
it’s not all roses

A small-town girl has a close relationship with two older people that own an antique store and she has a huge crush on their grandson. She has to go through the pain love offers while enjoying her time with her friends and family. It's an amazing story with amazing lessons about relationships and more please vote on my book and tell me what you think about it :)

ungratefulLG · Teen
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5 Chs

chapter 4

The sun woke me up the next morning. I looked at the time on my phone, 7:00, Jack and Willow will most likely pick me up at 8. I crawl out of bed and walk over to my mirror. I try to pull my hair into a ponytail without a brush, it looked horrible, but it was better than nothing. I grab a cardigan and put it on as I make my way to the kitchen.

Ethan's door is closed so I assume everyone's still asleep. I had no idea how many boys were in there, but I only cared about 1. I walk into the living room and both of my parents tell me good morning. My dad was on the couch and my mom was in the kitchen. Avery runs up to me and squeezes my legs together. I pat her on the head and go sit at the counter. My mom comes up and kisses my head then starts running her fingers through my ponytail. "How'd you sleep?" "Good, the Hudson's are coming to get me at 8." "Ok." My mom sets a glass of water and I chug it. She makes us drink a glass of water every morning. I don't usually eat breakfast cause I'm never hungry in the morning. After I finish the glass of water I get up to go back to my room.

As I'm entering the hallway I run right into the one, the only, Cole Hudson. We both take a few steps back and then I realize he's shirtless. I take him in for a second. He's tall and tan with really defined muscles. I think I'm blushing. "S-sorry" I mutter before I sneak past him. I think the universe is just messing with me at this point. I turn my head as I'm walking to my room and see him walk into the bathroom.

I shut my door, calm my nerves, and I start getting dressed. I pick up a random shirt off of my floor and hold it up to see how wrinkly it is. It was fine, so I put it on. Then grabbed my favorite pair of jeans that were laying on the corner of my bed. My mind is racing because of the situation that just happened.

I open my door to make sure no one's around and that the bathroom is open, which it is so I make my way there as fast as possible and shut the door as soon as I enter. I do my regular morning things. I make sure to wear my hair down so Willow can play with it. Once I'm done I go back to my room and make my bed.

As I'm fixing my comforter I start thinking about Cole. I don't think he's ever going to notice me. Once I'm finished I put my shoes on and it's 8 o'clock, finally. I run to the front door and I see Jack's old car pulling in. I don't realize all of the boys standing in the kitchen when I yell "bye mom and dad, I love you!" I feel my face turn red as I walk to the car and get in the backseat.

"Hey Riley" Jack says and Willow smiles sweetly at me. They started having a casual conversation as we drive off and I look out the window, zoning out as my house moves away from me. "What'cha thinking about missy?" Jack asks, looking at me through the rearview mirror. "Nothing really, just thinking." He smiles at me and tells me "We're about to be at the cafe."

He was right, a few minutes later I was crawling out of the car and we made our way into the restaurant. We get seated and Jack and Willow continue their talking. I'm not sure what they're talking about, I'm mostly thinking about seeing Cole shirtless this morning. Then a moment later he comes through the front door.Why does this keep happening to me?

He sits down in the only empty seat, which is next to me and my heart stops for a second. He gives me a shy smile and I return it, just as shyly. "I'm sorry we didn't tell you he was coming." Willow says apologetically. "Oh, no it's fine" I try to sound as nice as I can and Willow gives me a kind smile.

After a second of silence, Cole and Jack start talking about the football game while Willow and I scan the menu. I'm still not hungry. My nerves get the best of me and I start doing one of my many nervous habits. I have scars all over my arms from scratching my hands and arms when I get nervous. I started doing it when I was little, but it slowed down when I started going to school. My skin starts turning red, but I don't notice until I feel a hand grab my wrist.

Cole is pulling my hand away from my arm. "Are you ok?" he whispers. I nod, pull my arm out of his grasp, and put both of my hands between my knees. I look up and Willow is ordering her food. When it's my turn, I just ask for a glass of orange juice. "Are you not hungry?" Willow asks me, I shrug "I guess not." and to make sure they don't worry about me I tell them "I ate at home." Cole knew I was lying, I know he did cause I felt him tense up.

Willow tries to change the subject by asking me about the book she's lending me and how much I'm liking it. We get into a really great conversation cause this book is absolutely amazing. Cole is on his phone and Willow asks him "Have you read Flowers for Algernon?" He stops and thinks for a second, "oh yeah, actually, I have." Mentally, my jaw drops, "Did you read it in a class?" I asked him in disbelief "No, I read it on my own, jeez Riley do you think that lowly of me?" he laughs "no, you just don't seem like someone who enjoys reading." He's smiling, a genuine smile, it's captivating. "Well I do read, are you making assumptions about me?" I laugh, "what if I am?" He chuckles. Were we flirting? Willow and Jack are smiling at us. They know exactly what they did.

To break the silence I ask him "what's your favorite book?" He thought for a second. "I don't know, I love the book thief, but I also really like Harry Potter." I dramatically tilt my head down "You like Harry Potter?" He laughs a little "there's the assumptions again." I just smile, I love this.

The waitress walks to our table, gives everyone their food, and sets my orange juice down in front of me. I take a small sip as everyone else digs into their food. Jack and Willow start talking and I zone out, running my finger around the rim of my glass. Cole nudges me, taking me out of my trans, and points at a piece of bacon on his plate. I shake my head. He whispers "but you haven't eaten anything today." I shrug "so?" "Please" why is he so keen on this? "Dude, I'm fine." I turn my head back to look out the window. I'll eat later.

Jack says my name and gets my full attention "do you want to go home, to the shop, or our house?" I shrug "I don't really care, it's not like I have any plans" I laugh a little. " Well, what about your boyfriend?" Willow teases, I smile and roll my eyes. "Wait, you have a boyfriend?" Cole asks me in shock. "are you making assumptions, think I'm too ugly to have a boyfriend?" I tease him and he looks flustered. "No I mean- I've never seen you with anyone." I laugh at his defense "it's a joke dude, calm down." Jack and Willow are laughing with me, then Willow chimes in "we just like to tease her." I roll my eyes and Cole's shoulder relax and he starts laughing with us.

"So what are you doing today Cole?" Willow asks "I don't have any plans, I might go to my dad's house later today" I had no idea his parents were separated. "Perfect, we can all go to our house and you can take Riley home on your way to your dad's" I was about to protest, but Cole agrees and smirks at me. I roll my eyes and look out the window again. Why does it feel like I already know Cole? He's so nice, and he's actually talking to me. I wonder why he's never talked to me before. I really hope he's feeling the same way I am.

I lean my head on the glass and take a deep breath. Cole grabs my wrist again. I didn't realize I was scratching myself. I look at him and for a second we just look at each other's eyes. He has dark brown eyes and I could look at them all day. Our staring ends when he turns to his grandparents " So what are we doing at y'all's house?" Willow answers "I guess we'll figure it out when we get there hun." I really have no idea what we're going to do, When I usually go to their house, Willow and I read together or talk about books. And there's another problem: do I hang out with my two best friends or their grandson? I shake my head to rid myself of the stress. I'll probably read with Willow.

I was lost in thought and a small nudge brings me back to reality. "Wanna ride with me to their house?" I squint my eyes at him. He knows what he's doing. I didn't realize that everyone had finished eating and Jack was playing the waitress. It's time to leave. My anxiety spikes as we collectively remove ourselves from the booth. "So to our house?" Jack asks, and before I can say anything Cole drapes his arm over my shoulders in a friendly way "Yeah, and Riley's riding with me there." I shake him off of me. Why is he acting like we didn't officially meet until yesterday? I don't want to ride with him, but before I know it I'm following him to his truck.