to go over to Cole and punch him when he indirectly accused her of murder. Ivory is nothing but a sweet girl, she would never murder anyone. Ever.


I saw Amelia's name across my phone screen. I picked up her call.

"Ivory, honey, are you ok?", she sounded concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. What's up?"

""Actually, I want to see you. I missed your face and I want to see you smile"

Didn't her friend just die? She's supposed to be in mourning and here she says she wanted to see me. Typical

"I miss you too. I'm sorry I left school without saying a word. I just couldn't believe that I was almost made a suspect of Anna's case"

"There's no case, Ivory. She committed suicide. Why are you finding that hard to believe"

"I'm sorry. I guess she was really depressed", I rolled my eyes.

"Come to the Cafe where you work. I'll be waiting"

She hung up.

I got ready to leave when I saw a drunk Jason collapsed on the couch. I shook my head in disapproval and left the house. No way was I ending up like that.

I got to the Cafe in a short amount of time. It wasn't far from home. I spotted Amelia and gestured for her to come outside since I skipped work today.

She came out smiling. "You're here"

I smiled back, "Why'd you call me out?"

"Oh so I can't call my friend out whenever I want to again?"

Friend? Yeah right. This girl was interested in me in a romantic way. I'd always had my suspicions but looking at her trying her hardest not to blush made me gulp.

I was not interested in girls but this human being was a "rich" girl so I was definitely interested. I slipped my hand into hers and smiled at her.

"Wanna go for a walk?", I asked

She shrieked softly, "I would love to"

I tightened my grip on her arm and we started walking.

I had no idea where I was. taking her. I just needed her feelings for me to grow. I'd only known her for four-five days and that amount of time certainly wasn't enough to make someone fall in love with another person completely.

I took her to my favourite park.

"I come here whenever I want to cry", I confessed.

She looked at me in confusion then her expression softened, as if to tell me that I could trust her.

"You know I come from a very poor family. I'm only able to attend your school because I was offered a scholarship and my parents definitely won't sponsor my high school education. I was elated when the thought of going to high school and making friends crossed my mind. Then I started schooling with you all and I found out that hierarchy was everything in the world. The strong trample on the weak and make them feel miserable. I wasn't bullied because I stayed in my own lane but I still couldn't stop the hateful glares I got from people", I paused and studied her reaction.

She was smiling and rubbing my back, probably to comfort me. I wasn't telling her a sob story so I couldn't figure out why she was doing that.

"My mom was a prostitute, she got pregnant for one of her customers while dating my dad. They decided to move in together and become a married couple. My parents are drug addicts. Most of their income go to purchase of different hard and dangerous drugs. My brother and I practically grew up as punching bags. Everyday, there would be new bruises on each of our bodies. No one helped us, we were nothing more than dirt. At one point in our lives, business was bad for my parents, they couldn't afford their drugs and proceeded to sell us to brothels in exchange for money. They took us to different brothels every night and both my brother and I were physically and sexually assaulted by those rogues that frequented the brothels."

I paused to look at her, her was was filled with worry and fear. I wanted the fear to be more visible on her face.

"When I turned 14, these trips to brothels stopped. Do you know why?", she shook her head and I smiled, continuing my story,

"My brother and I killed our clients on the same night two years ago."