
It's a miracle

For twenty years, Bai Luo had been thinking that he had been reincarnated in an ordinary world, until one day, a black book appeared in his mind. “Is there magic in this world?” Facing Bai Luo’s question, uncle Saros decisively said: “No.” “But there are miracles.” “What is a miracle?” “It can be a sword that can release flames or a pot that can create gold” “It can be a beautiful girl that was born from a fruit.” “She can control fog, manipulate storms, and dominate lightning.” “Magic!” Bai Luo slapped the table and shouted “That is definitely magic!” “No!” Uncle Saros said, “This is really a miracle.” Many years later, Bai Luo looked at the magnificent scenery of the country he had built. He agreed with what uncle Saros said, “This is a miracle…”

Meng_Hao_7745 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 15: Let Her Ride You Home

[She stepped out of her mother's blood, strolled on the battlefield, and stepped in the sky. If you ask her what is the fastest thing, she will tell you: Freedom!]

[6 days, 23 hours, 57 seconds]

[Direction: 3° south east]

"It happened!"

"It's really here!"

Bai Luo had speculated before that the Black Book was a miracle that can find other miracles before, and judging from the number of pages it had, it can help him find more than one.

However, this was just his speculation. He couldn't be completely sure about its function. Now, Bai Luo is 100% sure.

'The second miracle.'

"That direction?"

Bai Luo looked to the southeast. In that direction was a rolling mountain range, at the end of which was the ancient seaside capital, Hillul.

He heard from uncle Saros that Hillul was once a city developed and built by the ancestors of the Arden clan.

Unfortunately, it does not belong to the Ardennes anymore.

"I have something to do. I'm going to the mountains," Bai Luo said to Inya, "You can distribute everyone's lunch, and I might not come back for dinner."


Inya confidently patted her chest and said, "Leave it to me!"

This wild iron head's biggest dream is to become the eldest sister of everyone in the village.

Unfortunately, elder sister Issafeiya was there, not giving her the opportunity to enact her dreams, but now she has the chance.

"I'm leaving."

Bai Luo has completely recovered from his injuries, so naturally, he doesn't need to worry about the danger in the mountains.

The previous incident of being sneakily attacked and knocked unconscious by a wild boar has made him even more vigilant. He doesn't dare to underestimate even the weakest monsters anymore.

When it's time to run, Bai Luo will not hesitate to retreat strategically.

"Sword, axe, and shield."

The sword and axe were made by the old man himself, and the shield is made of ancient ironwood, making it extremely hard.

In recent years, weapons are not only hard to buy, but they are also ridiculously expensive. The Ardennes had to buy raw iron and forge their own weapons.

"That's it."

Bai Luo hung the knight's sword and axe around his waist, with a bow and shield behind his back, he was fully armed. He decisively walked into the forest and headed in the direction indicated by the black book.

On the way, Bai Luo encountered multiple groups of beasts.

He didn't hunt them and the other party also didn't attack him. They kept a certain distance from each other. Perhaps even these wild beasts knew that this human isn't easy to mess with.

In fact, most of the wild beasts in this world not only have sharp instincts, but also a certain level of intelligence.

It's certainly not high, about the level of properly trained domestic dogs in Bai Luo's previous life.

Only monsters are irrational and violent.

Few people can accurately explain the origin of those monsters, because they are too scattered and diverse.

However, after Bai Luo learned about the existence of miracles, Uncle Saros gave him the information he gathered from his many years of investigation.

'Monsters are the descendants of miraculous creatures. They have multiplied for hundreds of generations or even thousands of generations, losing the majority of their miracle power, but they still have a certain level of strength.'

'The closer they are to miraculous creatures, the stronger the monsters are, and the farther they are from miraculous creatures, the weaker they are.'

The majority of monsters can't use magic abilities, but it's not uncommon for them to have extreme strength and near invulnerability.

The Silvermane that Bai Luo had hunted before had only one weak point in its entire body, and it was its eyes. Bai Luo could only cause damage in other places using blunt weapons, mortal swords can't even penetrate its fur.


After walking over mountains and ridges for about six hours, even Bai Luo was a little tired.

He found a mountain river, and after carefully observing whether the water was safe to drink, he quickly replenished his water bag.

"In the end, where do I have to go? Is it so far?"

Bai Luo took a sip from the water pouch. He didn't feel that it was hard. In the past, when hunting with uncle Saros, he had faced situations that were dozens of times more difficult than this one.

However, what made him helpless is that this black book didn't give him an approximate distance.

It just gave him direction. If he reaches the sea, can he only continue swimming forward?

This path can't be endless!

"I'll continue walking for another day."

Bai Luo set a time for himself. He has the basic sacred pouch, so he won't face a food shortage problem.

He can just pour out some dates to replenish his energy.

In addition, the ability of the sacred pouch doesn't have a time limit, which means that it's not necessary to pour out everything on the same day.

Even if he doesn't pour out all the food that was generated the day prior, it will be automatically added to the food of the next day.

The sacred pouch can only generate 100 kg of food every day, but even if he doesn't use it, that 100 kg doesn't disappear the next day.

This is the pouch's secret ability that Bai Luo discovered when he only poured out 95 kilograms of grain on one day and 105 kilograms of grain the next day.

Therefore, even if Bai Luo didn't use the basic sacred pouch for several days, nothing will be wasted.

Bai Luo was afraid that the Ardennes would get worried due to his sudden departure.

Fortunately, Bai Luo left marks along the way. Everyone should be able to use these marks to determine his location and safety.

So Bai Luo continued on his way.

He quickened his pace, climbing one mountain after another, passing by many deep valleys and dangerous marshes. When Bai Luo stopped, he had already appeared on the edge of a valley-like plain covered with greenery.

Bai Luo slept for four hours midway, and now it's already dawn. He has spent over a dozen hours on this journey.

"This place is..."

Bai Luo carefully surveyed the area. Looking at the distant plain, he could clearly see people.

"I came directly to the south."

The situation of the Ardennes is rather special. They are of concern to some extremely powerful miracle masters.

Over the years, uncle Saros tried his best to hide the whereabouts and even all traces of the Ardennes. They don't dare to expose themselves easily.

Therefore, the Ardennes rarely dwell with foreigners.

The Ardennes would never dare to get too close to such a beautiful river valley area because this is the hometown of generations of people.

As outsiders, the Ardennes would surely be guarded against and rejected, eventually leading to disaster.


Bai Luo frowned slightly. He had been paying attention to the pointer on the black book just now and immediately noticed that it was slightly offset.

"It moved!"

He is currently standing still. The movement of the pointer indicates that the target is moving, and it also means that it's not far away from him.

"Am I finally going to find it?"

"What is it?"

"Since it's moving, some kind of creature?"

Bai Luo looked around, and soon he noticed that there was a small white horse in the distance, running towards the forest beside Bai Luo.

"A horse?"

The horse's speed was quite fast. Bai Luo stood on a high cliff and found that the pointer was indeed pointing at it.

The distance between the two was about seven or eight miles, and the white horse had already run to the edge of the valley, then entered the forest.

"I must check it out."


Just as Bai Luo was about to follow the horse, the howling of wolves caused Bai Luo to quicken his pace,

"This voice belongs to the Timberwolf in the south! And there's more than one!"

Bai Luo realized that the white horse was in danger, and immediately jumped down the cliff. He buffered the fall with the help of some extended rocks. After falling on the ground, he immediately ran towards the forest at his fastest speed.

In the forest, a white horse is surrounded by six or seven Timberwolves.

Two Timberwolves bit one of its front and hind legs respectively, and one Timberwolf kept pouncing on its neck, but the white horse repeatedly avoided it.


The Timberwolves swooped, pressing their forelimbs against the white horse's back, sinking their claws into its back, then exerted their strength, trying to press it on the ground.

The white horse seemed to know that it would not be able to escape if it fell on the ground. It will face certain death.

So it struggled desperately while enduring the severe pain, it violently flung its hind legs, trying to throw the Timberwolves away.


Two sharp axes broke through the air and landed on the necks of two Timberwolves with extreme precision.


The sudden attack disrupted the rhythm of the Timberwolves. They gave up on the white horse in a panic, then growled in a certain direction, barring their teeth.

"I finally caught up."

Bai Luo didn't care much about these Timberwolves.

They aren't monsters, but simple wild beasts.

"Get lost!"

Bai Luo took the bow and arrow and continuously fired. Each arrow precisely landed on the timberwolves' throat or eyes, instantly killing them. Only one managed to escape.


Bai Luo wanted to catch up. After all, smart creatures like wolves tend to hold grudges. It's very likely to come looking for revenge.

However, looking at the white horse that was slowly losing blood on the ground and wailing in pain, Bai Luo put away his weapon and approached it cautiously.


Bai Luo was a little surprised because the white horse didn't display any vigilance towards him.

This shows that it is not a wild horse, it's probably raised by someone.

Only horses who are accustomed to seeing humans will be so calm in their presence rather than seeing them as enemies.

After all, human beings in this world hardly eat horse meat.

Horses are an important strategic resource. Whether it is trekking on the road, fighting, or plowing the fields, their uses are very diverse. Naturally, their price is extremely expensive.

Even if wild horses are found in the wild, humans will only capture them, not kill them.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Bai Luo didn't know if it could understand him, but he approached it cautiously.

At the same time, Bai Luo looked at the black book.

Sure enough, the text changed.

[You found her, but she does not belong to you. What should you do? maybe you should try to treat her]

"Treat her?"

Since he decided to go on a journey, Bai Luo naturally brought bandages with him. He took out clean water, then started cleaning the injuries of the white horse.

During this process, Bai Luo also noticed its gender. It's a mare. To be more accurate, it's a filly.

"What a strong girl!"

During the whole process, The white horse very cleverly accepted Bai Luo's treatment. She did not resist at all.

Obviously, the power of miracles has begun to take effect.

'It's basically all skin traumas, but its hind leg bones are slightly fractured. It will take her some time to recover. During this period, she will be unable to walk.'


The white horse's IQ is not low. Knowing that Bai Luo saved her, she gently touched Bai Luo's with her head, expressing her affection and gratitude.

"This step should be done, what's the next step?"

Bai Luo looked at the black book again, but the next sentence made him completely stunned. His mouth almost dropped to the ground.

"F*ck! Are you kidding me?"

[She didn't like being mounted, so she escaped from her shackles]

[But she is a good girl who knows gratitude, so why not show her what fairness is? Since you want to ride her, let her ride you home.]


"Are you f*cking kidding me?"

Bai Luo looked at the white horse. She wasn't very robust, about the same height as Bai Luo. She should only be a bit over 1 year old.

Uncle Saros taught him how to distinguish between a variety of creatures. Bai Luo can tell that with this white horse's breed, she's likely to grow to more than 2 meters tall and over 900 kg at adulthood.

But even as a young horse, she is not small!

She must be at least 500 kilograms! That is half a ton!

"Boss! I'll call you boss!"

Bai Luo secretly complained to the black book,

"Are you telling me to carry a half-ton horse and climb over dozens of mountains? Are you trying to kill me?"

What a joke. Is he crazy?

Single-handedly carrying a 500-kilogram horse, just this task alone blocks 99.9999% of the Iron Eagle kingdom population.

Who can do this?

To put it into perspective, a bag of rice is only 18 kg, 500 kg is nearly 30 bags of rice!

Moreover, this place is far from the village. He has to climb over 20 mountains and cross many dangerous terrains to reach Arden village.

The road is rugged and winding. Moreover, there are countless wolves, tigers, and leopards lurking in the forest, dangers are everywhere.

"This task is at a completely different level compared to the task I had to complete to acquire the sacred pouch."

"Speaking of it..."

"Am I stealing someone's property?"

Bai Luo looked out of the forest. There was probably a horse farm over there. The white filly escaped from there,

"If I take that as a destination and carry her back, it will be just a few kilometers away."

"It's too simple."

Bai Luo said something enough to make countless ordinary people curse him.

Bai Luo is an Ardennes. It's just a mere 500 kg. He can easily carry it with one hand.

But the difficulty would be to carry such a big horse back home.

Carrying the white horse and going back to that horse farm versus going back to the Arden village is like the difference between simple mode and hell mode.

But Bai Luo had no choice.

Obtaining a miracle is certainly not simple.

Wanting to easily get something as good as the Basic Sacred Pouch is no different from daydreaming.

Bai Luo's situation is already countless times better than some people that are thirsty for strength but have no way.

At least he knew what to do.

The only thing needed is sweat and effort.

"I hope that your miracle power can at least strengthen me."

Bai Luo made up his mind to acquire this miracle. It doesn't matter how hard it is, he will never give up.

"Come on, good girl, don't move around, I'll take you home."

Bai Luo said as he gently carried her, which scared the little filly because no one had ever done anything like this to her.

However, she had seen something similar.

Occasionally some hunters carry pigs just like this, then kill them later on.


The filly was terrified. She thought that Bai Luo was going to kill her, so she neighed in terror.

"Don't move! I'm not going to eat you!"

Bai Luo didn't care whether she understood or not, he explained his intention anyway.

Seeing the little filly gradually calm down, Bai Luo breathed a sigh of relief, then steadily walked back to the horse farm with her on his back.

[Let her ride you home]

Despite reaching the horse farm, this sentence has not changed, indicating that Bai Luo has not completed the task,

"Do I really need to get back home?"


Bai Luo took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and made a decision: "I'll do it!"

Soon after, a group of people arrived at the place where Bai Luo rescued the white filly and immediately noticed the blood on the ground.

"Has it been eaten by wolves?"

The little filly is not a precious breed, she is just a very ordinary local horse. Such a horse escaped into the forest, moreover, she was injured. It's most likely dead.

It's not worth it.

"Forget it, let's go back."

The leader nudged his horse and turned back. Even the leader is unwilling to take a risk, naturally, the others didn't care.

The horse is not theirs anyway.