
It's 3am

KdubzV · Teen
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4 Chs

Drunk Crush

"My crush is drunk, and I'm at a party I don't want to be at could it get worse?"

Morgan said to herself. This was too much for Morgan.

"Deron come on".

"You need a seat" said Morgan.

"I-I'm totally fine Ganz" said Deron.

"You have practice tomorrow you need to chill".

"I'm trying to help you" said Morgan.

"You need to chill, as a matter of man I don't need your help just leave me the hell alone".

Morgan was heartbroken, the kind heart she bragged about was just bitter, but he couldn't have meant it right he's drunk? Thought Morgan.

"Well alright remember that to" said Morgan.

"Wait wait Morgan" said Deron.

Morgan ignored him, and continued walking away. Morgan walked a way to find her bestie Mireya.

"Girl I'm too freaking nice, Deron just told me to leave him alone after I tried to help like, are you serious" Morgan said angrily "You too soft to these niggas, put your foot down and stand tall.

"You're way too bright to be putting up with shit like this" said Mireya.

Even if Morgan didn't want to admit it Mireya was right. "Well he was just drunk that's all he did mean it, that's why I told you funny right" Morgan said nervously. "You just came over here all angry and shit now you telling me you was just playing, stop being a clown tell me what's wrong" Mireya said. "Okay it's just that I like him and I just can't tell him" Morgan said sadly "Why?" said Mireya "Because what if he don't feel the same way that I do, I just can't take that rejection" Morgan said with tears falling from her eyes. "It's okay we don't cry over sorry tired ass niggas, and damn sure don't chase remember that. Make him chase you" said Mireya. At the mind state Morgan was in at that moment this plan was perfect.

On the way back to home Morgan was ready to getting in. The clock reads 7:30 am. Morgan slid in the house quietly. She went to lay down, and get some rest. The clock reads 8:00 am Morgan has only been sleep for 20 minutes.

"Morgan get up in get ready for church NOW!" said Morgan's mom Fran.

"Oh My GOD!" "I am coming mom" said Morgan.

Morgan all most fell out getting ready for church. Morgan was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyelids open. I shouldn't have went to that damn party thought Morgan. The clock reads 11:48 am church was just ending.

"Honey your father and I are going to drop you off at home, and we are going to head to the airport" said Morgan's Mom.

"Okay mom I know the routine" said Morgan. Morgan was so use to her parents traveling on business. Morgan couldn't complain their business Lexicon brought in all the money, and with that being said Morgan could get what she want but she wasn't that type of person.

"Your mother and I love you honey, you enjoy these 3-weeks to yourself, but not too much Morgan" said Morgan's dad in a joking way.

"Alright dad "said Morgan.

Morgan parents trusted her, and she always felt the need to keep herself up, because after her sister Brooklyn got pregnant all the pressure has been on her to be great.