
It's all connected

A poor Ivory gets a scholarship to study in the school for the rich. She soon finds herself in hot water when every student she managed to befriend winds up dead. Danger lurks everywhere leaving her unable to trust anyone even herself.

TESSIE_18 · Teen
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9 Chs

Amelia's House


Amelia led me into her room. I was still staring, my mouth agape.

She pinched me, "You're not dreaming.", she giggled.

Her pinch hurt, she pinched me where I was physically abused by my own step father. But she didn't know that. It must've been nice to be oblivious to the dangers of the world. She opened the door to her room and gestured me to get in.

I sluggishly walk towards it, I knew she invited people over, she told me, she wanted me to make more friends. I needed people with wealth in my life so our interests coincided.

I recognized the people in the room. They were my classmates. They were two girls, they were both brunettes, twins I think. That statement was stupid, they looked identical. If I hadn't been spying on everyone in my class, I probably wouldn't be able to differentiate between them.

"So guys, you already know her but this is Ivory Casper. She's in our class, she's a sweet girl too. Oh and funny.", Amelia spoke up, giggling between her words.

She really called me funny. I'd never said anything worth laughing about to this girl. And didn't we just start talking two days ago? She was a bit too trusting and I scowled.

"Are you not happy to be here?", one of the girls asked, she probably noticed my scowl.

"No, no. I just feel so out of place here. I don't want you to feel burdened with my presence", I said meekly.

I had this habit of looking down whenever I'm talking to people. It gives them the idea that I'm shy and sweet.

"I'm Bella and this is my sister, Anna", she spoke. "We're twins"

I may be pretending to be a fool but I certainly am not blind. Anyone who see the two of the can tell that they're twins. It pisses me off when people say the obvious.

I looked at Bella and hurriedly looked away, "It's nice to meet you both", I extend my hand for a handshake.

Amelia chuckles from beside me. I must be amusing to her.

"See what I told you? She's literally so sweet and harmless. She can't even look in our eyes", Amelia said, linking her arms with mine.

"I'm sorry I doubted you", Bella rolled her eyes.


I don't like her.

I've never liked her. To others, it might seem like she's a sweet girl but to me, it's just like she's pretending to be someone she's not.

I'd always noticed her. Since before the incident with Victoria. She always has this innocent face when talking to our classmates but I couldn't help but notice how she would occasionally glare at people. As if she wished every single one of us were dead.

I was jerked off my thoughts when I felt my sister's hands tap my shoulders.


"Pay attention to the game, Anna. You're losing", Amelia said between giggles.

"Can you stop giggling? It's distracting me", I turned to Amelia who only giggled harder, "You're so annoying". I smiled.

We were already done with introductions, we'd talked a little with the new girl and we proceeded to play a game of darts. My sister and Amelia were good at the since they're both in the archery club. They were excluded from the game, but they seemed to be satisfied just watching me and the new girl compete to win the game.

Neither I nor the creature named Ivory seemed interested in playing such games but my sister and Amelia didn't notice our aloofness and uninterest in the game.


This one seems to be smart. I glanced over at Anna wondering if she would be the thorn in my path. She was quiet and didn't say more words than necessary. She seemed to get along with Amelia and Bella but I just had this feeling in my gut that she suspects I'm putting on a show.

I decided I was going to make her trust me, no matter the cost. She won the dart game, it was expected. I'd never played such a game in my life and she must've played it a few times.

"It's snack time. Come on to the kitchen, I'll make you guys something", Amelia called over, exiting the room. Bella followed behind her. Anna stayed behind though, I guess she also wanted to talk to me.

"I know you're putting in a show", She said as soon as Amelia and Bella exited the room.

"W... what? What are you talking about? What show?", I feigned ignorance at her words. I expected a reaction from her but all I got was a blank stare.

She looked at me for a few minutes then walked away.

"Come on", she said, just a few steps out of the door. "You don't want them to think I bullied you or anything, now do you? I don't want to see you shed crocodile tears so come on"

I walked towards her and she led the way to the kitchen. This time I wasn't gawking or falling. This girl was convinced that I was putting on a show and it threatened me. I thought fools stay together but Amelia managed to pull in a smart one.

I needed to get her off my case somehow.

The day ended in a jiffy. Anna didn't confront me or look my way. The only times we talked was when we absolutely had to. Forgetting Anna, I hit it off with Bella. She was just as gullible as Amelia. She was a perfect target, if only she didn't have freaking Sherlock Holmes as a sister.

I left Amelia's house around eight in the evening. Bella and Anna were going to sleep over. We said our goodbyes and I departed.

I checked my house for signs of the irresponsible father figure that I have. I found him, the bastard was doing drugs with my mom, in our living room. I knew they wouldn't notice me so I just walked it and went to my room.

I had to do something about Anna. She'd not even done anything but I was already wary of her. I needed to make her shut up before she opened her mouth.

I got to school early the next Monday. I certainly learned my lesson from the last time I woke up late. I noticed Bella and Amelia come in with sad faces about an hour later. They sit at Bella's desk, Bella was crying. That was the first time I'd seen her cry. I'd been secretly taking notes of my classmates and what they do so I know Bella doesn't cry easily.

I walked up to them.

"What's wrong, Bella? Why are you crying?", I asked with worry in my voice.

That seemed to make her cry harder as she placed her head on her desk. Amelia led me away from Bella, took me to a corner of the classroom and whispered,

"Anna died."