
It's a Crazy World

(This story is based on eveything fiction, mostly animes and movies books and videogames. And If you don't like those then, this novel isn't for you.) .. ... .... ..... In a world where everything and everyone is normal and just like any other day suddenly, HE appears, a person whose power is seemingly god-like, a person who can change the world by his own flick of a hand, literally. He changed everything with just a flick of his hand. Worlds emerged, things were brought to life, and people, people with powers were all over the place. An event that even the most insane of minds would think impossible, was made possible by THIS man. Then like how HE appeared, he suddenly disappeared... Or so we thought.

Mejwj_Irirjr · Fantasy
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2 Chs


YEAR 2030

*buzz buzz*

The sound of all electronic screens all over the world were producing a sound, as if something was trying to take control of it.


A live video appeared on the screens over the whole world, on the video a man wearing a tuxedo and a mask can be seen, the details of the mask was like that of a surgical one. A timer can be seen on the top right of the screen counting down from 5:00.

Countries responded almost immediately the moment the video was played. Though they couldn't track where the video came from since all screens has the live video being played on it, even the oldest Gameboy, the cable TVs with no power, and even the low-battery phones have the video being played.

Suddenly the man spoke "ahem, sorry about that, I was just growing tired of the boring world we have today. Sooo, I decided to... merge some worlds together! Though you guys might be wondering what's going on, well, see this timer here?" The man points to the timer on the top right of the video "This timer here will count down from five minutes to zero, and when it hits zero, let's just say that things... are gonna get very interesting, it's on two minutes and three seconds right now so you guys don't have to wait long."

The world stopped, people were flabbergasted by what is going on in their phones, TVS and even game consoles. Nobody was talking, and the only noisy places in the world right now are in the toilet, where people could be pooping, the sound of their struggles as they try to push the dreaded feces right now could probably be heard from everywhere in the building. Though murmurs could be heard here and there every once in a while, but nobody was shouting or talking normally as they would. They were either hiding going into their safe places or outright ignore the video and continue on with their daily lives, most chose the latter. But it would soon be know that the people who where hiding were in fact found the right thing, because in two minutes time, something will happen that would make people feel scared, confused, gobsmacked, weird, and even happy? Well some would be very happy for this to happen wink wink.

Then the man spoke again