
Erika Part 1

Many things can describe this specialist, One is that she is more caring than the others, some say it's her beauty, and others are about her Pokemon typing and that Typing is very essential to her influence on other trainers. Grass-type is considered weak in the eyes of many competitive trainers, just like Fire-type, it has too many weaknesses. Sure, Grass can defeat a Water/Ground-type Pokemon, but due to how rare that combination is, it's better to improve your Electric-type. However, that weakness thought that many trainers have to Grass-type was her specialty. Giving doubts to the weak but in truth, it is stronger than they thought.

'Where is she?'

The trainer asked himself as he looked around in the living room, finding the specialist early in the morning. It was already 7 in the morning, and the trainer was planning to train his Pokemon with the help of the specialist but due to her absence in the scenery, he decided to look for her.

As he was about to take action, he heard a feminine yawn behind him. He turned around, expecting it was the specialist but it was none other than his Pokemon, Gardevor. She stretched her arms and laid back as she recently woke up.

"Gardevoir, do you know where Miss Erika is?" Yoake looked at his Pokemon as he hoped that she might know the specialist's whereabouts but since Gardevoir can't speak a human language, she decided to shake her head as a no.

"I see." Yoake sighed. He decided to take out one Pokeball from his belt and called out his birdseye, Spearow, to look for her.

"Hey Spearow, I want you to find Miss Erika. She wears a kimono and has short hair, you got that?" Yoake asked the little Pokemon as he described what Erika might look like. The Pokemon nodded and began to fly to the near window to find the specialist. It didn't take long enough for Spearow to come back and tell the trainer where the specialist might be.

"Great, where is she?" Yoake excitedly asked the Spearow. The Pokemon guided them to the place where it saw the specialist but it turns out it found the wrong person. The person that Spearow mistakenly identified as one of Erika's assistants in the gym, due to her also wearing a Kimono and having a different style of short hair, it is understandable why the Pokemon misidentify her.

"Sorry about that…'' Yoake apologized to the assistant as he takes responsibility for Spearow's actions.

"It's okay, Pokemon make mistakes sometimes." The assistant accepted the apology and cleared out the mistakes.

"Anyway, you must be looking for Miss Erika, right?" The assistant changed the subject as she guessed that the trainer might need help from the specialist.

"Yes," Yoake answered her question.

"I think I saw her doing her archery practice, you might find her inside the gym." The assistant stated as she remembers passing by the gym, and saw Erika practicing her archery.

"Okay, thank you very much." Yoake thanked the assistant as he withdrew Spearow, and left.

The two went to the gym to find the specialist. As they entered the gym, they were greeted with an artificial forest but that forest gives out a natural scent of fresh air.

"May I help you?" A female attendant asked the trainer. The two were surprised as the voice spooked them due to how concentrated they were to the artificial forest. They quickly calmed themselves and asked for assistance.

"We are looking for Miss Erika, she told us that we are going to train today." Yoake explained to the attendant their cause for finding the specialist.

"I see, she's in her archery gallery on the left." She directed the trainer to the left after understanding their cause. The trainer thanked the attendant and went on their way.

They enter the gallery, and they were at the time when Erika was focusing her shot. She was focused and concentrated on shooting the bow in the center of the target, with her left eye closed so that her right eye could properly look at the target. She took a deep breath, and finally, released the arrow from the bow and it went to the center of her target. She slowly put down her bow and looked at the target. She quickly noticed the trainer and the Gardevoir were staring at her with a big impression.

"Oh my, did I forget to make you two breakfast…" Erika panicked as she realized that she remembered that she didn't cook food for them. Yoake giggled and decided to approach the specialist.

"Nah, We're here to train, remember?" Yoake stated as he told her the reason why they were here in the first place.

"I see, but you need to eat first. Training might take hours and it would require a lot of energy. Come on, let's go back home." Erika puts her bow on a near hanger, alongside the arrow bag that she was wearing. She went to the two and guided them back to her house.

"Is archery your hobby?" Yoake curiously asked the specialist as they walked to the entrance of the gym.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, before Pokemon became a specialist, I used to be a fanatic of archery. An old friend of mine introduced me to archery, and I didn't regret that decision on trying it." Erika explained.

"How about you, what are your hobbies before becoming a trainer?" Erika politely asked the trainer as she tried to get to know more about him.

This caught Yoake off-guard, and nearly panicked in his thoughts as he realized that when he was a hermit, the only hobbies he does is playing games, and nothing more. However, before becoming a hermit, he had one special hobby that he used to do.

"Well, back then, I liked to throw rocks on rivers and hoped that it would reach the other side." Yoake said as he touched the edges of his scarf. Erika noticed the trainer's doings, and she realized how valuable the scarf was to him, she may not know its origins but the smile and how reminiscent the trainer was, she guessed that this has something to do with an old friend.

"I see, how about now?" Erika asked the trainer.

"Well… for now, I think reading books might be my hobby." Yoake guessed. Right now, his only plan after living outside of being a former hermit is to become the Pokemon champion of Kanto, but forming hobbies and bonds with others might be the last ones. But as time goes by, it seems he might be handling the bonds as simple as it goes.

"I might recommend some books if you want. I have some about history, sci-fi, comedy, or those philosophies." Erika offers some books to Yoake as she hopes that he might find his interest.

"Thanks, I usually read something related to history." Yoake thanked her after her kind offer of books that he might read in his spare time.

"I hope you wouldn't mind but may I ask what Pokemon you are planning to use against me?" Erika curiously asked the trainer.

"Hmm, I was planning to use Spearow but due to how weak he is, I might have to evolve him," Yoake stated. Erika gave a breath of impression as she began to plan on what she would do so that Spearow became stronger, while thinking, she looked at Gardevoir.

'Bingo.' Erika said in her thoughts as she found the solution.

After taking a short breakfast, they headed back to the gym and began their training session. Yoake wasn't sure why Erika is willing to help him train due to how distant he is from her, they may be together for 3 days but it wasn't enough to justify her cause. Even though she may have saved him and feed him for the past few days, it wasn't enough to clear his mind from skepticism. Gardevoir was aware of this as she has been listening to Yoake's thoughts for the past minutes, she knows that Erika is genuine and wants no harm to the trainer, but sadly, due to her not being able to talk to the trainer, she couldn't tell the truth.

They enter the gym once more and headed to the forest-like entrance. As they enter deeper into the gym, they were greeted with a park-like area. With the presence of benches, street lamps, rows of grasses and flowers, and the addition of bug-type Pokemon in the area, it was an indoor park.

"Woahhh…" Yoake was speechless as he admired the serenity of the indoor park. Without knowing that the park was inside the gym, this might confuse someone as an actual park. He takes a deep breath and breathes in the fresh air.

"Woah indeed. It used to be a garden but since the city began to modernize, we decided to turn it into an indoor park so that civilians and their Pokemon would have some leisure from the busy city." Erika explained.

"Shall we?" Erika asked the trainer to start their training. Yoake nodded as an answer.

"Gardevoir, can you make a singularity?" Erika asked the Pokemon. This shocked Yoake as he was surprised at the first thing that Erika asked for in this training, asking a Pokemon to form one of the most extreme things in the Universe.

"Wait… don't you think that will destroy this place?" Yoake interrupted Erika as he asks her a good question before Gardevoir did what Erika told her to do.

Both Gardevoir and Erika giggled after hearing the trainer's interruption.

"What made you believe in that myth?" Erika giggled.

"Wait… that's just a myth? And how in the hell is it in the Pokedex?" Yoake furiously asked the two as he quickly took out the Pokedex from his pocket and looked at Gardevoir's Pokedex.

"It seems you have mistaken a Gardevoir's blackhole to an actual black hole." Erika giggled as she tried to defuse the situation. This raised the trainer's eyebrow and looked at her.

"You see, a Gardevoir's black hole can be controlled by a Gardevoir, it can be powerful or not, it can be summoned and be destroyed with the breeze, while natural Black holes are the ones that are extreme." Erika stopped her giggles as she explained the difference between a Gardevoir's Black hole to an actual black hole.

"Oh, okay…" Yoake sighed in embarrassment as she put the Pokedex back on his pouch and continued their training.

"Now, Gardevoir." Erika looked at the Pokemon as she signals her to form a singularity to start the training. The Pokemon began to form a black ball at a safe distance, so that if something went wrong, they're safe. The ball began to suck in with tremendous force, the nearby grass was slowly being pulled to the core, and same goes for the leaves of a nearby tree.

"Spearow, Go." Yoake shouted as he threw in Spearow to start their training.

"Why do you want Gardevoir's singularity, by the way?" Yoake asked the specialist.

"The singularity would allow Spearow to strengthen his wings since he would try his best to fly away from it." Erika explained, Yoake was impressed with her plan, and so, he decided to allow it.

"Let's start, shall we?" Erika asked the two in a serious tone, they nodded as an answer. Spearow began to fly from Yoake's palm, and as soon as he flew, he felt the power of the singularity, pulling him to its core.

Spearow was slowly getting pulled toward it, and as its response, it flaps its wings and tries to push itself away from it. Yoake wants to help the small Pokemon but it has to be done, the requirement for it to be stronger is to strengthen its determination and wings, and this might be the key to help him grow stronger.

Yoake was hesitant to help the 'tiny bird Pokemon' but due to danger of the singularity, he had to distance himself, and observe the struggle.

"I know you want to help him but it has to be done." Erika was empathetic as well as she doesn't want to see a Pokemon suffer but the requirement and the objective is a must be.

As the Pokemon continues to struggle, its wings and beak slowly enlarge as it tries to fight the power of the singularity. Gardevoir, who was observing the entire time, was planning to weaken the singularity but if she did that, the training would be meaningless.

"Spearow, Aerial Ace!" Yoake told the Pokemon.

One of the Pokemon's wings began to glow, it decided to give its full power to pull itself from the singularity but it wasn't enough. It slowly became weaker and weaker until the Pokemon was dragged to the core, it continued to pull itself but it was so near to the core that pulling oneself is useless.

"Spearow!" Yoake shouted as the tiny bird Pokemon was engulfed by the singularity. This caught the two by surprise as this shouldn't happen but it did.

"Gardevoir! Can you reverse it?" Yoake asked his partner as he tried to call out Spearow. The Pokemon nodded, and began to make the singularity to revolve counter clockwise. The singularity began to glow, and kicked out a Fearow from its core. It disappeared as soon as it spewed out the presumably evolved Spearow, and left with no trace as the leaves and the grasses were back to its position like nothing happened.

"Spea- Fearow?" Yoake corrected himself as he looked at his evolved Pokemon. The Pokemon looked at him, and quickly went for a hug.

"I thought you were a goner." Yoake cried as he hugged the Pokemon tighter.

Erika took a deep sigh of relief as she feared the worst could have happened, she decided to no longer do it again due to how dangerous the singularity is.

"Sorry about that." Erika apologized to Fearow as she doesn't want a repeat of what happened. The Pokemon accepted her apologies and continued on.

"Now, shall we?" Yoake smirked to the specialist as he was planning to challenge her in battle.

"We shall see."

To be continued, in Erika Part 2