
It's a miracle

For twenty years, Bai Luo had been thinking that he had been reincarnated in an ordinary world, until one day, a black book appeared in his mind. “Is there magic in this world?” Facing Bai Luo’s question, uncle Saros decisively said: “No.” “But there are miracles.” “What is a miracle?” “It can be a sword that can release flames or a pot that can create gold” “It can be a beautiful girl that was born from a fruit.” “She can control fog, manipulate storms, and dominate lightning.” “Magic!” Bai Luo slapped the table and shouted “That is definitely magic!” “No!” Uncle Saros said, “This is really a miracle.” Many years later, Bai Luo looked at the magnificent scenery of the country he had built. He agreed with what uncle Saros said, “This is a miracle…”

Meng_Hao_7745 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Is there magic in this world?

Bai Luo didn't know what this thing was.

The only thing he can be sure of is that this book appeared after he was knocked out by the wild boar, then awakened later.

Bai Luo didn't know the origin of this black book, nor its function.

But as a reincarnator, even after 20 years, Bai Luo subconsciously thought,

'Is this my golden finger?'

So the way to awaken his 'golden finger' is by getting knocked unconscious by a pig.

Bai Luo was deeply regretting it,

'Why wasn't I knocked unconscious by a pig earlier?'

"Elder brother?"

Inya was taken aback, "What capital?"


Bai Luo really didn't know. He couldn't figure out what this black book was.

Perhaps the knowledgeable old uncle knew, but Bai Luo subconsciously felt that he could not tell anyone about the existence of this book.

The same goes for his reincarnation. It's his biggest secret. Even his closest family members didn't know about this.

For his peculiar actions and knowledge, Bai Luo perfunctory said that he knew about it from a dream.

However, he is no longer the Bai Luo of his previous life.

In this life, he is Bailuo Arden, the eldest brother of Inya, and the head of the Arden Village, their new leader.

"Let's go home."

Bai Luo didn't stay outside too much. He might be able to move around, but he hasn't completely recovered yet.

"Big brother, I will help you."

"You don't need to, such a small injury won't affect– Hiss!!!"

He wanted to utter some brave words, but the extremely sharp pain caused Bai Luo to take his words back,

"Help me! Help me, hiss… Leave me the trotters tonight, The Arden family must wash away shame with the enemy's trotters!"

"Okay brother, hehe."

Inya suppressed her smile, but still gently supported Bai Luo back to the cabin.


Soon after, a tall figure walked in.

"Old uncle."

His head is full of white hair, and his beard is silvery-white. His face is sharp and firm, and although he is old, he can be trusted and depended on.

"Little Luo, can you already walk?"

"It's just a minor injury, I should be healed in a week," Bai Luo smiled,

"It's a bit shameful."

"Did you leave the trotters?"

The old uncle smiled and changed the subject,

"The shame of the Arden family must be washed away with the enemy's trotters!"

"It's being stewed, the pig trotters will soon be ready~~"

In the corner, the little girl was wearing an apron, flipping the trotters in the pot with the huge wooden spoon in her hand.

To be honest, the craftsmanship of the Ardennes is not good, and they don't have any seasonings.

It's just fishy wild boar meat, certainly not delicious.

But Bai Luo is not a picky eater. For the Ardennes, having a meal is already good enough, they don't have the luxury to choose.

At noon, the dinner table.

"Nom! Nom! Nom! Nom!"

Inya gnawed the pig's knuckles fiercely, tearing the flesh and stuffing her mouth. Saros and Bai Luo also ate, but rather slowly.

"Eat slowly, no one will rob you."

Bai Luo said in a petulant way. He was eating dried venison, which tasted average, but it was chewy.

Uncle Saros sat on the other side, turning sideways, and smoking silently.

Bai Luo knew the current situation of the village.

The village has a population of 80, most of whom are women and children.

The former Ardennes did not live here, they had a larger settlement.

However, the local lords persecuted the Ardennes, continuously drafting them to fight in various wars and crusades, persecuting the Arden village, and forcing them to fight for them.

In the end, only a handful of people escaped into the mountains under the leadership of uncle Saros.

In the 80-person village, children under the age of 13 accounted for the majority. Not counting the elderly, there are only ten adults, men, and women.

Uncle Saros is the former head of the village and the former head of the Arden clan. He is responsible for the lives and safety of the Ardennes.

After all, strictly speaking, almost all the residents in this village are blood-related.

Even the ones with the most distantly related had a common ancestor three, four, or five generations ago. That is to say, they had a common grandparent, great grandparent, or great, great grandparent.

Therefore, the relationship between the Ardennes is extremely close, just like a big family. They have all shared the ups and downs of life in the past years.

"How has it been?"

Now, Bai Luo is the new leader. He has already taken over the burden from Saros, so if it were not for his injuries, he should have been the one responsible for dealing with the guys from before.

"It's the same as before, there is no change. As long as we can stall for time, we must do it."

Uncle Saros didn't elaborate further, maybe he didn't want Bai Luo to worry.

He is still taking care of his injuries.

"Do you want to say something?"

Saros saw that Bai Luo had something on his mind. He seemed hesitant to talk about it for the past two months.

Considering that young people have their little secrets, the old man did not ask much.

However, this time, Bai Luo didn't even hide the fact that he was puzzled about something, so the old man had to ask.

"It's just that..."

Bai Luo said,

"I have some doubts."

"Why should we bow down to the group of soldiers today? Or the vendors from the previous two days ago?"

"We've been holding back for so many years, but If people from the village really starve to death, I will definitely tear them apart."

Bai Luo said it lightly, but the determination in his words made Inya's eyes gleam as gnawed on the trotters.

They are the Ardennes. In the eyes of outsiders, they are famous demonic warriors.

"Me too! Me too! I want to blast their heads!"

"Eat your trotters, when adults speak, children shouldn't interrupt."

Bai Luo helplessly patted Inya's head, then looked at the old uncle.

"Just talk uncle, and please don't be angry."

"Why should I be angry?"

"If you really feel the need to do so…"

Uncle Saros said in a deep, raspy voice, smoking a cigarette, "Just do it, now you are the leader."

Bai Luo is certainly not a weak or incapable person.

Saros has traveled a lot in the past, during which he not only honed his battle skills, but also his teaching skills. He taught many skills to Bai Luo and the other clan members, cultivating them into extremely skilled fighters.

Unfortunately, due to physical reasons, the old man's battle prowess has been going downhill for the last few years.

In terms of battle skills, uncle Saros has taught Bai Luo many things, giving him everything he had. According to him, he has nothing more to teach.

"I'm getting older, this village and the inheritance of our Arden clan will be in your hands from now on."

Uncle Saros said very casually. Whether Bai Luo does a good job or a bad job, it was Bai Luo's choice.

"Worst case is just annihilation."

"If we are really forced to such a point," the old uncle said calmly;

"Remember, you must leave me an enemy's head!"

A simple sentence, but it carried great dissatisfaction and hatred


This old man firmly supports Bai Luo. No matter what decision he makes, even if he leads them to the abyss, the old man will follow him without hesitation.

The grace of life-saving, and the grace of upbringing.

If Bai Luo were to select the person he is most grateful for in this world, he would point to the old man in front of him without any hesitation.


Inya quickly swallowed the pig meat in her mouth,

"Me too! Keep an enemy's head for me too !"


The solemn and emotional atmosphere was broken by Inya's sudden words.

Bai Luo calmly looked at Inya.


The young girl immediately buried her face in the trotters in her hand. "I'm eating, eating trotters.

"Let's talk, what's the matter?"

Uncle Saros said,

"I traveled a lot during my youth. I don't dare claim to be erudite, but I still know a little bit about general things, Little Luo, what do you want to ask?"

Uncle Saros is certainly knowledgeable. After living with him for nearly twenty years, Bai Luo knows the terror of this old man.

"Is there magic in this world?"


"Cough cough cough..."

The sudden question caused the old man to choke. He looked at Bai Luo puzzledly,

"What is magic? I have never heard of this term. Why do you ask?"

The vocabulary of magic was 'invented' by Bai Luo.

The language of this world is different from the previous life. It is neither Chinese nor English, but an unprecedented language.

Naturally, Saros has never heard of the word 'magic'.

But the old man understood the meaning contained therein. Basically, some kind of mystical power.

"Uncle, haven't you heard of it?"

In the dimly lit room, the old and the young men were sitting around an old gray-black wooden table, facing each other.

Bai Luo has always regarded uncle Saros as one of the most intelligent and skilled people in this world. All his knowledge and understanding of this world originates from this old man.

But even so, Saros hadn't seen or heard of magic. That means that either there is no magic in this world, or magic is extremely rare.

'It's not magic…'

Bai Luo looked at the black book in his mind with some confusion,

'Then what is it?'

"Why do you ask?"

Uncle Saros frowned slightly before asking, "Did you encounter something?"

While saying this, Saros's tone was faintly filled with expectations.

However, Bai Luo was a bit afraid. He was afraid of making the wrong assumption and disappointing his uncle in the end.


Bai Luo took his attention away from the notebook in his mind and said,

"Maybe I have hallucinations."

The old uncle noticed Bai Luo's unnatural expression, but he did not ask. Since Bai Luo wants to keep his secret, he will help Bai Luo keep it secret,

"I don't know about the magic you are talking about, but if you're asking whether powers that transcend mortals exist, then..."

The old man said in a deep voice,
