Two strings are intertwined and were lock tight by destiny. One brought Glory, One brought Vain; One shall be guided by the Overwhelming past, and One shall be guided by the Unknown future. These two strings will pull the curtains as the stage sets a new play and a new adventure in the world of Monsters
The alarm rang as its red bits formed three strays of numbers, 6:00. The morning of a new day arrives, and the alarm has signaled Yoake to wake up after his movie marathon last night with his sister's Pokémon, Alakazam.
He wakes up, stands up, stretches his arms after hugging the pillow in his sleep, he rubs his eyes, and finally turns to his alarm clock and notices that it is already 6 in the morning. He grabbed his phone that was lying on his nightstand, opened it and noticed that he got a reply from his email. His eyes widened as his email of registry was accepted on joining the Pokémon league. He quickly jumped off from his bed, left his room, and went to the living room, on the first floor, and noticed that his parents weren't there.
He looks around and noticed that there was an absence in the place, he then heard sizzles coming from the kitchen, he slowly walks to the kitchen and noticed that Alakazam was already cooking his breakfast, 2 pieces of Bacon, with a cup-sized mashed potato, a sunny side up egg, and few bits of carrots. He was excited to eat breakfast as he saw the reply to an email stating he should go to professor Oakido's laboratory later at 9 in the morning so he can start his journey.
"Good morning Alakazam." Yoake greeted the Pokémon as he noticed it, putting his meal and a cup of coffee near it. The Pokémon noticed him, and it decided to greet him with a delightful morning with its language. The Pokémon noticed that the kid act differently this morning, and decided to look at him to know the fuss about.
"Oh. Right. Well, you know, I got accepted by the league and I might get my first Pokémon today." Yoake stated to Alakazam. The Pokémon nodded, as it takes a sip from the coffee it has. Yoake sits down, and begins to eat his breakfast.
After eating his breakfast, and drinking his hot coffee, he went to the showers, showered, put on new clothes and prepared himself as he was excited for this day. He wasn't sure if he's whole heartedly going to become a Pokémon trainer but having the opportunity to become a lone trainer, having no rivals to compete on so he can just steadily become the Champion, easier ways to train a Pokémon, and having coherent knowledge about it is already enough for him to persuade himself to do it.
He left the building at 7:30, and he informed the guard that he was accepted to join the Pokémon league. The man supported him, and gave him a thumbs up as he was aware that the kid has a long dream to become a trainer, and here he is, the day that he has been waiting for.
'From what I know there weren't any changes in the Specialist typing's: Rock, Water, Electric, Grass, Poison, Psychic, Fire, and Ground. Good thing, I've come prepared.' He thought as runs through the pavement that leads to the laboratory.
'With no changes in the system, I can easily win with a team that is effective enough to help me breeze through the gyms. I have to ensure that my starter is a Grass type, knowing that three out of the eight gyms are weak against it, a Flying type, so I can take on the Grass, and Ground gyms, Ground type to counter the electric, fire and Poison, and Ice type, so I can defeat any Dragon types if there are any Dragon masters.' He thought as he picked the perfect typing advantage to take on Kanto's gyms and Elite Four. He has to secure a Bulbasaur, and a Nidoking so he can easily breeze through the challenges.
He has finally arrived at the laboratory, panting for breath all the while his scarf continues to sway in his neck. He looks at the phone and notices that it was already 8, instead of waiting outside, he went in and waited for a reception to assist him to reach professor Oakido.
The automatic slide doors granted him entry, he noticed that there was an assistance deck, and immediately walked towards it so he can state that he is finally here, and get his Pokémon.
"Hi, how may I help you?" The lady at the counter respectfully greets him.
"Hi, I'm here to get my Pokémon and start my training for the Pokémon League." Yoake stated to the lady. She then looked at her computer and began to ask some questions.
"And your name is?" She asked, "Yoake Katsuragi."
The lady's eyes widen as she looks at him with surprise. She then continued to ask him about stuff related to Pokémon and as well as him officially joining the Pokémon league.
"You're the winner of the International League yesterday, right?" She asked him, to which he promptly smiled and gave his answer.
"Yeah." He stated.
"I might say, congratulations and welcome to the Pokémon league Mister Katsuragi." She stated and formally called his name. Yoake was annoyed with the Mister Katsuragi thing but he decided to ignore, and allow it.
"Say, is the news true?" He asked her about something that Erika mentioned yesterday, and he decided to ask someone who is a part of the league.
"What news?" She asked him with a curious voice.
"The news about the huge decline of trainers for the past 3 years?" He whispered to her in a curious tone. The lady sighed and answered.
"6 years to be exact, it's been a decline ever since Kanto slowly became a dominant power, and the same goes for other countries. We still don't know the main reason but many theorized about safety, according to parents, while others are saying that it has something to do with the new rules that the government imposed but from what I can see, none of the two are good reasons." She answered the kid's question.
"Ever since the decline, many kids are very cold towards Pokémon, which is very opposite to what the Kantonese government wants." She continued. With these statements, Yoake decided to ask her another question.
"Are there any people who sent out registrations as well, besides me?" He asked her, and she shook her head. This alone was enough to give enough evidence that Yoake is a lone trainer, there was no one else besides him that wanted to become a trainer today. He doubts this as he was skeptical about it but if it is true, then this one weird era of Pokémon training.
"Okay, Professor Oakido wants you to enter his office." She stated to the trainer after looking at her computer.
"Right, and thanks." He said as he left the desk and went to find the professor's office.
"His office is upstairs, at the far left. There's a sign there that will help you identify his office." She instructed. Yoake nodded and left.
He went upstairs, took a turn to the left, and walked to the hallway. While walking, he was skeptical about what the assistance stated as he was doubtful that he was the only trainer left. He found the office, and decided to knock twice to give some respect.
"Come in." A matured voice said. Yoake opens the door, and sees the Professor, looking at the Pokémon sanctuary with his office glass.
"Ahh, Yoake Katsuragi, when was the last time we met? 2 years ago?"